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A Morbid Blood Angel Blog


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys, it’s been a while. Anyway this weekend I had a little spare cash as I couldn’t g out due to an injured neck so I went down to the shops and picked up some stuff. One of these things was the new daemon prince as I will be increasing the size of my force to 1750 pts. I seriously considered forking out the cash and getting the metal nurgle one but in the end I decided I would be better off spending the cash on a daemon prince box and a spawn box and using my bits box to make 2 daemon prince’s and 2 spawn for gift of chaos. Anyway here’s the main prince at his current level of completion, still much more to do on this bad boy.




Of particular note is the chest eventually it will have this symbol on it.



Here’s the head, this is going to sound weird but I’m aiming to have a cyclopse, vampire, nurgle hybrid thingy hence the Eye and the choice of head piece.








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  • 4 months later...

Hi guys I haven't posted anything in a while I know but I wanted to share this with you.


a week before christmas I was asked if I would like to participate in the local conversion contest, I wanted to enter something new and for a while I had thought about expanding my BA nurgle marines with some apocalypse super heavies, with that in mind I dragged a baneblade out of the closet it had been resting in waiting for a stealer cult and decided that it would look better as a plague reaper instead.


this is the finished product after about half a week of modelling and a day of painting unfortunately I didn't get to finish the painting before the competion but I am pleased to announce that I still won. there will be more pictures coming of the painted vehicle and showing more of the details.


I now plan to add another plague reaper with similar design and a corrupted shadowsword to help kill titans and other super heavies.







points of note: Daboarder style nurglings are fun and easy to make and I expect to be adding more as a common factor to all vehicles in the army.


PS: look for updates to my morbid angels blog within the week as i now have time to finish up the basic infantry.


Edit: the plan is to have the entire army, 2 terminator squads, DP, Lord, Sorc, 4Xmarine squads and rhino's, 2xraptor squads, 3x3 blits and all the super heavies by the new aussie gt this year.

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I love how your Nurgle-ize the Blood Angels in your conversion, and that Baneblade really hit the spot!

That dead Angel in the front really is a beautiful centerpiece of a lovely model. I cannot wait to see more of your entire Nurgle force!


I hope you get to paint an entire army in the end and manage to get some group shots out. I'd love to see how this army looks on the tabletop.

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  • 3 months later...

I come bearing the gifts of papa nurgle. So as it was requested I update this thread, heres the current progress on the plague/nurgle marines, squad on is being painted while squad 2 is still undergoing sculpting.


Thoughts: squad markings are a bitch.....then I figured that if I was sculpting on details why not sculpt squad markings to link the units together, as such we have the spine squad and the ....barnacle squad?

spine was sculpted before barnacle and due to the more imposing nature of their posing and the fact barnacle was mostly left over bits, means that I had to push my sculpting further to make barnacle impressive on the table....I think its working so far


you know what lets make it a selection at the moment.























So thoughts anyone?


edit: oh heres a dread update:







Edit2: Oh I will be entering this army into the australian games day armies on parade so expect a 2x2 board section detailing a currpted imperial shrine world.

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These are some downright Awesome models.

The green stuff skills are off chops!


And that dreadnought sarcophagus ... Awesome!















Pity it's Chaos :P

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  • 1 month later...

What an amazing idea, my hat is off to you. Your greenstuff skills are admirable, really inspiring me to get some greenstuff myself and have a go with it, what tools did you use, just the normal modeling tools from GW?


So will you just be using the c:csm for the rules or the BA dex too?

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Hey guys, yeah Im still wroking on this project hadn't realised I hadn't posted progress here. Unfortunately my housemate took my camera swimming.....so until thats replaced I'm up the creek. I am however working on a couple of things. I think I've found a nice foot slogging list that slowly puts the pressure on, so I've got a Centipede defiler, more Obliterators and 2 more units of Terminators (mates are willing to play against a terminator troops army). One of these will be the retinue for the lord that are Zombie's wielding giant scythes and shambling along. The idea is that the Lord kills his greatest enemies and rivals before enzslaving their souls and forcing them to serve him as both body guard and shock troops, after all dead men are the least likely to betray you.


The tool I used is a number of different sized chemical spatula's I've nicked from the lab.

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Hey guys, yeah Im still wroking on this prject hadn't realised I hadn't posted progress here.


The tool I used is a number of different sized chemical spatula's I've nicked from the lab.


So what advice would you give to a greenstuff novice like myself? I haven't done any sculpting or anything like that before so I'll probably just start with simple things but you have shown me what can be achieved and I like it.

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Patience is the biggest one, its cliche but being able to do a bit and then leave it for 2 hours to dry is hard and at the same time vital. another trick is to break the sculpt into parts, don't try do it all at once identify which parts you can do in stages and then sculpt, for example the puss sacks are round balls that dry, are glued onto the models and then a thin layer of of green stuff over the top to make them into a single sack.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres what I've been working on so far.


The idea behind the termies is the lord kills and re-animates his greatest enemies and rival's and then uses their corpses to protect him in a perverse sense of irony. Game wise their twin LC's and a Hf CF set up.







Blight grenades:










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I am speechless! It is so awesome!! Love it! I would love to face that army, or maybe not, i would be so tempted to pick all the models up and look at them closely! Damn you for being to talented and skilled! :) :) :)
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  • 2 months later...

Well guys I know its been a while But I've been working on this army still. I've made a lot of progress and I expect it to be completed within a month, all 2500 (approx) points. 2 of the squads are now painted, the greenstuff is finished on the second dread and painting is underway on both of them and the 'blits are also being painted. Pictures of these will follow over the next few days however tonight I feel like sharing my current pride with you.


These terminators have been done with the skulls on the right shoulder acting as the squad marking. they will be a retinue for my lord and as such share some elements with him such as the shoulder pads and the concept behind the faces on the shin's. I wanted these to be animated corpses, my idea is that my lord enslaves the corpses of his greatest foes and rivals to serve as his bodyguard in a perverse example of irony.


Points of note:


The torn Esophagus on one of the terminators and the trucker hat like drinking tube on the heavy flamer (not to forget the skull I.V. that supplies brain juice of victims to the toxin sac on the back.


Game wise I've been running them as twin LC's (plus HF/PF) and I've found that they really are a wreck face unit. I've had much success using them as counter charge and positioning them to take initial charges through cover allowing them to smash the opponents main push at my lines, between them and Abaddon they really do vaporize whatever come near.


Final notes: I have just bits ordered a number of the small skeletal wings from the spawn kit and will be adding them to truly emphasize the "plague angel" aspect of this army.
















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