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Ard Boyz in Las Vegas


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12 guys showed up in our FLGS (there are other places to play in Vegas.) Two blood angels, three codex marines (two Vulkan, one generic), three Chaos Marines, two orks, one tyranid. I didn't see the other guy. I was really suprised to see no Guard and fewer nids.


My list:


Inquisitor Lord, hood, Mystics


4 Space Marine Squads (Meltagun, Lascannon, Fist, Heavy Bolter Razorback)


10 Assault Terminators


2 Land Raiders (with multimeltas)


2 Squads of two Landspeeders (Multimelta/heavy flamer)


Yeah, I figured I'd struggle in scenario three, but my other option (model collection wise) was to run some drop pod dreads, which I didn't want to do since my Land Speeders are so effective. I picked up some heavy bolter pieces for my Rhinos and lascannon guys for my space marine squads. I figured I'd see more hoard and heavier vehicles so I wanted to be able to more effectively take those out. The 6 twin linked heavy bolters definitely did well for me during the day.


Game One was against Orks. He ran

Warboss (Powerklaw and stuff, ran with meganobz)

Big Mek (Force Field)

10 Flash Gitz

15 Tank bustas (some bomb squigs and tank hammers)

9 Meganobz

20 Ard boyz (nob with claw)

30 Lootas

80 ork boyz (3 groups of shoot boyz, 1 slugga/choppa, each had 3 rocket launchers and nob with klaw)

3 Battlewagons with deffrollas, red paint and big shootas


I won the die roll and set up two objectives near my area terrain and third way out of the way on the other side; the ork placed two objectives close to my deployment zone in cover.


The ork had loaded up the Warboss with the Ard Boyz in one Wagon, the Big Mek with the Tankbustas in another wagon and the meganobz in the third. OF course he ran max KFF cover from the center wagon. He reserved the flash gitz and one unit of shoota boyz, and deployed his lootas across the table.


I combat squaded my heavy weapons teams into terrain and loaded up my Razorbacks with fist sergeants and meltagunner, with assault terminators in raiders on the flanks, with the speeders behind them. I had won the die roll to go first, but he seized the initiative!


The orks charged in. The lootas shot up one of my lascannon teams causing five wounds, but I saved them all.


I shifted my units a bit to clear fire lanes and opened up. I stunned two of the battle wagons with lascannons (including the Big Mek's) and started mowing down shoota boyz with twinlinked heavy bolters.


Turn two he pressed on, and the flash gitz came in on his table side directly across from my large end of the deployment zone. The foot orks pressed on and the Meganobz wagon did not get quite close enough to assault one of my Raiders (with Vulkan and 5 termies in it.) I lost two lascannon team marines to lootas.


I moved up my threatened raider and disembarked Vulkan and friends. I blew apart the wagon with the raider and assaulted the Meganobz. 9 dead meganobz, I lost four terminators. The surviving warboss ran off. I immobilized another wagon with lascannons (the meks.) More orks died to heavy bolters. I moved my other raider towards the flash gitz.


Turn 3 the orks moved towards my deployment area and shot at one of my razorbacks, doing nothing. The third wagon tank shocked through vulkan and his termie buddy who both survived and hit one of my razorbacks. He got one hit, penetrated and rolled a '1' on the damage table. The 'Ard boyz bailed out and moved towards my lascannon teams on objectives in cover. The lootas killed another two lascannon team marines.


I moved my second raider towards the flash gitz and disembarked termies. Vulkan and his buddy went after a shoota boy squad. I melta'd the final battle wagon and moved down a bunch of 'ard boyz with heavy bolters. My heavy flamer speeders moved 12" right up to a boyz squad; 4 twinked heavy flamers later, no boyz squad. My second batch of assault terminators hit the flash gitz, killed most of them and the rest ran off the table on his turn. I lost one terminator.


Turn four he was pretty much out of gas. He got the last boyz mob in where the flash gitz had just died to try and threaten my lines again. The surviving foot orks came on and tried to assault my speeders, but he could generate glances with his hits and missed with the klaws.


The rest of the game I just wraped it up, heavy flaming the surving orks and hitting the lootas with my flash gitz killing termies; At turn six I controlled all 5 objectives; he had part of the reserved boyz squad on the board and that was it. 24 mission points, 2395 victory points.


Game two was against the other ork player. He ran a total foot list.


Mad Doc Grotsnik

8 Meganobz with cybork

15 Kommandos with the upgrade character (forgot his name)

Two large units of gretchin (mobile cover saves)

5 units of 30 slugga boyz with Nob/Klaw (one unit of 'Ard Boyz ran with Grotsnik; 4+ save and FNP on an ork is pretty good it turns out.)


This was the worst possible mission for my opponent Cory. Table quarter deployment; I went first. He had to foot slog the whole table into my guns. He got most of the way over. I tabled him on turn six. He was good natured about it, and I knew I was hosed for the next round. 22 mission points, 2500 victory points to me.


Round three I was in first; my opponent was running a CSM Khorne list specifically built for this mission. I was way ahead of him on Mission Points. BUT: his entire 2500 point list was 9 whole kill points. Mine was something like 30.


He ran:


5 squads of 16 Khorne Berzerkers (powerfist)

3 Defilers (Battlecannon, Reaper, 2 CCW)


And that was it.


I reserved all my speeders and razorbacks to hopefully eliminate his defiliers before they came in with my lascannons. This didn't really work out as they all came in early. At the end of the game I had killed two of his defiliers and eliminated the guns and immobilized the third and killed 59 Berserkers plus Khârn (Khârn got five hits on my thunderhammer squad; all five saves made. He took a thunderhammer to the face. That actually made the entire day for me.)


I earned six whole kill points. I lost both Raiders, Vulkan, all 10 terminators and all the speeders. He got something like 16 kill points. So I got wiped out and he got the full 20.


I ended up taking third place, so I got my spot to the semis.

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