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battle report


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So as some of you know, I wasn't able to make it to 'Ard Boys with my crazy, 100% Death Company Land Raider/ Dreadnought list. This was really disapointing, and it gave me a sever itch. I reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaly wanted to play this list. So Hiamlar and I had a little 'Ard Boys level game on wednesday to see how it would do.

My list:

HQ- Astorath the Grim-220

Librarian, Jump pack, hand flamer (shield of sanguinius. sanguine sword-135)



Chaplain in terminator armour-130

Death company dreadnought- blood Fists, extra armor -140 DP -35


DC1- x8 DC, inferno pistol, x2 boltguns, power weapon, power fist-215

Transport: LRC-multi melta-260

DC2- x8 DC, plasma pistol, power weapon x2 power fist- 230

Transport: LRC- multi melta-260

DC3- x9 DC with jump packs,x4 pw, inferno pistol, power fist, thunder hammer, Lemartes- 610

DC Dreadnought- x2 blood talons -125 drop pod 35

Total: 2495


His list: (best memory)

Marnius Calgar with Terminator HQ squad, Godhammer LR

Terminator Squad -x10 terminators w/2 asscannons

Ultramarines High Chaplain

Sternguard squad (full- lots of combi)

Full Tac squad

Full scout squad, sniper rifles and the special scout sergent

Devestator squad with x4 plasma cannons

x2 vindicators.


Ok, this was a rough game.

He knew that all he needed to do was sit back and shoot, so he did. And I stupidly charged into him.

As always, I messed up on the deployment. I should have deepstruck my DC3 with Lemartes and HQ in and accepted the losses the next turn as the cost of getting close and then I would have ransacked him. But I forgot about him having orbital bombardment! Dummy!

I lost a LRC and one DC member first turn. The other Landraider, the one with a more close combat powerhouse did get in range before it got popped and on my turn I wrecked his devestators and a vindicator in a sweeping assault phase. That same turn my deepstruck DC dread with blood fists ripped apart his landraider with a vengence. My jump packing DC took a lot of hits and the only thing that saved them was shield of sanguinius. They never made their points back, sadly. Sniper fire, vindicators, and sternguard chewed them up. In the end, all that was left was Lemartes, Astorath, and the librarian.

Astorath and Librarian seperated from lemmy and assaulted the scout sniper squad. The libby got off his Sanguine sword, and they had the rerolls from the Liturgies of Blood, and somehow, I managed to roll badly enough that the squad didn't die outright! :lol:???

The DC lead by the termie chaplain, the DC Dread with blood fists, and the Calgar squad mixed it up for two turns. In the end, Calgar was left with one wound and one terminator but was pretty much out of the game.

Funniest thing that has ever happened in a game so far- Hiamlar's humungus terminator squad deepstruck off the damn table, and he kept rolling for me to put the terminators wherever I wanted them, and they kept deepstriking off the table or into dangerous terrain. That was turn 4! So they weren't to come in until turn five. HAHAHAHA!

Then, in turn five, my DC dread with Blood tallons lightsabered his way through most of the sternguard, which was a lot of fun. In his turn six the Dread died, taking all the sternguard and the Chaplain with him. That was cool.

In the end, he won, of course. But even with my crappy deployment and horrific first turn looses, I bled his list dry. I was left with Two DC (from the lrc that got popped by the orbital bombardment) and Astorath. He was left with his terminators and a few tac squad members, and calgar.

Pictures of the battle are forthcoming.

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But these are marines! It's OORAH!!!! (sorry, I'm a USMC nut)


Anyway back to original post, I don't understand what you mean by "Kept deep striking off the table." If he rolled for you to put them where you wanted, they don't scatter in that case... Soo, whats the deal?

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Oh? maybe we did that wrong. I kept putting them on top of dangerous terrain and in the furthest edges of the table. He was reading the rulebook while we did this. :: shrug :: it sure was fun though!
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well there were a lot of mishap rolls. I think it was ok. In any case, it just took him longer to get them on the table (though I was trying like crazy to kill them in the warp!). It was a lot of fun.
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Anyway back to original post, I don't understand what you mean by "Kept deep striking off the table." If he rolled for you to put them where you wanted, they don't scatter in that case... Soo, whats the deal?


Actually we did it right. When you bring your Deepstrikers in you put the initial marine down and then you "circle" the remaining marines onto the table around him and if there is not enough room you have to roll on the mishap table. I scattered the first time and hit some bad terrain and the mishap roll allowed him to place the marines which he did into bad going, so had to roll again and again thje mishap table roll allowed him to place them again, this time it put them on the corner of the table and half the squad could not fit, so mishap table again and once again he got to put him where he wanted, which again put them into bad going. We repeated this same thing over and over again 6 times until on the last mishap they went back into delay mode and back up top the ship.


No scatter was done on the subsequent rolls onyl the first one, there was just no room for them and as far as tactics go Bruningblood was pretty smart in doing that as that is better than just putting them off in some corner as each mishap roll I made was a chance that a 10 man terminator squad went bye bye. I got very lucky in that eventually they went back to the ship but only after a total of 7 mishap rolls.


It was a good close and bloody game and my units (with the exception of the aforementioned terminators) mpretty much did what I wanted them to for the most part, as most of my units whittled down the Death Company pretty effectively and Calgar and his group took out the one entire unit on the right side of the table plus the one Dread in one turn at the cost of 4 terminators. We decided to play a random scenario from 'Ardboyz and ended up playing the third scenario and at games end I had a major victory I think it ended up 17-10 on kill points but neither side would be in any shape to fight again anytime soon without a rest and refit.


Every time Burningblood and I play it has been a good fun game with most of them being fairly close run things in the end. Next game we do I will bring my Orks and we will give the Blood Angels a shot at them to see how they do.

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My horde of half painted blood angel badassary.



Hialmar's snipers



The results of a first turn orbital bombardment. Note there is only one Landraider in the picture. The other is gone. I need to remember to keep them in reserve.



One lone Death Company marine (pay no attention to the black templar iconography) vs. Calgar.



The long walk across no man's land. Notice Astorath in the background chasing scout snipers off the table. I still cant believe they lasted long enough to break.



Astorath and a Librarian (this is my generic HQ model) chasing scouts off the table edge. They're such bullies.


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Anyway back to original post, I don't understand what you mean by "Kept deep striking off the table." If he rolled for you to put them where you wanted, they don't scatter in that case... Soo, whats the deal?


Actually we did it right. When you bring your Deepstrikers in you put the initial marine down and then you "circle" the remaining marines onto the table around him and if there is not enough room you have to roll on the mishap table. I scattered the first time and hit some bad terrain and the mishap roll allowed him to place the marines which he did into bad going, so had to roll again and again thje mishap table roll allowed him to place them again, this time it put them on the corner of the table and half the squad could not fit, so mishap table again and once again he got to put him where he wanted, which again put them into bad going. We repeated this same thing over and over again 6 times until on the last mishap they went back into delay mode and back up top the ship.


No scatter was done on the subsequent rolls onyl the first one, there was just no room for them and as far as tactics go Bruningblood was pretty smart in doing that as that is better than just putting them off in some corner as each mishap roll I made was a chance that a 10 man terminator squad went bye bye. I got very lucky in that eventually they went back to the ship but only after a total of 7 mishap rolls.


It was a good close and bloody game and my units (with the exception of the aforementioned terminators) mpretty much did what I wanted them to for the most part, as most of my units whittled down the Death Company pretty effectively and Calgar and his group took out the one entire unit on the right side of the table plus the one Dread in one turn at the cost of 4 terminators. We decided to play a random scenario from 'Ardboyz and ended up playing the third scenario and at games end I had a major victory I think it ended up 17-10 on kill points but neither side would be in any shape to fight again anytime soon without a rest and refit.


Every time Burningblood and I play it has been a good fun game with most of them being fairly close run things in the end. Next game we do I will bring my Orks and we will give the Blood Angels a shot at them to see how they do.


In that case he had to put them on the table where they would all fit. You can't keep someone rolling on the mishap table since him moving it was the mishap. If you mishap a mishap, then deepstrikign would be the most annoying damn thing out there and Daemon players would have a :to: fit.

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Anyway back to original post, I don't understand what you mean by "Kept deep striking off the table." If he rolled for you to put them where you wanted, they don't scatter in that case... Soo, whats the deal?


Actually we did it right. When you bring your Deepstrikers in you put the initial marine down and then you "circle" the remaining marines onto the table around him and if there is not enough room you have to roll on the mishap table. I scattered the first time and hit some bad terrain and the mishap roll allowed him to place the marines which he did into bad going, so had to roll again and again thje mishap table roll allowed him to place them again, this time it put them on the corner of the table and half the squad could not fit, so mishap table again and once again he got to put him where he wanted, which again put them into bad going. We repeated this same thing over and over again 6 times until on the last mishap they went back into delay mode and back up top the ship.


No scatter was done on the subsequent rolls onyl the first one, there was just no room for them and as far as tactics go Bruningblood was pretty smart in doing that as that is better than just putting them off in some corner as each mishap roll I made was a chance that a 10 man terminator squad went bye bye. I got very lucky in that eventually they went back to the ship but only after a total of 7 mishap rolls.


It was a good close and bloody game and my units (with the exception of the aforementioned terminators) mpretty much did what I wanted them to for the most part, as most of my units whittled down the Death Company pretty effectively and Calgar and his group took out the one entire unit on the right side of the table plus the one Dread in one turn at the cost of 4 terminators. We decided to play a random scenario from 'Ardboyz and ended up playing the third scenario and at games end I had a major victory I think it ended up 17-10 on kill points but neither side would be in any shape to fight again anytime soon without a rest and refit.


Every time Burningblood and I play it has been a good fun game with most of them being fairly close run things in the end. Next game we do I will bring my Orks and we will give the Blood Angels a shot at them to see how they do.


In that case he had to put them on the table where they would all fit. You can't keep someone rolling on the mishap table since him moving it was the mishap. If you mishap a mishap, then deepstrikign would be the most annoying damn thing out there and Daemon players would have a <_< fit.

Correct, your opponent places the entire squad not just the marker. That's kind of like rerolling a reroll until you get the result you want. That could have made a big difference in the game, so if you would have done it correctly, what would have happened with that squad?


[Edit] Also, if they don't arrive within 5 turns, they are considered destroyed in a VP scenario.

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