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Are the blood angles for me?


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So I have really been thinking about getting into the whole 40k thing...for several yeras now when I go to my local shop and play my warmachine I here the faint call of "come, come, come buy us, play us, come...." anyway I digress. So for the last 2 weeks I have been trying to figure out what faction I want to play, in warmachine I play Khador and Troll bloods, very hard hitting agressive armies. I have enjoy the and have success with them. However I would call my play style more reactive than aggressive. In other words I will start a game with it in mind of what I want to do with my army, this army is going to try and flank, he will be my heavy hitter, ect....but it is a very loos and unstructured plan that is usually thrown to the wind after the 1st round. After that it simply becomes reactive, instead of trying to force my strategy onto my opponent, I choose to adapt to him and counter his tactics. I dont sit back and wait for him to expose his plans while my troops are getting shot to sh*t, but I am not so aggressive that I throw caution to the wind and blindly charge in. I don't like to force things, but I don't hesitate when the opportunity is right.


I see how this could work with blood angles...a army of assault troops w/ jet packs should be able to out flank everything and be where it needs to be when it needs to be there. through some foot sloggers in w/ a rhino to protect them, of course a few armed w/ cc weapons and anti-armor, some speeders or bikes for assault support and there you go. I guess my biggest concern is dropping the $$ for a blood angles army and finding that my play style doesn't work.


I found on the 40K site a sample 1000pt BA army list, here is the link;




Again I am using this as a basis to build up for escalation tourney's, and a starting point for my army, I am also trying to find a context or basis on which to start my army on, I would rather not buy models I will never use, if you follow what I am saying.


So please share with me how or why your playing style works with the BA's and what you think of this generic list, I kind of like the fluff on these guys, though I really like the Black Templar fluff, but I don't like the idea of how ultra aggressive there rules seem to be.


Thanks guys!,




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So is there anyone in your local gaming group that plays 40k, has a ton of extra armies and wouldn't mind you using some of there marines to proxy as blood angels and get a feel for them before you dive head in?

That would be my best advice, to try a few fights proxing or using someone elses army. Since you would be new to 40k, cause 40k and warmachine are two totally different games. I for one love the agressive nature in warmachine, and how you have to think quickly. I find that before warmachine i use to love the stand and shoot armies, but since my days of warmachine(i got out of it after the release of hordes because no one in my area played and was tired of driving 1.5-2 hours away for a tournament only setting). Anyways, since my days of warmachine when i started to get back into 40k, i was struggling with getting an army build that worked for me. I got back into 40k after the recent elder codex was released, and i went with a death wing army. It was fewer models but i wasn't enjoying the playstyle as much. I would do ok, but some fights i would get outgunned, others i would survive long enough to get into hand to hand to have my dice fail me or get out numbered in close combat. I also tried chaos again and did well before the new codex came out, but wasn't thrilled with chaos dex changes, and went with vanilla marines because the call of doing my own chapter was getting to me.

Well with the vanilla list i honestly just couldn't find my groove. I tried to find a more mobile force but still wasn't finding a playstyle that fit and was lossing as much or more often than i won. THen the wolves came out and i tried them and my wins went up because i enjoyed the more mobile army list i could get out of the codex with more effective troops. Mostly not having to rely on heavy weapons in my squads i could spend my points in my troops a bit more wisely and keep my units always on the move. With the blood angels release i dropped the wolves because i was having a hard time getting around painting the models. I love the models i just couldn't handle painting the color scheme and then all those fur pelts and little wolf icons and teeth, Anyways with the blood angels i could revive my old army color scheme from back in 03, and so far i have really enjoyed the playstyle of the army. I love the fast paced approach, the slightly more agressive stance, and being able to get my squads where i need them when i need them helps too. However in 3 battles i really haven't had a chance to get my assault squads really into the thick of it. In fact i have one assault squad that sitll hasn't left there transport except at the end of my last fight to claim one objective. I am playing because the army fits my playstyle perfectly, the speed, the mobility, the fact that my army is built around not having to stand around and shoot but to shoot on the go, get in there face, and deliver the punch to the kidneys, then spit on the corpses and move on to the next fight.


So if your use to playing khador or trolls, the army might be for you. It is agressive, but so is space wolves. Spacewolves has alot more heroes so your army can have more characters running around kicking butt. Also there troops are still some of the best, as the grey hunters get the all might bolter as well as the ability to hold there own in combat. They also effective get assault troops too in the form of blood claws. Both are great armies to play with if your agressive...so i think you should proxie test someone elses army as either blood angels or wolves and see which of the two you like most. Just blood angels have a bit easier time reinforcing a flank or outflanking an enemy due to the faster vehicles.

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Just a tip: Lists on GW sites are almost never lists made for playability. They're made to show off new models, typically. I'd take a look at the army lists in the BA army list section here, and you'll start to get a sense of what a lot of people field.


The central problem with the list there is that there are only 10 scoring models, not very advisable in 40k.

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Just a tip: Lists on GW sites are almost never lists made for playability. They're made to show off new models, typically. I'd take a look at the army lists in the BA army list section here, and you'll start to get a sense of what a lot of people field.


The central problem with the list there is that there are only 10 scoring models, not very advisable in 40k.

If you would accept the Advice of a Space Wolf Player,on whether or not Blood Angels are for you...it would be this. Read the history and Fluff of the Various Chapters. Find one whose concept and viewpoint resonate with you. There are several great assault based Armies. But find one that feels like home Is about the best I could put it. Then..I would advise coming to this board,and reading about the chapter from the people here. On B&C in general with very few exceptions I have found them to be amazingly great people. But for a Army at a glance :


Blood Angels : Tragic heroes..The death of their Primarch is spelling a slow descent into uncontrollable rage for the entire chapter,one or more marines at a time. They fight this with all their heart and soul,doing everything they can to slow its onset and cure it. Even more so then the Space Wolves,the Blood Angels have a hard fight for control from beginning to end. The fact that they have managed to have so few slip so far is proof of their nobility. The Blood Angel home planet isn't the greatest place but It isn't that bad. As I remember it there were bastions of humanity and the wilds were infested with those that had mutated. my knowledge there is scant tbh. To a Blood Angel,death in battle is the only hope for peace from the Urge for blood,and the Memories of the Primarch dying,as well as being spared the sight of your brothers slipping into madness.


Space Wolves : Well,at a Glance,you would see Werewolf Vikings in Space. The chapter is all about Personal bravery,loyalty to Pack and Primarch above all else,and has a very strong history of doing what was right,even if those in charge didn't like it. All Space Wolves fight for control of the beast within,unleashed by the instability of the Canis Helix.Those that lose control become temporarily or Permanently slavering destructive beasts caught somewhere between wolf and man. The Space Wolves home planet is a death world, so the people that live on it come into the world fighting and pretty much that's the constant of their lives.To a Space Wolf Death in battle is the greatest glory one can achieve,because then your spirit goes on and fights at the side of the greatest heros your world has ever known.


So Both Chapters have a lot in common on their outlook. To be honest,More so then I had really realized till I stopped to write all this down. But it is important to find what feels right for you.


Just my 2c

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Just a tip: Lists on GW sites are almost never lists made for playability. They're made to show off new models, typically. I'd take a look at the army lists in the BA army list section here, and you'll start to get a sense of what a lot of people field.


The central problem with the list there is that there are only 10 scoring models, not very advisable in 40k.

If you would accept the Advice of a Space Wolf Player,on whether or not Blood Angels are for you...it would be this. Read the history and Fluff of the Various Chapters. Find one whose concept and viewpoint resonate with you. There are several great assault based Armies. But find one that feels like home Is about the best I could put it. Then..I would advise coming to this board,and reading about the chapter from the people here. On B&C in general with very few exceptions I have found them to be amazingly great people. But for a Army at a glance :


Blood Angels : Tragic heroes..The death of their Primarch is spelling a slow descent into uncontrollable rage for the entire chapter,one or more marines at a time. They fight this with all their heart and soul,doing everything they can to slow its onset and cure it. Even more so then the Space Wolves,the Blood Angels have a hard fight for control from beginning to end. The fact that they have managed to have so few slip so far is proof of their nobility. The Blood Angel home planet isn't the greatest place but It isn't that bad. As I remember it there were bastions of humanity and the wilds were infested with those that had mutated. my knowledge there is scant tbh. To a Blood Angel,death in battle is the only hope for peace from the Urge for blood,and the Memories of the Primarch dying,as well as being spared the sight of your brothers slipping into madness.


Space Wolves : Well,at a Glance,you would see Werewolf Vikings in Space. The chapter is all about Personal bravery,loyalty to Pack and Primarch above all else,and has a very strong history of doing what was right,even if those in charge didn't like it. All Space Wolves fight for control of the beast within,unleashed by the instability of the Canis Helix.Those that lose control become temporarily or Permanently slavering destructive beasts caught somewhere between wolf and man. The Space Wolves home planet is a death world, so the people that live on it come into the world fighting and pretty much that's the constant of their lives.To a Space Wolf Death in battle is the greatest glory one can achieve,because then your spirit goes on and fights at the side of the greatest heros your world has ever known.


So Both Chapters have a lot in common on their outlook. To be honest,More so then I had really realized till I stopped to write all this down. But it is important to find what feels right for you.


Just my 2c


I agree with this as well.

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If you like to outflank...go Orks. Weird I know, but it's true. . . O.o


But Blood Angels have their Baal Predators that can Outflank, so shoot enemy trough their backs.


Space Wolves have their scouts that are pretty cool to use, and are good at Outflanking too!



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If you like to outflank...go Orks. Weird I know, but it's true. . . O.o


But Blood Angels have their Baal Predators that can Outflank, so shoot enemy trough their backs.


Space Wolves have their scouts that are pretty cool to use, and are good at Outflanking too!



Now,by the armies he lists...Ranulf here might be a good person to ask about the different playstyles between the two and how they are similar and how they are different. Any other people that play BA and Wolves both would be also good to ask.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but BA and SW play very similarly, correct? BA can be a bit more mechanized and the SW have some beasts and maybe a bit more in your face while the BA can make a better mech army. However, both seem to have a variety of playstyles that fit the OP feelings but the real choice there might be in fluff and models.
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