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IT: Iron Dragons

Brother Argent

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Index Tratoris: Iron Dragons


Although much of the details surrounding the founding and early years of the Iron Dragons were purged following their later rebellion and expulsion from the Imperium some details still may be gleaned. Formed from the geneseed of the stalwart Ultramarines during the Sixteenth Founding and sent under a training cadre from the Nova Marines, the Iron Dragons early remaining records speak mostly of an exemplary service. They were known for their dedication and unyielding loyalty to the Imperium, as would be expected from a Son of Guilliman. Eventually granted the world of Arvalon as their homeworld the Iron Dragons build a glorious fortress known as the Dragons Roost, which soon became a glorious tribute to their loyal service. The fragmented records show only a sterling record of hard fought victories for the Imperium.

It was late in the year 261.M41 that a young and talented Captain by the name of Irigram Holcaster was given the rank of Chapter Master of the Iron Dragons. Although known for his exemplary service Irigram was faced with murmurs of discontent and mutiny from those Captains under him. These dark rumblings would come to a head during the Kelanna Crusade.


During the Crusade the Iron Dragons were tasked with stemming the growing orkish forces on the planet of Pherith II, a massive Hive World. The battle with the orks was hard fought and the Chapter suffered many losses with Irigram himself becoming wounded in the fight. Those Captains whom had long been a cause of discontent within the Chapter took this as an opportunity to attempt to seize control of the Chapter. The Chapter quickly fell into disarray as individual Captains either sided with the talented young Irigram or separated themselves, declaring Irigram as unfit to command the Chapter. With much of his forces scattered and divided it was only with the council of the Chapter’s Chief Librarian, Medryn, that Irigram was able to marshal what forces he had and meet the orks with any viable force. Despite being hopelessly out numbered and cut off from most of his supplies and allies the young Irigram used all his tactical prowess and eventually defeated the orks at the Battle of the Forgotten Saints. With the outside forces defeated Irigram turned his attention to those whom had rebelled within the Chapter. With Medryn council and the recent news of Irigrams defeat over the ors many of the rebellious Captains rejoined Irigram and soon the Iron Dragons were a united force once more. However the seed of pride had found its way into Irigram’s heart. In an act on spite and against Medryn advice he made an example of those whom had betrayed him. The Dragons Roost ran red as the Captains and many marines of the Companies that betrayed him were publicly executed. It is said that it took some time for the Chapter to recover. The rebels within his Chapter had been quieted for now but not completely removed. If anything Irigram’s bloody punishment had only hardened many of the discontents resolve.


Irigram grew more and more prideful and paranoid as the years progressed, often seeing enemies where there were none. Despite this he continued to run the Chapter, ever with Medryn at his side. In the later part of M41 the Iron Dragons were engaged in operations against Traitor forces alongside their brother Chapter the Angels of Evisceration. The campaign had been proceeding well with most of the forces of the great enemy having been defeated. It is unclear exactly what happened between the two Chapters during the later days of the campaign. Perhaps the Angels, a notoriously bloodthirsty Chapter with a dark reputation of attacking both friend and foe turned on their ally during the heat of battle. Or perhaps Irigram’s paranoia made him see enemies where there were none. Whatever the case the two Chapter turned on each other. With the talented Irigram at their head the Iron Dragons quickly suppressed the Angels on the planet. But such a victory was not enough for Irigram. Instad he led his forces on a crusade against his brother Chapter. The Iron Dragons smashed their way into the Angels home system, slaughtering all whom opposed them. Facing destruction the Angels of Evisceration sent out a desperate plea for help. This plea was answered by none other then Inquisitor Lord Chyral Keth. Chyral needed little proof of the Iron Dragons’ heresy beyond their attack on a fellow space marine Chapter and demanded Irigram stop his bloody rampage. The Iron Dragons halted their advance, their fleet, including the massive battle barge the Fist of Malice, above the Angels homeworld. The Inquisitor’s invstigation was quick and he soon met Irigram aboard the Fist to hand down his findings. Chyral, much to Irigram’s surprise, declared the Angels free of guilt and that the Iron Dragons would face Imperial censure. In a rage Irigram had the Inquisitor captured and turned his forces back on the Angels homeworld. They slowly forced their way onto the world and began sacking the planet. Their invasion was eventually turned back by the arrival of more Imperial forces, including marines from the Chevaliers and the Eternal Legion. This Imperial force slowly drove the Iron Dragons back, eventually forcing them back to Arvalon. Here another Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, the Black Lamenters, joined them. Between them the three Chapters, along with many regiments of Imperial guard and elements of other Imperial Forces they laid seige to the Dragons Roost. Even with this great force against them the Iron Dragons held out for many years. The siege finally ended when the battered and beaten forces of the Imperium moved to confront Irigram atop the Dragons Roost. Before they could reach him, however, the last few rebels turned on the besieged Chapter Master. Abandoned by Medryn at this final hour Irigrim was killed by the rebels whom were in turn kiled by the Loyalists as they entered to top of the Roost.. The remaining forces of the Iron Dragons fled, scattering into the Eye and other forgotten places of the Imperium.

The Dragon Reborn

The Iron Dragons were forgotten as a force for many years, believed to have been destroyed. However that was untrue. Many of the Iron Dragons survived that final battle and scattered throughout the Imperium, most forming small warbands whom worked for whoever’s bid was the highest, or forming their own miniature empires on backwater Imperial planets. This would have continued to be the case till the Chapter finally faded from existence were it not for the influences of the Chief Librarian Medryn. Finding a willing and able candidate to reforge the Chapter wasn’t easy but Medryn eventually came across the young Arthuras Penhagen. Arthuras had only recently completed the initiation from scout to marine when the Chapter fell. With Medryn’s council Arthuras seized control of his warband and began to rebuild the Chapter. Rounding up what fallen brothers he could and forcing them to his rule Arthuras set about rebuilding the Chapter.


Arvalon was once a world of brilliant beauty. A world of order and chivalry where mighty dragons ruled the skies. Such beasts where revered by the people and regarded as the noblest of creatures. Arvalon was a world a world of sweeping farmsteads and peaceful valleys. And at its heart stood the Dragon Roost, home of the Iron Dragons. When Irigram finally fell to his paranoia however much of Arvalon’s beauty was shattered as the planet became covered in brutal defence systems. But, despite these measures, the Dragon Roost was shattered and the Iron Dragons defeated. Arvalon was given to the Chevaliers as their new homeworld and all memory of the Iron Dragons was erased.

Now, under Arthuras’ command, the Iron Dragons have taken control of a small world located on the edge of the Storm of the Emperors Wrath. The world, known as Dios IV, is actually a small icy moon in the Orbit of a massive gas giant. Used solely as a mining colony the plant quickly fell to the first onslaught of the Iron Dragons. Now Dios IV has become a fortress for the reborn Iron Dragons. An isolated and mostly forgotten planet from which Arthuras can build his slowly growing empire. Located on the edge of the Storm of the Emperors Wrath as it is it is hidden from the forces of the Imperium, whose astropaths find the constant screams of the astropaths killed during the Age of Apostasy unbearable. The Iron Dragons have began to raid nearby Imperial worlds for tribute and new recruits.


The Iron Dragons were strong advocates of the Codex Astartes before their fall and this has continued past their defeat of Arvalon. Arthuras has begun rebuilding his Chapter as close to the Codex as he can. This has caused friction in the warbands he returns to his Chapter, those whom have been operating as they will find themselves returned to a strict codex structure. Some have taken this as Arthuras having a desire to return to the way the things were before their fall but the truly wise know the truth of the matter. Arthuras sees the strength in the teachings of Guilliman and finds a sense of pleasure in turning the Primarchs teachings on his own children.

Standing outside this structure are squads of possessed marines or those daemons summoned by the Chapters fallen Librarians. These operate on a needed basis much as the First Company of loyalist Chapters, although they remain separate from the Iron Dragons First Company.

Differing from most renegade Chapters the Iron Dragons still maintain the role of Chaplain. Although most of the Chapters Chaplains were killed in the Chapter’s fall or the subsequent Siege of the Dragon Roost the role was revived under counsel from Medryn. These Chaplains spread the worship of the dark gods in particular that of the lesser known Warp entity known as Khorandus. Assigned to each Company these Chaplains preach Khorandus’ divinity and instil a iron will to the marines that follow them.

Combat Doctrines:

The Iron Dragons continue to operate by Codex doctrines, maintaining forces capable of reacting to numerous situations. Despite this desire to remain Codex adherent the Iron Dragons have been forced to compromise on many tactics, not having the required numbers. Every year, however, the Iron Dragons grow in number and soon will be able to operate without such needed restrictions.

The Iron Dragons fight in a manner that causes the quickest victory with the least losses to both them and resources they are capable of stealing. Often attacking Imperial ships they have become experts at ship to ship warfare.

It can be noted that the Iron Dragons seem to have recruited a large number of smaller warbands to their service. These warbands are often used almost as cannon fodder, thrown in to blunt an enemies attack before the Iron Dragons move in for the kill.


The beliefs of the Iron Dragons are as differing and numerous as they warbands they broke up into after the fall. Of recent, however, the worship of Chaos and its entities, both major and lesser, has spread. This is helped perhaps no more so then by the reinstatement of the Chapters Reclusiam. Arthuras himself worships the chaos entity known as Khorandus, despite Medryn’s urging otherwise. This growing cult of Chaos within the Chapter has served only to forge some common bonds between the once fractured warbands, uniting them to a common purpose. It is for this reasons alone that Medryn encourages its spread.


The Iron Dragons maintain, at least for their own marines, the geneseed of the Ultramarines. Once proud of their uncorrupted geneseed the Iron Dragons apothecarium now monitor the recovered geneseed for potentially harmful mutation, whilst trying to encourage useful mutation. Mixed geneseed is now used as renegades from other warbands are drawn to the Iron Dragons banner.


“For the Dragon!” or “Feel the Iron” are both commonly used battlecrys.
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Okay so thats the rough draft/wall of text that is my IT for the Iron Dragons. The pictures not working at the moment but its late and I cant be bothered fixing it today. Its Aces fault really. His Rift Lords inspired me to finally get to work on the Iron Dragons. That and the nagging voice on my shoulder whispering praises of the Dark Gods. Hope it makes some sense. One of th dangers of writing near midnight, I know.
Okay so thats the rough draft/wall of text that is my IT for the Iron Dragons. The pictures not working at the moment but its late and I cant be bothered fixing it today. Its Aces fault really. His Rift Lords inspired me to finally get to work on the Iron Dragons. That and the nagging voice on my shoulder whispering praises of the Dark Gods. Hope it makes some sense. One of th dangers of writing near midnight, I know.


Heh, The Rift Lords are doing well.

They've created another chaos faction and I've not even started finalising the IT. :P


I'm pretty impressed with these guys, although I am very, very curious as to their colour scheme. I assume they're grey, from the name, so what colours would they use to replace their heraldry when the inquisitor bans them from using it? :)


I also wonder at the decision to have the Iron Dragons attacked by a chapter called the Chevaliers of Iron. It's a minor detail, I know, but it's a bit too similar for my tastes. Might I reccomend instead the name Chevaliers Platinum?


A good start, all in all. ;)

Ah Ace. I'm going to build a shrine to you one of these days. ;)


Heraldry being covered hasn't come across properly. What I meant was their Chapter symbol. Oh and their armours green with iron trims and occasionally plates. Just think of marines with black cloth covering their shoulder pad and anywhere else their symbol might appear. Chapter Banner etc all covered.


And the Chevaleirs will probably change their name. They are one of my (many) other Chapters in develpoment based of French Knights and with a pinch of the Legend of Arthur. They'll probably end up as Chevaliers de Lys, or Knights of the Lilly. Their just on the back burner at the moment, same as the Black Lamenters. Dont make me bring them out as well Ace.


Now I've done it. I want to write their IA now too, and the BL.


Words for the Word God!!!!

I sort of figured it was a fairly nondescript turn, so that you could skip to an interesting traitor part, but that never really happened. You can't just get away with the semi-chaos raiders thing, that would be like making an IA that is just copy and paste of the creation of a space marine chapter: My chapter has special organs that make them strong and help the sleep better.


Codex Khorandus is nice.

Hey! Your guys are kitty corner to me on the galactic map /me waves from the Galactic South East


Anyways, quick response while the wife puts the kid down for the night


- "A world of order and warring city states" a little conficting. Which one?

- "Every day the Iron Dragons grow stronger and their reach grows longer" a little too sing-songy for my taste.

- Can you expand on why the Chapains turned? I see them as the least likely to turn. I am pretty sure Master Viktor Zur had them all executed.

- I feel a conflict of geneseed purity and possessed marines. You might need to clarify a bit.

- Do you need to mention their fondness for flames and light based weaponry? I feel like any dragon named Chapter/warband has this cliche.


I really like the idea of a BAMF coming around and rounding all of his renegate Battle Brothers and whipping them back into shape. It has high potential for some treachery amongst fellows who are less likely to fall into line with Varr. Also, I am honored that you named your Battle Barge after the original name of my Crimson Warlords ;)


Keep it up! Everyone loves renegades!

Thanks for the comments guys. I'm going to tidy up and edit this draft soon, along with the Sons. As for the ship name, I ididn't even notice. Just proves its a good name. Oh and how do you suggest I make their post turn events less non-descript. I want to focus on the idea that Irigram was basically trying to provoke the Imperium yet not be completely suicidal. He was basically flaunting his independence. Any suggestions would be good.


Thanks again.

Rough Draft of my traitors - Blame Ace for this...


We all blame Ace for a lot of things.


I want to focus on the idea that Irigram was basically trying to provoke the Imperium yet not be completely suicidal


The problem with this is that the two are generally one in the same. You provoke the Imperium and, given that it's the Imperium and that it doesn't do anything by half measures, you have to either flee or die.


There are any number of ways to taunt the Imperium though, what were you looking at specifically, did you have any starting points that we can provide suggestions for?

Rough Draft of my traitors - Blame Ace for this...


We all blame Ace for a lot of things.


Just because I may have accidentally pressed the button on that control system that shot all the child-Primarchs across the galaxy instead of updating the machine's clock like I was meant to doesn't mean you can blame this whole thing on me. :sweat:


Besides, the controls on those consoles were alwa-

Oh, you didn't mean that? :)


Ehehehe... forget I said anything, then. ;)


Ah Ace. I'm going to build a shrine to you one of these days.

Nothing too flashy, though. And try not to sacrifice too many people on it if you can possibly avoid it. :(

I would suggest perhaps having your chapter flee to the Eye of terror or find some lone and forgotten planet way out on the edge of some obscure sector (could also be several of planets ofc). The reason i suggest this is because, as has already been stated, that if an entire chapter was to publicly denounce the IoM and stay within Imperial space (even if they had taken over a few planets) the Imperium would with all due haste expend a vast amount of resources to blast said chapter into the darkest corner of the warp.
I would suggest perhaps having your chapter flee to the Eye of terror or find some lone and forgotten planet way out on the edge of some obscure sector (could also be several of planets ofc). The reason i suggest this is because, as has already been stated, that if an entire chapter was to publicly denounce the IoM and stay within Imperial space (even if they had taken over a few planets) the Imperium would with all due haste expend a vast amount of resources to blast said chapter into the darkest corner of the warp.


Well that is exactly what did happen. Irigram goes all "stuff you Imperium" and then gets pounded int ooblivion. The remains of the Chapter go to the Eye etc. Then they get reformed on some forgotten back water planet in the Storm of the Emperors Wrath were normal Astropaths cant bear to go.


As for how he prodded the Imperium, I'll have to have a think on that. Irigram was prideful and arrogant, but he wasn't stupid. I'm wondering if perhaps his desire to get Imperial attention was some kind of deep seated regret at having gone traitor. That doesn't quite suit his character though...

I want to focus on the idea that Irigram was basically trying to provoke the Imperium yet not be completely suicidal


The problem with this is that the two are generally one in the same. You provoke the Imperium and, given that it's the Imperium and that it doesn't do anything by half measures, you have to either flee or die.


There are any number of ways to taunt the Imperium though, what were you looking at specifically, did you have any starting points that we can provide suggestions for?


I'm with Grey on this one. There's no easy way to make the Iron Dragons perform a balancig act between taunting the Imperium and getting beat down for it. :)


Perhaps he should just taunt/attack someone and take his medicine - and the losses that come with it - before moving into a certain ship's graveyard in the galactic north. :P The Iron Dragons don't have to stay there, though - and should probably leave at some point if you don't want some chaos influence on your chapter. :P

Well I'm thinking that Irigram essentially wanted the Imperium to react. His acts were deliberately designed to provoke retalliation. Of course he probably didn't expect the the size of the force they'd send. After being used to whipe the floor they scattered. One band ended up in the Shroud Stars. Perhaps even Khorandus' group. That might work so as to avoid the "your in the Eye so your Abaddon's bitch now" mentality. Expect a re-write soon.
Well I'm thinking that Irigram essentially wanted the Imperium to react. His acts were deliberately designed to provoke retalliation. Of course he probably didn't expect the the size of the force they'd send. After being used to whipe the floor they scattered. One band ended up in the Shroud Stars. Perhaps even Khorandus' group. That might work so as to avoid the "your in the Eye so your Abaddon's bitch now" mentality. Expect a re-write soon.


Lord Maluk's perfectly reasonable offer of sanctuary has only two conditions - Firstly you take a pledge to uphold worship of the four Great Gods (and you'll be watched to make sure that you do that) and secondly, should he require you to do battle with the unenlightened on his behalf, you agree to do your bit.


Since I also reckon Irigram is a rather independent fellow, I suspect he'll only honour those two dictates for as long as it takes him to get his act together and put his new plans of finding all the other Iron Dragons into action.


Although if you want a permanent base there, go for it. I imagine the worship stuff would essentially be your marines praying for the look of the thing, and the Rift Lords probably won't have psykers nearby to know exactly who you're praying to. :D

Well I'm imagining Khorandus was basically a grunt in his small fractured group when they are in the Shroud Stars. Perhaps his groups leader follows Maluk's requests. Then Khorandus gets sick of it, offs his boss and takes his warband and leaves. He later restations marines there, when he has started to get his act togethr, that are overtly Chaos. Khorandus would see Chaos worship in his chapter as an undesired distraction and so would, most liekly, station his main chaos worshippers somewhere else ala the Shroud Stars.
  • 4 months later...

Okay so there is my rough edit/rewitre. Its been a long time coming. Still to come are sidebars regarding Khorandus - The Dragon God, The Fist of Malice (the ship in the Shroud Stars and first base of the Iron Dragons) and possibly something on Medryn and Arthuras.


I would encourage people to take a guess at the theme of the Chapter, although it is only tentatively there. I suspect there is a few major clues as to what it is but I'd like to see how obvious I made it.


Please let me know what you guys think. I hope I addressed the major issues raised the first time but I'm still not entirely happy with their fall.

Nice take on Arthurian legend - really like the fact that you went Chaos with it!


It was late in the year 261.M41 that a young and talented Captain by the name of Irigram Holcaster was given the rank of Chapter Master of the Iron Dragons. Although known for his exemplary service Irigram was faced with murmurs of discontent and mutiny from those Captains under him. These dark rumblings would come to a head during the Kelanna Crusade.


My big question is: why did the Captains turn? Was Holcaster a total jerk? Were the malcontents being corrupted subtly? It seems that such hardened veterans would accept the decision of whoever put him in charge. As to that, who did put him in charge?

Thanks for the comment. And you got the theme fairly easily too. I guess names like Arthurus and Medryn gave it away, huh? What I was trying to get at is that he wasn't elected to the role of Chapter Master unopposed. That is to say the majority of Captains supported him but there was still a minority element that was against him/wanted their own man in the top job.
What I was trying to get at is that he wasn't elected to the role of Chapter Master unopposed. That is to say the majority of Captains supported him but there was still a minority element that was against him/wanted their own man in the top job.


I like this, you don't often see the internal politics within a space marine chapter, because for a lot of people it barely exists. To read about the internal workings of the chapter in this manner I find rather intriguing.

I'm trying very hard to tell whether you're being sarcastic or not there. It's rather hard to tell with you sometimes.


I thought he wasn't. At least, until you said that. :wacko:


Good to see the Dragons still kicking about, and that's a fairly neat take on the ol' Arthur story.

Glad to see there were no relic blades stuck in stones or what-have-you. :lol:


I'd add some indication of what size warband the Dragons are at time of writing, but that might just be me being picky.

Apart from that, I don't see much wrong with this IT.

Well Ace, because you mentioned it: My idea is that the Ruined Battle Barge, the Fist of Malice, is the Sword in the Stone. Whomever controlled it had control over the Chapter, thus the little episode with Irigram. When the sword is broken (blown to hell and ends up in the Shroud Stars) the "Lady of the Lake" (read Khorandus the Demon here) gives him a new sword, Excalibur (or demon weapon of ultra killy goodness). Thus is the idea of the Swords of Arthur sorted out.


So other then a bit of a hint at there current size (approaching Chapter strength) and perhaps expand on the whole Chapter politics which is what essentially caused their fall can anyone else think of anything I can expand on. I feel the IA is too short at the moment and certainly doesn't cover the Iron Dragons in the detail I'd like, but I'm not sure how to go about expanding it.

Well Ace, because you mentioned it: My idea is that the Ruined Battle Barge, the Fist of Malice, is the Sword in the Stone. Whomever controlled it had control over the Chapter, thus the little episode with Irigram. When the sword is broken (blown to hell and ends up in the Shroud Stars) the "Lady of the Lake" (read Khorandus the Demon here) gives him a new sword, Excalibur (or demon weapon of ultra killy goodness). Thus is the idea of the Swords of Arthur sorted out.


I admit, I did not see that coming. ;)


So other then a bit of a hint at there current size (approaching Chapter strength) and perhaps expand on the whole Chapter politics which is what essentially caused their fall can anyone else think of anything I can expand on. I feel the IA is too short at the moment and certainly doesn't cover the Iron Dragons in the detail I'd like, but I'm not sure how to go about expanding it.


Perhaps some generalised exploits of their recent history?

F'r instance, fighting off imperial forces or orks or eldar or whoever nearby their homeworld, or talking about massing enough forces for a large-scale assault on planet X, or whatever.


It might not add loads to the IT, but it might be enough. :lol:


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