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Greetings, Salutations and *fart*, new Death Guard player

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Hello B&C! So, I'm checkin deathguard.org today just to see if there was anything newer than 2008 & in checking their forums found that it redirects to the LEGIO MORBIDUS forums & I'm like "Oh yeah, I did create a B&C account a while ago didn't I?" And holy shirt it's still active! Well, may as well use it.

So hi.. How's it goin?...

I started a Death Guard army as a small little project (we all know where this is going) about 2 years ago & it has grown into a nearly 6k monster that consumes every bit of social life I have left! I've started an Album for my army, but there's a lot so it's gona take me a while to upload it all. Here's a quick look at a winged Chaos Lord I slapped together with a bunch of random bits in a couple of hours:


oh yeah & I just finished this guy:


he just ate ;)

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Nice conversions... If I didnt already have two armies Id play nurgle, but *shrugs* such is life.


Welcome back to the B+C, hopefully we can keep your attention a bit more this time eh? Please take a second here to look over the rules, nicely situated in the "Forum Rules" subforum near the top of the homepage.


And dont worry, Ill take the fart as a belated complement.

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