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Equiping Sanguinary Guard


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I know most people think they are too expensive but i only play friendly games. How would you equip them? Inferno pistol? Power fist? Death masks? Is chapter banner worth it? Was thinking of Deep Striking them with Dante. Any thoughts? ;)
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To be honest I have not got the models and have not been using them but I plan on getting the models and trying them out and getting the bits.


Anyway I would definately take one Powerfist. You never know what you are going to run into, I also think that 2 Infernus pistols would be good for cracking open a vehicle or softening up a monsterous creature. (YOu would have to get the extra pistol off a bits site.)


I do not think that I would deep strike them, though I might consider putting them in a Stormraven (though I do not have the model). Most likely jump them up behind Rhino's, Razors and other armour for cover and a FNP/FC bubble.


On a side note; I do not think that the Death Masks are worth it. Too expensive and most units will pass their Ld test anyway. The Chapter banner....mmm expensive but reliable and grants those extra attacks. Might consider it if I have the points.

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As redo mentioned, id def. go for a fist and then 1 pistol. And possibly the banner.


If I went the banner route, I would make sure that squad runs with a priest with jump pack and another IC of some sort (or two).


5 Men is just too few, and the addition of an IC of some sort will hopefully introduce an inv. save into the mix.


It makes for an expensive squad, but very viable.

Id say stick in a priest and a chaplain or even a Captain of some kind (Since libbies and chaplains abilities to reroll/grant fearless are best used elsewhere!)

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I'll be running them either Vanilla or just with a Banner, I think for 200 pts they're killy enough really. I'll be using them in the same army as an HG, not sure which I'd prefer the banner to be on yet, depends if I make the HG shooty or assaulty I guess.
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My guys have a power fist, infernus pistol chapter banner and occasionally death masks. They are a massive point sink but when they charge a 10 man unit with a reclusiarch in tow and butcher the said unit without a single loss, that's pretty fun to see. Of course the flip side is seeing your massively expensive unit fail every single one of the 2+ armour saves.
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1 power fist, 1 infernus pistol, chapter banner. With dante that's the second pistol, and no need for death mask either. Add priest with jp with/without power weapon and you have a very survivable unit, lots of attacks, capable of taking on any threat. Works for me anyway!
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Just some practical gaming advice- If you are going to drop Dante and that base 200 points squad In the middle of your opponen'ts list they are going to get hosed. If you are playing against eldar or something similar they will probably all die in the shooting phase and then get assaulted by the most badass thing that can get thrown at them if there are any survivors from the shooting.

I would recomend against this ;)

Instead, I would keep Dante on the ground, and make sure you have a sang priest around to keep him and his squad alive while they hop forward into the fray. Deepstrike less costly and more survivable units, like a combat squad of five marines with two meltas- but deploy the other combat squad (with sergent) and you have a much more survivable and effective unit.

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Id say only ever give them inferno pistols if they are going with dante so you deepstrke preciselybesde that landraider and watch it go boom! other than that if you are firing those melta shots at tanks, well you are wasting those angelus bolt rounds etc and are loosing the effectiveness of the expensive unit. they are best used to chop through the core units of the opposing army. and to do so need a priest. as a just incase id want a powerfist incase a dread or something else big countercharges them, they should not be charging those unless its a last resort really. death masks=meh cast far too much for what they do so i would say no. Banner... its the tricky bit. i know 2 attacks isnt great. and 3 on the charge isnt huge so having 4 can be nice, but all those attacks are powerweapons, and if you kill the opponent on the charge youwill be left out in the open... and no amount of artificer armour and fnp can save you from that. but if you cannot make it to the opponents forces without casultys then it may be nessisary.... so requires a fair bit of thought. personally i would. its a pimp unit so why not. ill not feild them in tourneys so they will only be used for the craic.
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What about fielding them with a priest and a libby? Libby would have shield of sang and sword of sang or lance. If you go with the sword you have no need for the fist if you go with lance you have no need for the extra inferno shots. The priest adds FNP and FC and the libby grants them a +5 invul save in the shooting phase.


Lib with jp (lance/shield)

Priest with jp (FNP/FC)

4 x sang standard

1 x sang PF + banner


Just under 350 points. (Ah ya it's 440. I didn't have my codex in front of me at the time.) Still beats adding Dante and running it for 550.


No need for unleash rage since they all get at least 1 re-roll to hit. Lance gives you armour popping at a longer range and the PF/banner is hidden in the unit.


The advantage to having Dante instead of the Lib is that they become scoring but more expensive overall. The precision deep striking is nice also but you wouldn't want to drop them into the heart of an army or they'd become target #1. You can accomplish something similiar by dropping in some dreadnaughts with locator beacon pods and then having the 6" range to accurately deep strike them.

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What about fielding them with a priest and a libby? Libby would have shield of sang and sword of sang or lance. If you go with the sword you have no need for the fist if you go with lance you have no need for the extra inferno shots. The priest adds FNP and FC and the libby grants them a +5 invul save in the shooting phase.


Lib with jp (lance/shield)

Priest with jp (FNP/FC)

4 x sang standard

1 x sang PF + banner


Just under 350 points.


No need for unleash rage since they all get at least 1 re-roll to hit. Lance gives you armour popping at a longer range and the PF/banner is hidden in the unit.


The advantage to having Dante instead of the Lib is that they become scoring but more expensive overall. The precision deep striking is nice also but you wouldn't want to drop them into the heart of an army or they'd become target #1. You can accomplish something similiar by dropping in some dreadnaughts with locator beacon pods and then having the 6" range to accurately deep strike them.


I just worked out this combo and it came to 440 points ouch! Anyway I think it is a little too expensive and AP2 weapons are going to hurt this unit hard. Though I agree that a Sang guard unit needs or at least shuold be in range of a priest to increase their lethality (is that even a word?)

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You could just give each one a pf, and a inferno pistol at 20 extra per model. therefore it would be like a jump pack squad of termi's with mini nukers! And with out the two handed pw wouldnt they get a extra attack? so it would cost 300+/- if you desided to go with the banner. not very points friendly, but a effective way to go all gung-ho on your enemy.
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You could just give each one a pf, and a inferno pistol at 20 extra per model. therefore it would be like a jump pack squad of termi's with mini nukers! And with out the two handed pw wouldnt they get a extra attack?

You do not gain the benefit of an extra attack with Powerfists.


That build does sound like fun, although you would probably be just as effective with two or three fists. This would also be good for wound allocation with low AP weapons.

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opps my bad (about the pf's). but with a mix match of plasma/ inferno it would be a pretty killer( literally) squad. im def going to build even if its a points dump. would be a sweet set up. and have dante attached, and a sang priest. a seven man jumping wall of doom!!
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Deepstriking them with Dante is amazing. No scatter scoring unit that you can put 3" away for melta bonus. Just hope you don't explode the vehicle so you can hide behind it for a turn then curl up your opponents flank for the rest of the game.
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Guys, I'm in need of an idea for an LR-buster squad that can deal with certain nasties that pop out of it. Do you think that the SG deepstriking with Dante down on top of an LR would have any chance against say a squad of TH/SS assault termies led by Vulkan in the inevitable assault? If so, given what loadout? This is probably for another thread, but if the SG aren't fit for purpose here, what do you think would be the best option?
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givein the fact that both sang guard, and termis are almost simular in stats would be a tough match. but the sang guard fly, and have ranged weapons. Expecially if you'd add inferno pistols, and or plasma, the termis could get thinned out prior to close combat. ss, and crux may damper the range but hopefully the dice gods are not in the opponetes favor.


if your facing of with dante -vs- vulken hes'tan it would be a blood out come. with vulk's twin-linked hvy flamer rule, and mc TH's, compaired to dantes. death mask+ melta pistol. and AA wearing guards in jp. would be a close match i think.

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givein the fact that both sang guard, and termis are almost simular in stats would be a tough match. but the sang guard fly, and have ranged weapons. Expecially if you'd add inferno pistols, and or plasma, the termis could get thinned out prior to close combat. ss, and crux may damper the range but hopefully the dice gods are not in the opponetes favor.


if your facing of with dante -vs- vulken hes'tan it would be a blood out come. with vulk's twin-linked hvy flamer rule, and mc TH's, compaired to dantes. death mask+ melta pistol. and AA wearing guards in jp. would be a close match i think.


I'm actually thinking it might be a crackin' idea. SG with banner and Dante attached so no scatter on DS and also Hit 'n Run, counting it up, if we take a Sang Priest too, on FC that's 4 Power Weapon attacks per SG Model, re-rolling a hit per model, and Dante will have 5 PW attacks with a hit-reroll and 1 CCW attack, so that's 25 attacks with 6 hit re-rolls that ignore armor saves, so those termies need a 5+ to save wounds. Not only this, but of course these wounds are resolved before they get a chance to get a hit back with those nasty hammers...


Only thing I'm worried about is the fact infernus pistols are S8, so need 6's to glance an LR, maybe they aren't the best option and should try and get some ranged hits in on the LR to pop it first, from a Vindi maybe? I'd rather have the LR popped in the shooting phase so I don't have to utilise a power fist to crack open the LR and waste an assault round I think...

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too bad sang guard dont get melta bombs....


You could have two teams do a whirlwind of destruction on them like a dev squad near by to be the fire team and the sang+ dante+ sang preist be the mop up crew tis a thought. its a points sink thou and if it all fails dev's near by for the taking!

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too bad sang guard dont get melta bombs....


You could have two teams do a whirlwind of destruction on them like a dev squad near by to be the fire team and the sang+ dante+ sang preist be the mop up crew tis a thought. its a points sink thou and if it all fails dev's near by for the taking!


Devs are a good idea especially with Lascanons glancing on 5's, although I think I'll have trouble shoe-horning them into my 1500 pt list without sacrificing my troops choices. :) Could do something very similar with HG come to think of it, and wouldn't need another Sang Priest for FC, plus they CAN take Melta Bombs... However, as I said I'd rather avoid locking them into the vehicle during their assault phase and have it popped in the shooting... I guess a few MBs would be good as a backup if it really hit the fan though!

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