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Dornian Heresy

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I had no clue where to post this one. Moderators if there is a better place please move


I've had an idea concerning rules for the Dornian Heresy Thousand Sons, if the idea has already been discussed then forgive me. I was flipping through my codices just to catch up on rules and fluff and I was going through my Eldar codex (know thy enemy) and at first I thought what if for the DHTS you combined the idea of Warlocks with Space Wolf Wolf Guard in the sense that you could take say one unit of lesser psykers as a sub HQ unit for every Librarian you chose.


And then you could divide these psykers up to lead various squads. And then I figured why not just skp the whole sub HQ thing and have the seargents of the squads be the lesser

psykers and give them access to specific powers based off of what kind of squad they are leading just like the Eldar Exarch powers. For instance (based off of the DH article) Tactical and Devastator squads could have an upgrade that allows them to increase their BS by 1 for a single shooting phase but then they can't use it and have limited shooting for the next turn because of the mental drain .


Or devastators could use their psychic connection and get the tank hunters ability for a turn. For assault squads they could purchase an ability that gives them a cover save as they are hard to see or maybe when they are being shot at the unit shooting at them has to fire using night fighting rules. Or since they can read their enemies minds they have the prefered enemy ability against the unit they are in close combat with.


The same could be done for Terminators and such BUT the units that had these powers would of course have to be balanced so in order to use the powers the seargent would have to take a psychic test suffering normal consiquences based on the outcome of the test. And say the seargent was killed in any way then the entire squad would have to take an emmediate leadership test with a negative modifier to their leadership. If they pass then they continue as normal minus their psychic abilities as they have lost their seargent who keeps them focused and channels their powers, if they fail then they count as being pinned or something and still lose their abilities unless joined by a psyker character.


I am not much for making rules and so this idea may not be completly balanced but still I figured I'd see what others thought. Well have at it

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As you know, I'm a huge fan of TF (FTW!) and they came up with some good stuff:

If you've read A Thousand Sons, then you'll know that there are different 'Occults', such as the Scarab, the Corvidae, the Pavoni etc.

Each squad sergeant may be replaced with a Sorcerer Sergeant. Sorcerer Sergeants and Sorcerers, no Psykers, and so do not need to roll for the Psychic Test - they pass it instantly. And then (IIRC) there were specific rules for each Occult, that you bought as upgrades.

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I don't know what the TF are? and in the Dornian Heresy the Thousand Sons aren't sorcerers they are actually Librarians so I don't think it would be balanced or fluffy to just have them automatically pass the test.
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Oops, got confused. TF = Tempus Fugitives, and didn't know that the TS were Librarians.


Yup in the DH it's an entire legion of blind Librarians. The younger marines are guided by more experienced psyker seargents who know how to controle the psychic energy within each of the younger members and he teaches them to use their powers. Then when they have developed their abilities far enough they ar trained in the use of force weapons as veterans in the legion and then may become seargents to train the next batch.

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Ah. Blind? Is that a genetic instability (sort of a birthmark of the TS these days) or is it done purpsefully?


In order to ensure the purity of their librarians the Thousand Sons legion soul binds each of them to the Emperor and the process blinds them. So the helmits of the Thousand Sons librarians in the Dornian Heresy have no eye lenses

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I actually really think you have a good idea for rules concerning the sergeants. the Exarch-like powers is actually quite brilliant in my opinion.


Thank you. But it hasen't gotten much feedback since I posted it so I don't think alot of people agree with you

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