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DarkVolts Minis


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Hy everyone I'm new here and want to show some of my work.

Hope that's alright.


Here is my Azrael I just finished right now, build from scraps.



and maybe some have already seen my Dreads.



C&C are always welcome.

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Very nice indeed DarkVolt - welcome to the DA forum!


I really like your Azrael - a very nice interpretation. I also like the worn look on your first Dreadnought. I can't say for sure, but some of your layers of paint look a little thick - but that may just be the light. In any case, they all look really nice.

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Very nice models indeed!


Well done, they have a nice gritty look.

Just one tip for some bits (Like the sword with the lightning effect, I do that to!)

Use the GW washes (The blue one on the sword) to make the lightning blend in even smoother.


Same could be done on some of the scratches/battledamage on some bits of the dreads (Who do indeed look great).

On the 2 CC arm dread the left arm looks a bit to metallic scratched for my liking, perhaps tone it down with the green wash. Same for the green bit above the assault cannon on the other dread I think, but the angle makes that hard to see.


Don't touch the vernerable dread who is a beauty to look at. (If I'm ever near you watch your models :D )

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Thank you and you're right, I paint really thick, normally right from the pot.

But lately I noticed, the more I paint the more I water down my paints. I'm still getting the hang of it but there is hope. :D



Thanks and yes I guess I really overdid it with the "battledamage" when I started. I'll try to tone it down, but I'm not much a fan of metallic colores, looks too funky for a gritty universe in endless war. maybe I'll go over with a devlin mud wash to make it look more "oil'y" :)

Dont worry aboud the Ven Dread. I'll only add more magnetised weapons, but the paint is done.


I've taken some more pictures. Need to dust them off to make them presentable. ;)


Here is my version of Belial



and his Command Squad



C&C are always welcome.

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Hi Dark Volt,


Some nice interpretation on some classical minatures and charachters.


Like your basing too - Where did you find that final base for the last dreadnought - its got bags of charachter!!


One thing I'd say is that from my perspective they look a little too world-weary - there is a dark gritty look that people who know my work will know i love but then there is the incomplete look too.


Just my 2 cents :)

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Very nice terminators. I particularly like the stripes on the banner bearer.


Your painting style has a very artistic quality to it, by which it reminds me of someone using the texture of the paint itself to give the subject character.


Thank you and you're right, I paint really thick, normally right from the pot.

But lately I noticed, the more I paint the more I water down my paints. I'm still getting the hang of it but there is hope.


I found myself doing the same. It has really helped my painting, particularly with lighter miniatures such as the Deathwing. It allows me to create a nice smooth transition between colours and adds a transluscent quality which really adds to the graded effect of the layering.

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Azrael from scraps you say. Hmm... a stunning result!!


I like your Deathwing very much (especially the Apoth) but my favourite model of yours so far is the first painted dread in the Dread sequence (the one with the book on his right front plate). I love the way you've animated his legs and arms. he is definitely striding with purpose – and paintwise he looks very scruffy and battleworn. Great stuff.




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Hi Dark Volt,


Some nice interpretation on some classical minatures and charachters.

Thanks. ^_^

Like your basing too - Where did you find that final base for the last dreadnought - its got bags of charachter!!

You mean the base of the Ven-Dread? This one I got from MicroArtStudio. One of their Themple-BattleBases.

One thing I'd say is that from my perspective they look a little too world-weary - there is a dark gritty look that people who know my work will know i love but then there is the incomplete look too.

What do you mean with "incomplete look" I'm curious.




Very nice terminators. I particularly like the stripes on the banner bearer.


Your painting style has a very artistic quality to it, by which it reminds me of someone using the texture of the paint itself to give the subject character.

Thank you.

I do draw alot on the computer so I know some stuff. But the acrylic paint is new to me.

Means I'm experimenting alot. :P

I found myself doing the same. It has really helped my painting, particularly with lighter miniatures such as the Deathwing. It allows me to create a nice smooth transition between colours and adds a transluscent quality which really adds to the graded effect of the layering.

I find the translucent more efficient on darker colores (started myt ravenwing a week ago and I try to make the black armor interesting), for bright colores I either use sharp highlights or drybrush.




Azrael from scraps you say. Hmm... a stunning result!!

Thanks, alot of cutting was involved. :lol:

I like your Deathwing very much (especially the Apoth) but my favourite model of yours so far is the first painted dread in the Dread sequence (the one with the book on his right front plate). I love the way you've animated his legs and arms. he is definitely striding with purpose – and paintwise he looks very scruffy and battleworn. Great stuff.

Yes he's my Fav too. Always doing a good job on the battlefield.



Just finished painting my Asmodai and took some more pictures.





Here is my other Chaplin I always used in battle

He was my first try in scratchbuilding.



And for my emberrassment, my first painted head before I discovered the magic of Ogrin_Flesh wash.

Changed the bike a little after I got my ravenwing sprues (glad I only glued him with superglue instead of plastic-cement so it snapped off pretty easy)

And a trike. :lol:


C&C are always welcome.

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wow... that sums it up, your making me what to go finish my 5th co. i love your scrach built models, one of the reasons i love this hobby is to see what people make up and say this is "who ever" and you feel your moulth hit the ground and your brain say i think we could do something similer... keep up the amazing models
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