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Nid and BA FAQ

Stormbrow II

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I've played Nidzilla since 4th edition, and here are my basic thoughts on the FAQ anyway:


1) I never took the Doom anyway. I don't mind seeing it nerfed; however, I wouldn't call it entirely useless. I think it's fair for its points cost.

2) I'm glad they confirmed that the Mawloc can deep strike on top of models as that was clearly the intent of the rule in the first place.

3) I'm also glad they confirmed winged Hive Tyrants can Deep Strike, so that now I can run a pure reserve list for fun (though I doubt it'd be effective :))

4) Shadow in the Warp is only 12" anyway. It hasn't done anything for me yet (and will continue to not do so). I don't like the nerf, but it's not that big a deal in my opinion. It just appears unfair in the face of Runes & Psychic Hoods.


However, I still have some questions:


1) I assume Hive Commander works even if the Tyrant isn't on the field?

2) Can the Tervigon cast FnP on itself?


For those curious, I run a Tyrant, 1 Tyrant Guard, 3 Hive Guard, 2 Tervigons, 2 x 10 Termagants, and 3 Trygons in 1500. :)

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As a part time player I think most of the FAQ is fine, but I think a few entries seem a bit out of sync with the rules or at least the flow of the game. Namely the spore mines and the mycetic spore. Resolving the spore mine seems out of phase compaired to how assault works, but I've never played mines anyways so meh.


Considering that a mycetic spore can hold up to 20 models I don't see why a 3-6 man unit of warriors also can't carry a prime along at the same time. I know that it's not 100% the same as a transport but I don't see the logic on this call.


I'm glad they cleared up that they can use multiple combat biomorphs without conflict as it made no sense that they all have two standard but could only use one option.


Cover save vs Mawloc erruption didn't make a lot of sense as when I'd read it I thought that it was coming from a melee/assault style attack as it emerges rather than shooting. If it's a phyiscal attack I'd say no it should have cover as assault doesn't ever get cover, but if it's meant to represent the massive explosion of dirt, rock, terrain etc then I suppose it makes sense from that perspective.


Trygon tunnel ability seems pretty much useless, they should have fixed it so it works correctly.


Could care less about DOOM as I thought it was overpowered to begin with.


For the most part I have no major issues, just a few things that seemed kinda odd but don't really appear game breaking. My mainstay armies are marines anyways :lol:

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