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Need help creating a scenario for my son and me.


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We are going to be playing some 40K soon. We will start off slowly and build up points wise. We will be using lots of "counts as" since we don't have all the proper minis. I asked help on the TTH for Tyrainds and now will ask here for DA. I am trying to have a story, to this so my son will be more involved. He loves Star Wars and Clone Wars, and loves Dawn of War the first one. He plays as DA because Daddy has DA minis, bless his heart. It will be DA and Tyranids.


I am thinking of starting at 250 or 500 points. Not shure yet what is a good option yet. For now it's going to start on a planet, that has been exterminated 100's of years ago, and is now being mined for resources. Hey I am working out, if not an exterminated planet then a planet that is being mined. It hasn't been herd in a long time, so the DA are sent to go in and invistage it.


So my first sceanrio would be something like that the Genestealers are hidden in the mines or caves so they have to outflank in, they do not deploy on turn 1. The DA have to scout and do an intial investigation. So I say they enter point A, and have to leave a point B.


What I need help in, is to flesh this out so it would be more Dark Angelish. I guess at small points it would be one HQ and 2 troop choices for the DA. Would there be any Elites or anything else in there? I am assuming no DW or RW or any Terminators at all. I want this fluffy and close to the rules I can.


I don't want to fudge rules anymore, since years ago, we went into a GW store and he bragged to all the older guys, (in thier 20-30's) how good he is and never looses. So he will have to learn how it's played and learn to be a good looser too now.


So what I would like to do, is I need DA names, (for myself so if I do a battle report make it fleshed out) and what are good DA units to use for a scouting mission. I would use DA scouts but can't see using them since they are not a Troop choice and in a game at 250 or 500 points (what should I use and why?) there is not much to get in there and need a 1 HQ and 2 Troops minimum.


What would be a good scenario to do? I don't really like enter in A and then leave at B. What would be good objectives?


What should I take as a DA HQ? Just a DA Captian or something else?


Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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I guess I can start off with the assistance.


Here is the scenario that I cooked up for you. It borrows from Battle Missions as well as Space Hulk.


Board is played long ways and follows like a Kill Team scenario. The Tyranids are broken into small units (minimum size since they already control the planet). But start off as blip counters numbered 1-6. Only the tyranids player knows which type it is (limited to gaunts and stealers but I would say one synapse creature can be a blip.


The Dark Angels would probably deploy a small reserve force with a scout squads to something that appears unimportant. (No Special Characters for this mission). Scouts or Tacticals are deployed as the sweeper force. They are investigating any of the blips. Due to the presence of the hive mind, vox is useless in the underground battlefield. Blips are sighted like in the dusk/dawn rule or if attacked in HtH. Once attacked, the squad will split off a man or two to pass the word back to the rest of the Angels. Nids must prevent this from happening.



The Tyranids can deploy up to 18" on their short board edge while the Angels can deploy up to 12" on their own side.


Victory conditions:

One squad must be able to identify a blip and from the same unit send a man off the board via their deployment zone. After that the it can be escalated as more resources are sent because the Dark Angels hate Xenos with a vengeance rivalled only by their shameful secret.

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Something I don't understand. So if a Troop squad is 5 man, you are saying 4 stay behind to fight while one runs off? Dosn't this break unit co-herency? Or is it allowed because contact was made and discovered what the treat was?
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In this scenario it is allowed for 1-2 men to break off, no matter the size. A movie reference would be the first Transformers movie where the kid takes the cube and runs to get it away while the rest try to hold off the baddies. The sergeant realizing he has encountered something big taps a marine or two to report back as fast as possible while the rest give cover. It's a simple mission that marine can focus on and allow him to operate outside of the control of the squad constancy. He is running to tell the Master a message and the message is all that matters.


The challenge is the remaining squad and the others acting to hold off the blips that could be moving to contain the squad and kill them so that they don't have a big fight on their claws. After all, the Hive mind may have put them in hibernation or digested them to save bio mass resources. It'll take time to build up a force large enough to repulse an invading army.

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This is what I have for the DA in a 400 point game. (250 points not even enough to make a legal army and want to make it quick and sweet hopefully)




Company Master with plasma pistol, power weapon, (that would be a sword correct?) combi-flamer, for 140 points.




10 DA SM with flamer 170 points

5 DA SM with flamer 95 points


Total 405 points. Did I do this correctly? Did I make a mistake? It's so hot and humid, not thinking clearly, so if I made a mistake please let me know so I can learn from it.

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Hmm, coming late to the party here, but I have a couple of questions.


HsojVvad, is the purpose of this to teach the core game (including force structures) or to create some small, story driven games that help teach but deviate slightly from the normal rules?


For example, Scouts aren't Troop choices, but might be fun and characterful to use in this scenario. I don't think an HQ would be present for what is, essentially, a small skirmish, so do you think one should be there?


Using non-standard units like this is an excellent way to learn how to use certain units (I used to play lots of combat patrol, which this sounds very similar to and that only required one troop choice). So this scenario might be a good way to learn how to use scouts and their different armaments (some with sniper rifles, some with bolters?) and the benefits and drawbacks of each.


Just a thought. Tell us more and I'll see if I can come up with some ideas too.

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I agree with Gillyfish: probably the combat patrols system (you can find it in the 4ed rule book) is the best way to start small.


What I have done a couple times with a buddy I usually play with, when we want to test a specific unit, me set up terrain and decide to use a small area of terrain (for example 90x60). We tried the other day 250 points and it was fun! I used 3 bikes and 1 attack bike vs a big expensive tactical marines unit.


I believe its quite simple to device 250-400 point games, assuming that you don't need to have HQ+2x Troops...its more of learning what a unit can do than anything else.


For example:


Nids get a Tervigon + 8 x Genestealers (I don't know the numbers, but I'll asume it something like 400). This combination shows how nids simply keep pumping out troops and the genestealers are the outflanking menace.


DA get 1 x LSS with a fully flamer 5xscouts unit (that is something like 250? Plus a tactical or something like that). Or 2 footslogging x 10 marines with flamer and a missile launcher and they can combat squad...hence you have to choose whether to move or shoot...


You can make that the Tervigon is the objective, it can't move and the DA hace to kill it and any gaunts that may have come out... without dying to the genestealers.


Hope it helps :confused:

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Yes it's to show my son that if you use this unit in the Troop section has to be used for mandatory FOC. When I played with no rules, and we went to a GW store, he thought he could do what ever he wants, and got upset when they played by the rules and he lost. So I am trying to show him the rules, and to show him to be a good sport, win or loose. So I think it's best to show him the proper way this time so it sticks to his head.


Now when we play, and he looses, he dosn't get upset. Also I like to make this a story driven, since he is more involved than just "pew pew" I win or you win Daddy. He really likes the stories. When we played Space Hulk, he liked the story I read to him when we played. When we played the BfM beginner rules, he liked the story. Espically when we play Lord of the Rings, there has tgo be a story for him, so I want to make a simple story for him to play with.


Otherwise it will be the old story, that he never looses, and he can beat anyone. It was quite humours when he was 5 years old and we went to the GW HQ in Canada and he was telling everyone how he never looses and can beat anyone. I almost beat the crap out of these older people because they were thinking :unsure:. I say let him be a kid for christ sakes, so I left and cant be bothered with arogant people like that. Some thought it was cute, others got offended. I just want to make shure this dosn't happen again, and I want him to learn the rules, (he is quite smart, so I don't have to dumb it down for him. Me on the other hand I need it dubmed down, but not him. LOL) and learn how to win graciously and loose gracisously.



Just imagine now, he is 9 and what he can do when he grows up. He might just become The Lion and become a master strategist. :angry:


*edit* so is my points cost correct?

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The points seem ok.


If you really want to stick to the FOC, then there is not much of an option... but I don't think it makes much sense in a 400 points game. Take into account that its a FOC thought for a 1.000-1.500 points range... going under 750 points I think it makes HQ very outbalanced.


Story-wise... maybe you can make whoever wins gets +100 points for the next game. Looser gets +50.


And I would only impose a core: say a bare Captain and 2 tactical squads with 5 guys and a flamer. That is something like 300 points... which is a nice start.


Since you say he likes DOW, he plays a campaign and use the points any way he chooses... upgrading the squads, giving equipment to the captain...that way he learns to use the codex and make decisions.


For example:


Game 1: he starts with 1 Captain + 2x5 marines w/flamer for 300 points. He wins, so +100 points.


Game 2: he decides to expand 1 of the tacticals and give his captain a power weapon (sword) and combi flamer. He wins, so +100 points


Game3: he has learned the beauty of the rapid fire, so he goes for another tactical improvement (now he has 2x10 w/ flamer) and he decides to put a plasma cannon.


So in 3 games he goes from 1 HQ + 2x5 marines w/flamer to 1HQ w/PW and Combi plus 2x10 marines w/flamer and a plasma cannon.


He learns the basics, makes his own decisions and certainly, knowing that if you win you have a point advantage over the enemy...is a nice issue :huh:


Obviously this is just an idea... hope it helps!

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So 15 DA and the Chapter Master, (since DA can't have captians) would be too much for a scouting force? I guess I will stick to the CM and the 10 DA then, since my son wants a few minis to play with at elast. 300 sounds good thanks guys will do this.


Now I just have to see what I have that can look like caves and tunnels.


Will take pics and give a bat rep if you guys wish.

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A base Company Master and 2 5-man Tac Marine squad base is 280 pts. That allows 20 pts for upgrades to make it an even 300.


For the Nids a Tyranid Prime is the cheapest HQ at half the points of a Tervigon. Then you can play around with the Troops choices to make an even 300 pts.

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Of course we want pics and a batrep!


The good thing if you go with the 300 start and +100 points per win is that you can play 2 or 3 games quite fast!


As for caves and tunnels scenary... obviously it comes down to what you do have, but I'd say its quite easy to do some cheap fast scenary.


For example, if you need tunnels, you can take the cardboard cilinders of toilet/kitchen paper, cut them in half and glue them to some cardboard base, just paint them some dark brown and give a fast dry brush with some clearer brown or even gray (stone effect). If you feel inspired, white glue and sand are your friends for texturing.


If you want to actually be able to put the miniatures inside, then just put the open side up and glue the curve side to the base.


For caves, you can take any small box or maybe a cereal box cut down to a reasonable size, cut the "entrance" and again, base painting in brown and dry bushing to the effect you want.


These are cheap, fast and effective solutions... they might not be the best looking, but at least you have some fisical object to play (Line of sight, difficult terrain and so on). Plus that way you can teach your kid how to build scenary.


Man... we are going to indoctrinate your kid for good! hahaha


Next you will know, he will come home and when he gets vegetables for dinner, he will give you an evil look and say "Repent, for tomorrow you die" hahahaha

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I need a title now. All I can think of is Into the Fire. No idea why it is in my head.


So far on a planet that has been destroyed blown up into fragments, or a planet that has been extermintated because of previous Tyranid invasion. (sorry I forget the name where the Imperium destroys a planet so no life is on it anymore. What is that name again?)


A mining colony was established 100's of years later to reap the rewards of the deposits that are on the planet now. Because of the extermination, or because the Tyranids devoured the planet, (still undecided what it is yet.) The entire planet is covered in minerals to be mined. It was a succesfull operations for many decades. All of a sudden, the colony is quiet. The Imperium has sent many scout teams to invistigate but never herd from.


The DA have been assinged to investigate. A small scout team have gone into the mines/caverens to investigate when the mining station was found empty devoid of any life and no explanations as to why everyone is gone.


Once the DA investigate the mines/caverens they see some genestealers and since communitcations are silent in the caves, the DA need to evacute to warn the other DA brethen and let them know there is either a new Tyranids invastation, or the old one was never eradicated as once thought.



So what would a good title be? Into the fire just dosn't cut it for me, since DA and Tyrainds do not usually deal with fire.

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Down below... not the best title, but its all that comes to me now :D


And what you forget is an Exterminatus, when the Imperium (usually Inquisition) decides to erradicate all life from a planet.

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Well here it is. A bit long, but it got me and my son interested.


Title credit goes to Striogi. Thank you.


Well here is my attempt at a story and Bat Rep. Not very good, espically compared to the others that are on here, but here goes anyways.


On the planet Nabilac a planet hundreds of years ago was declared Exterminatus from the Imperium because of an upcoming Tyranid invasion. The Imperium exterminated the planet so it wouldn’t provide the Tyranids any bio mass, and the plan worked. The Tyranid invasion force was defeated and became no more. But was it worth it? The loss of life was in the Billions. The planet was scorched and the people died a sudden horrible death. Not at the hands of one of the greatest enemies of all time, but at their protectors, the Imperium, the Inquisition and the beloved Ultra Marines.

This has put a split of brother against brother. The planet was under the protection of the Dark Angels, but it was the Inquisition that called on Ultra Marines to defend against the up coming Tyranid threat. Even though the Ultra Marines had low resources to fight against an upcoming threat, (they were still recovering from the Battle of Macragge) the Inquisition thought their experience was more valuable than the Dark Angels against the Tyranids and the Ultra Marines were more trusted as well.

Hundreds of years later, time has past. The Dark Angels were ready to split from the Imperium and have their revenge against the Ultra Marines for the desecration and loss of life on Nabilac. The Grand Master was able to cool the fires that burned in almost every DA and their successor chapters from doing anything. The Inner Circle decided that to start another HH like war, would be disastrous because they do not want to weaken the Imperium even more. So resentment brooded, but no action was ever taken.


Hundreds of years later, a mining facility was built onto the planet. The Imperium has declared the planet dead, free of all life and no Tyranid presence was detected. They let the mining guild colonize and mine the planet for the special and ultra rare minerals that was on the planet created from the Exterminatus. Decades later all was quiet. No more contact was established. The mining guild has approached the High Lords of Terra asking what happened. A scout force was sent to explore what has happened. Nothing was ever heard from them. Another and another scout forces were sent and no replies ever came back. What could this be? The Ultra Marines were asked to go, but Dark Angels insisted very aggressively that they would never ever let an Ultra Marine on the planet again.

The Dark Angels sent an exploration force to investigate the planet. Ezikeil has sensed something was amiss and went to the Grand Master to make sure he sent a large force to investigate. Not understanding why, he did so anyway, knowing never to second guess what Ezikeil has asked.


So a small force of Dark Angels approach the planet exterminated planet of Nabilac. All is quiet. No life on the planet exists at all. What could have happened? Everything points to the catacombs of the mines where the Dark Angels went to investigate. It was an uneventful and boring scouting mission, until they were at the end of the operation. Only a few hundred meters from their exit is when they noticed something appear on their motion sensing devices…




The Dark Angels are at the end of their scouting mission ready to declare that it’s a mystery of what happened. No sign of life anywhere. Just as they were about to return to base, something came up on their scanners. Life. Puzzled they moved on to investigate. It was a giant sack of living material. As they moved on to investigate, movement was showing up on their motion scanners.

The Chapter Master immediately knew it was a Tyranid Infestation, but couldn’t call out because the signals couldn’t reach the surface. If not one DA can make it to the surface then all will be quiet and more DA will be slaughtered. An end has to come to this. The Chapter Master’s heart was seething with Anger. It looks like the UM didn’t do their job after all, and all those innocents lives have been lost for now reason what so ever. One DA has to make it to the space craft.


Dark Angels Points

HQ: Company Master Combi-Flamer 105


Troops: Tactical Squad 5X Flamer 95 Tactical Squad 5X Flamer 95


Total 295



HQ: Tyranid Prime Scything Talons, Rending Claws 100

Regeneration, Adrenal Glands

Troops: Genestealers 5X Scything Talons, Toxin sacs 95

Genestealers 5X Scything Talons, Toxin sacs 95


Total 295


Dark Angels star on one side of the short table edge and as long as one DA makes it out of the other side, the DA wins. This would indicate that the DA was able to communicate about a Tyranid Threat.




Me and my sons first attempt at making scenary in a large scale.


Turn One: DA players enter the board. They notice a huge green living Habitation building in the middle of the catacomb level they are on. They advance cautiously and scan the area. No action because of the Tyranid rules, that they Enter from reserves.




Unfinished and counts as Dark Angels. My sons force.


Turn Two: DA advance. Still nothing to note. They keep scanning and advance closer to the exit. Tyranid turn, only the Patriarch (counts as “Alpha Warrior”) comes in the right edge of the board. The DA motion sensors start to come to life. Only one blip on the DA motion devices, things are still calm, no action.


Turn Three: DA advance and spot the Patriarch. They shoot but were out of range. The Patriarch moves for covers and hides behind the walls of the catacombs so he is out of sight.


Turn Four: DA advance some more, getting closer to the large blip on their motion sensors. Finally on turn 4, a brood of gene stealers advance on the left short edge of the board. They move, and then run towards the DA. They get into assault range and melee ensures. The Veteran Sargent is brave enough and takes the one wound the ‘Stealers dish out. The DA armour must be blessed. Out of 15 attacks, 6 wound, with only one failed save. The SM rolled successfully their Ld ship roll so melee combat ensures.




Finally some action.


Turn 5: Since one squad of DA is stuck in CC the other squad with the Company Master keep moving to the exit so they can tell about the infestation going on. Finally the last brood of ‘Stealers are on the board and enter on the right short edge of the board. Only one DA perishes from the continued CC combat. They are doing a good job of holding one brood of ‘Stealers so the other group can run away.


Turn 6: While the DA armour is blessed, it doesn’t seem their bolters are. They hit their targets but fail to wound. Not a good day to be spot on shooting but the ammo not doing any damage. If one DA player makes, it, they will be going to a new supplier for bullets. Tyranid player turn and they lock up the other DA squad into CC now. Again for the blessed DA armour. 15 attacks, 8 hits, 7 saves. Another DA down, but the DA preserve and keep fighting.


Turn 7: While the Gene stealers were able to tie down the 2 squads of DA, the Chapter Master was able to exit the board and call for help, or at least let it be known that there is Tyranid infestation happening on Nabilac. While the Chapter Master was able to notify about the Tyranid threat, the rest of the DA were not so well fared. Either they all died and perished or they passed out from the ‘Stealers in CC.




The lone DA left the Chapter Master. He wasn't happy leaving his force behind, but knew the message was more important than anything else. he knew that because of this more DA lives would be spared now, because they would be better prepared now.


Some more randome pictures.











Scatter rocks were to represent rough terrian, son didn't want to go there, so it was never used. Smart kid, I say.


Kids had a blast, I had fun as well. I have made a few mistakes, forgot to move the Patriarch to chase the Chapter Master, but it made it a bit more fun for my son to “win the game”.

I am not sure if I handled the CC properly. In the first round of CC, the ‘Stealers had no wounds, and the DA had one wound. That would mean the DA player had to roll for his Ld at -1 correct? My son rolled successfully so the ‘Stealers and DA stayed in CC correct? After that, the ‘Stealers only rolled 10 dice instead of 15 because they were iniating the assault now correct? The poor DA squad never had a chance to use their bolters or flamer because they were locked in combat.

I just realized another mistake I made. The DA have pistols correct? So instead of having just 6 dice for CC they should have rolled 11 dice because of their extra CC weapon. Is this correct? Have to remember it for next time.


Now after playing this game, I want to do some more painting once the weather is cooler. I know I will rush if I try to paint in this heat, but now I can't wait to start painting my termies, stealers and what ever I have left.


I hope you enjoy. Maybe more to come for the next round.


My son wants to use the termie models, so now need to think of a scenario so he can use them.

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Can't see the pics (from work I can only see them if they are pasted), but sounds like you had fun :)


Could you define what "campaing" system you decided to use in the end?


Also, you only get +1 attacks if you have an additional weapon... and I believe our troops don't carry swords (except for the sarge)... but I'm not 100% sure there!


And CC vs genestealers... those nids are probably one of the best CC units in all of 40k, so its quite normal they simply munched away the DA troops! Remember also that rending = a 6 to wound is a wounds that can only be saved with invulnerable saves!


As for terminators... if you stil want to do HQ + 2 Troops, the cheapest is Belial (130) + 2 x 215 (430), so 560 is the least you can play!

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Good story, sounds like it was fun. Which is the most important thing.


Another way to get a squad of termies in would be up the points by 230-250 ( depending on weapon loadout of 1 termie sqd ). Use that 1 termie sqd as an Elite choice from army allots.

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Could you define what "campaing" system you decided to use in the end?

I didn't use any system. I am just making it up and getting ideas from here, B&C DA forum and TTH for the Tyranids. You guys are giving me great advice and help.


No onto the next game with more points. I think it will be a 500 point game. Since my boy wants to use Terminators, (not because of the specs, he dosn't know them yet) but for the looks. He is going to love his 2+ save LOL.


I think the next scenario will be something like the area needs to be cleared off so the DA can set up a fortified point or base or what ever it's called. So the Terminators are set in to clear the area outso the DA can fortify themselves. Not shure what Tyranid units to be used. More 'Stealers and I will be adding gaunts this time. No HT yets. (Well I don't even have a HT model so it will be a "counts as" when he finally does come it.


Maybe a Tevrigon to get some synapse in their for the Gaunts.

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Could you define what "campaing" system you decided to use in the end?

I didn't use any system. I am just making it up and getting ideas from here, B&C DA forum and TTH for the Tyranids. You guys are giving me great advice and help.


No onto the next game with more points. I think it will be a 500 point game. Since my boy wants to use Terminators, (not because of the specs, he dosn't know them yet) but for the looks. He is going to love his 2+ save LOL.


I think the next scenario will be something like the area needs to be cleared off so the DA can set up a fortified point or base or what ever it's called. So the Terminators are set in to clear the area outso the DA can fortify themselves. Not shure what Tyranid units to be used. More 'Stealers and I will be adding gaunts this time. No HT yets. (Well I don't even have a HT model so it will be a "counts as" when he finally does come it.


Maybe a Tevrigon to get some synapse in their for the Gaunts.



If you do 750pts Two deathwing squads and 1st company master Belial with upgrades or a dread or something and maybe they can be the last survivers of a strike force that have gone straight into the heart of the tyranid beast to kill the 'brain bug' that is controlling the hive... Genestealer Patriarch style :)

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The story continues. Hoping game will be played tomorrow.


Part II


Shadows and Flame

Unfortunately no one has survived or so it was thought; the two Troops of DA have perished at the hands of the Genestealer and even the Chapter Master. While he made it to the shuttle, there were Tyranids waiting patiently for any prey that would arrive. Even though the Chapter Master could have made it out alive he persevered so the message would be sent. At the risk of his own life all was not lost. It was a high price to pay, but the Chapter Masters message has gone through, and now the DA know of the menace that Lurks below.

With surveys being done, it was found that the mining shaft was the only entrance in and out within 100’s of kilometers. More surveys are being done to see if there are other entrances but none have been found. The surveys have been thorough, so the DA made the entrance the focal point for their strategy. They are making a bunker so nothing will come out.

As the Deathwing Teleports to the entrance way, small life signs were being detected. Not alien life signs but human. So it would seem the Dark Angels haven’t perished after all. So instead of being just a purge and hold mission, it is a rescue mission as well.


For this mission, it’s up to the DA to secure the area so the bunkers/encampment can be put in place. Also they have to rescue the brothers that have passed out due to vicious fighting that must have occurred.

A strike force has arrived immediately to prevent any Tyranid from leaving the catacombs/mines. As long as no Tyranid escapes, the DA wins. The second objectives, is if the DA can claim the Chapter Master and the rest of the DA squads they win a minor victory.

If the Tyranids claim the Chapter Master or the rest of the DA squad it’s a minor victory and if One Tyranids escapes, it’s a major victory.


Dark Angels Points

HQ: Belial, X2 Standard Bearer and X2 Apothecary 240

Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad, Heavy Flamer 220

Deathwing Terminator Squad, Heavy Flamer 220

Dreadnaught can’t enter play but can be used if any Tyranid escapes. (125)

Total 680



HQ: Tyranid Prime, Bones swords, Deathspitter, Toxin Sacs, 105

Regeneration Toxin Sacs

Troops: Tervigon, Implant attack Regeneration, Cluster Spines 220


Genestealers, X5 Brood Lord with Scything Talons and Implant attack 156

Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs,

Genestealers, X5 Brood Lord with Scything Talons and Implant attack 156

Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs,

Devil Gaunts, 10X Devourer 100

Total 737

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The story blends nicely :)


Quite a point bump! But if you have the models... it hard not to play larger games and self contraint haha


Why 2x SB and 2 xApothecary? Beyond it being ilegal, I don't quite understand the Standard (would understand the apotechary since they are a rescue mission).


BTW, the Nids are going to own the DA... you realize that, don't you? xD If I was the Nid player... the gaunts would run fleet and make a straight line to escape! And with the Tervigon, I would try and tangle your terminators (remember they have Feel No Pain if they are within 15 cm of Mommy) and assault with the stealers...


I wish your son (Da, right?) the best of lucks and give him a tip of advice from my part: its more important to assault than to shoot and because you killed only 2 miniatures, being out of range!!!

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Why is it illlegal? Since Belial is present, one Termie can be upgraded to a Standard Bearer to give the squad a +1 attack. More dice, is more fun for my son. ;). Also the same squad a Temrie can be upgraded to an apocothary as well. So 2 squads, 2 SB and 2 Apocotharies.


Also the Apocothares are there to to take one Wound away. I am trying to show my son how there can be different rules, and bringing in them in slowly. The purpose of the Apocothares, is to reclaim the Geneseed if they can find it. Remember the DA are assuming everyone has perished so bringing in 2 apothecaries in would be twice as fast as recovering the Geneseed. Once insinde the labyrinth to their joy there are surviovrs and they are the objective markers.


I am not good at making armies, this is all I could think of. So any other better ideas, I would greatly appriciate to learn the error of my ways. Game is set for tommorrow.

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Why is it illlegal? Since Belial is present, one Termie can be upgraded to a Standard Bearer to give the squad a +1 attack. More dice, is more fun for my son. :). Also the same squad a Temrie can be upgraded to an apocothary as well. So 2 squads, 2 SB and 2 Apocotharies.

No, unfortunately, only 1 Deathwing Squad in army can be upgraded with Banner and Apothecary.

I like your story and campaign. It's quite interesting to read. I hope that your son will soon join the ranks of DA players not as Scout he now is, but as a full Battle Brother. Good luck to him.

Waiting for battle report. :)

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