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Kitbashed Chaplain


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I have recently made some great trades at Bartertown. In the trades I made, I realized that I had more than enough infantry models, so I decided that I would attempt to throw together a chaplain for my army. Currently, I have the terminator chaplain who is ace, but I don't own a power armor chappy, so after looking through my old bits and some new pieces, I came up with this guy. The are very few real conversions needed. However, they do exist and I will talk about them.

1) I took a power axe from an assault squad sprue and cut the head of the axe off. In it's place I put the skull insignia and some purity seals to cover up my work a bit.

2) The helmet. I took an old skull bit from some warhammer fantasy bits I have laying around. I chopped off the rear cranial structure in of the skull. I then chopped off the front of a marine helmet and filed both down. I then combined said pieces and added greenstuff to fill the gap.

3) Convertibility. I decided that I want this guy to serve as an infantry chappy and a jump chappy, so I put a rare earth magnet in his back and some small snippets of metal duct plate I have and voila! I have a chappy with both a jump pack (from a vanguard vet) and a regular power pack.

Otherwise, everything is fairly straightforward. So, let the critique begin! Be aware that this isn't the final stage of production. I still need to file down mold line and excess greenstuff and then I can paint. Thank guys!






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Let's see..skulls, check. More skulls...check. Skull-face, check. Whoop-ass stick...check...yep, that's a chaplain alright. :D


Not bad, the only thing that really pops out at me is the cloth/scroll bits, which isnt your fault. I've always been annoyed how a dynamic pose, like the running legs and what not, are left looking a bit goofy by perfectly strait, stagnant parchments, or completely defied by bits moving in opposite directions, like the tabard hanging from his shoulder. I would maybe move the purity seal on his BP and the scrolls hanging from his hip at a more backward angle, to go with the forward moving pose. Of course, then they might look odd against the stationary loin tabard and other bits, sooo I dunno. It could just be me that finds that sort of thing off putting.


The servo-skull might look better a bit lower on the model too: the stick and reliquary already make him a fairly tall figure, so by moving it to one side or the other you could create a bulkier silhouette to match. Bigger does mean more important, after all :lol: . I could see that moving it into conflict with the JP option though..dunno :huh: .


Overall, pretty damn fine work. It's only limit is the scope of GW bits to cannibalize :lol: .

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