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Alpha Legion

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Well topic says it all except I would like ideas on the best way to field them bothe pre-heresy and post heresy. I have the chaos and regular codex and I know that sneaky units are favored by the Alpha Marines. I just want to know how what the best way to field a fluffy Alpha army is?
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First off, i appreciate that i have not actually answered your question.


This is just from a 40k POV and not pre-heresy.


To keep it fluffy as possible i would personally use either Codex:IG or Codex:WH.


This would give a force with the style of an AL marine (or 2) that has corrupted a local PDF or IG force.


The only problem is that IG have no HQ (or other choice) with a stat line good enough to represent a space marine.


THe WH codex has a few interesting options if you ignore Sister of Battle and just use Storm Troops. Daemonettes, assassins, penitants and monks can also be given a chaos make over quite easily, but overall they lack variety in units (especially heavy support).


On a separate note, was it the Eye of Terror codex that had the Lost and the Damned army and did that allow a Space Marine HQ?

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The Alpha Legion prefers to operate in individual cells and to attack via as many means at the same time as possible (basicyll a "Hydra" principle, attacking from several different angles, and not being reliant on only one "head"). So a most fluffy Alpha Legion army would feature a wide variety of choices, and possibly a few infiltrating units. In smaller games (1000-2000 points) it may be more suitable to use multiple smaller units, so as to get more different types of unit into the army, instead of spending the points for fewer, bigger units. E.g. one unit of 5 Assault Marines, 5 Bikes, 5 Devastators and a Predator would be preferable to one unit of 10 Assault Marines and one unit of 10 Devastators. How effective that is on the table is a different question, but that is what would be most fluffy for the Alpha Legion. They do not concentrate their assets on one (or few) efforts, they operate in several individual cells, each with a different mission and mode of attack.


Their preferred MO is often misunderstood as (and to be fair was somewhat misrepresented in the previous 3.5 Codex Chaos Space Marines) as "infiltrating everyting/as much as possible", while they were originally said to favour infiltrating Vetern Chaos Marine squads, but that being just one of the many different means to attack the enemy.

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They rely on assaulting enemy positions from as many different directions as possible near-simultaneously, including from within. Therefore, a mix of infiltrators/outflankers, deep strikers, and a mechanized wing is probably about the easiest way to get it done.
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They rely on assaulting enemy positions from as many different directions as possible near-simultaneously, including from within. Therefore, a mix of infiltrators/outflankers, deep strikers, and a mechanized wing is probably about the easiest way to get it done.


Are you saying that they use multiple sim-ul-taneus defensive deep strahkes? The codex ah-stah-tes calls this maneuveh steel rehn.


Ok sorry, couldn't resist. As to OP, well the most recent account of AL warfare was in Siege of Vraks in which the entire warband was described as veterans and commandos that infiltrated the Imperial lines disguised as loyalists, and later set up ambushes and traps. So chosen would probably be a must, but due to the current lack of veteran skills in the Chaos list it's actually kind of impossible to really get the AL feel in an army as their "hallmark" is more or less the elite nature of all of their troops which can't really be represented as otherwise they just field the same things as anyone else.

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Codex Space Marines, with Khan on foot or bike, granting outflank to the army, simulates the Alpha Legion "attacking from many sides" approach. Scouts represent their operatives somewhat, though not as good as could be.


Try to avoid deepstrikers, as that doesn't fit rather well. The Alpha Legion seems to be more boots on the ground instead of shock and awe massed attacks.

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Codex Space Marines, with Khan on foot or bike, granting outflank to the army, simulates the Alpha Legion "attacking from many sides" approach. Scouts represent their operatives somewhat, though not as good as could be.


Try to avoid deepstrikers, as that doesn't fit rather well. The Alpha Legion seems to be more boots on the ground instead of shock and awe massed attacks.



Well, except for that whole mass-teleport thing at the end of the Legion. Or did we forget about that one?

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Codex Space Marines, with Khan on foot or bike, granting outflank to the army, simulates the Alpha Legion "attacking from many sides" approach. Scouts represent their operatives somewhat, though not as good as could be.


Try to avoid deepstrikers, as that doesn't fit rather well. The Alpha Legion seems to be more boots on the ground instead of shock and awe massed attacks.



Well, except for that whole mass-teleport thing at the end of the Legion. Or did we forget about that one?


True, but it depends on what era you are planning for. Post Heresy they woudln't have the time or freedom to always act like that, since they are usually fighting guerilla wars etc.


But you are right, you can justify it if you have to. Just playing up to the stereotype of an army would tell more of a story to opponents though. After all, the opponent might feel that they are playing Night Lords or Raven Guard or more likely Lunar Wolves who favour attacking with shock and awe to cut the enemies head from it's shoulders, even though the Alpha Legion fight that way too.

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I am currently going to be making an AL force, decided to scrap the death guard idea for something I have always wanted to make.


I am going to run them with a core of mechanized chaos marines, and berzerkers, with some chosen, bikers, obliterators (heavy weapons teams) and summoned lesser daemons (either cultists or traitor IG) this is fluffy to me. I am a firm believer that your army is as fluffy as you model it, so because they do not have AL legion rules I will build it the best I cam with C:CSM and model them super fluffy.

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The only problem is that IG have no HQ (or other choice) with a stat line good enough to represent a space marine.


Ah, but they do. Colonel Straken has S6 and a 3+ save and is armed to the teeth. Also Nork the Ogryn bodyguard could be some of sort of daemon or mutant. Though I suppose you want an actual SM army rather than a LaTD-style list of humans led by marines. You could use Lesser Daemons to represent cultists ambushing your enemies or SM scouts as elite soldiers.

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Hmm, maybe Daemon Hunters added to a Marine force?


THIS is the best way to do it!


For now.


Sadly, I fear that the 'allies' rule will be going away, making this a bit more difficult to pull off.


But there still should be 'inducted guard' and 'storm trooper' entries to fill out the ranks, even with a new Codex.


"Counts As" Grey Knights in Power Armor for your Alpha Legion Marines, and you're good to go.


At least, this is how I'm planning on fielding them!

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Another option that completely slipped my mind is the Siege of Vraks Renegade army, which is in fact an Alpha Legion/IG force. However, this has the problem of being non-codex and therefore people will whine (damn those people and their whining!).
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Hmm, maybe Daemon Hunters added to a Marine force?


THIS is the best way to do it!


For now.


Sadly, I fear that the 'allies' rule will be going away, making this a bit more difficult to pull off.


But there still should be 'inducted guard' and 'storm trooper' entries to fill out the ranks, even with a new Codex.


"Counts As" Grey Knights in Power Armor for your Alpha Legion Marines, and you're good to go.


At least, this is how I'm planning on fielding them!


Yeah I think the Allies rule will go too.


I think using the Daemonhunters in reverse would be good too. Add Inquisition units and choices to a Space Marines list, to keep the large amounts of outflanking and hard striking units.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ironically, considering the relationship between these two legions, I would have a Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion use a normal, vanilla, Ultramarine codex.

Fluff-wise, they could not be more different in their long-term strategy, but when it comes down to it both legions are focused on fluidity. Ultras have no real specialization (compared to Blood Angels or Black Templars) and can provide anything they need to the situation. Very similar (fluff-to-table translation) tactics as the Alpha Legion; you might need more scouts, or use some White Scar characters for their flanking but, canonically, too much specialization would be very un-Alpha.



-Pedro Kantor might be a possible captain choice, because Sternguard REEK of Alpha: mobile, flexible, badass

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I wouldn't really agree with what Brother Gawainus said, but feel free to correct me B). Given their differences, the Alpha Legion would properly focus more at dividing the enemy, and crushing them on all sides- as noted by others, However, the Ultras would probably (in my mind) prefer a more straightforward and steadfast approach.
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