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Templars Vs. Chaos Marines Battle report


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my list;




15man squad 1flamer 1pf in a LRC w/ smoke


Lasback w/ 6 man team w/ LC x2


2 speeders w/ mm and hf


His list( I am not really sure what he had..


2 rhino's w/ 10 man squads and plasma weapons

1 dread w/ a lc

some plauge marines

maybe some other stuff but I am not sure.


We play a spearhead deployment w/ a kill point game. The table has a rather larger 3 story ruin in his deployment corner, her he placed hi Hq, plauge marines and dread, w/ hi 2 rhinos as close to center as possible.


I deployed near the center as well w/ my LRC about 36 inches from his rhinos behind coverw/ the lasbacaks next to them, speeder 1 was nearby behind cover and the 2nd one was in reserves.



Round 1 he went first.


Took a shot at my LRC w/ his dread, hit, no effect, moved his rhinos up and blcoked the only straight path to the ruins where hq and dread was.


I unloaded lasback, LRC and speeder onto 1 rhino, bad rolls wasnt able to pop it, just completely imobilized it, 2nd one was hit by other lasback, and was shaken/imobilized. I moved closed in w/ LRC and rhinos, this proved to be what I thought would be a mistake


Round 2


Takes more shots at LRC and has no effect, sets up for assault on my LRC w/ his 2 marines, is not able to get into assault position, leaving all 20 of his marines in the open and in the sites of the LRC.


I roll for reinforcments, the second speeder arrives, I drop him near my left table edge on the flank of one of his units, I get lucky and get a direct hit, no scatter, the only good thing that speeder did. Next I move everything into postion to unload on to his marines, w/ my heavy flamers alone I was able to template 18 of the 20 marines! and would you believe it he rolled 17! saves!!!! 17 saves!!!! I couldnt believe it and niethher could he. The I rolled really poor on my LRC and was only able to take out 3 more guys, I still left everyone in there ttransports at this time., howver, due t the placement of buildings and such, my tanks were benifitting from a nice cover save from his lascannon in the ruins in his corner.


Round 3, time for stuff to go boom!


He assaults my speeders, the one that came in from reserves, explodes and takes out 1 guy, I couldnt believe the saves this guy was rolling all night! After the explosion he rolled a consalidation roll of 6in, and was able to make it to some cover behind the imobilized rhino. The second speeder is heavily damaged and becomes totally useless. He fires again on my LRC and no effect.


I move my LRC into assault position, unload my guys, take out his whole squad, suffering 3 neophyte casulties, in his counter assault he choses to keep assaulint the landspeeder, amkes it go boom and I loose 2 more guys and he loses his last man, unit drestroyed 1 kill point me 2 for him. I consolidate my troops 1 in closer to his boys in cover.


Round 4

he stops shooting at the LRC and starts taking a shot at my lasback, stunned, cant shoot cant fire, not much else he can do.


I unload to the other lasback and the LRC into the imobilized rhino, boom!, takes out 2 more of his guys, I move my troops closer, and bp them, all saved, too far to assault.


Round 5

He keeps working the rhino, same effect, unable to destroy it, just cant move/cant shoot. He moves into position to attack my aproaching squad, shoots, kills 2 more, assaults and I actually saved pretty well, lost a few, and on my counter charge w/ my EC, I was able to finish out his squad, one more kill point for me! so now we are 2, 2.


Round 6

HE tries again to pop my rhino, cant move cant shoot, and that is all he decided to do, everyone was way out of position to do anyhting else.

what was left of my force moved into the LRC, the other rhino and LRC unloaded on his last rhino, boom, 1 more kil point for me, I win 3 to 2


So in the end I lost 2 speeders, and over half my 15man squad, being a little newer, I feel like the guy went easy on me, but hey it is a "W", and he claimed that he was a veteren player, but new to chaos. I made a mistake by getting my speeders to close to soon, and I should have deployed further back and just waited for him to come to me, and soften him up w/ the LRC as he approached. All in all it was a great game, some dramatic rolls and I really enjoyed it!



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Interesting report Redfinger but some advice. If you want some more replys add pictures of your report. Visual documentations are always good as not only do they show us your well-painted army but they also give us an idea on what's happening. Good luck with your next game though.



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