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2nd Annual Midwest Massacre at KC Game Fair (Updated)

Star Breaker

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The date and venue for the KC Game Fair has been released.


With that I can announce the 2nd Annual Midwest Massacre will be taking place on Saturday November 6th. The finer details have yet to be worked out, but last years event was a success and we hope to make this year bigger and better by drawing in participants from around the Midwest or even further. The first Massacre saw over $300.00 in prizes given out, with enough people we hope to beat that this year.


For more details please feel free to visit www.frostreaver.net, the forums section has photos from last years event, and the most up to date information will be found there. I'll be posting more details here as they become available.

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We've worked out many of the details and should have preregistration information up with the next month or so. Figured I'd pass along the information I have.


The Midwest Massacre will be held as a part of the KC Game Fair at the KCI Expo Center in Kansas City, MO. The Tournament will be held on Sat November 6th. Registration for the tournament will begin at 8:00 am and close at 9:00 am. First round pairings and table assignments will be announced at 9:15 am.


The tournament will consist of three rounds, and each round will last for 2 hours.


Army lists will be built using one FOC and to a maximum of 1750 points. No allies, WD, IA, or Apocalypse units will be allowed. One army, one codex.


There will be 32 slots available for the tournament. The entry fee for the Midwest Massacre is $15 and you must have a convention badge to play. Last year, a one day convention badge was $10. Players will be encouraged to pre-register through the website via Paypal, though pre-registration has not yet opened.


The tournament pairings will be random for the first round, and follow a Swiss system after that, with each player facing the person closest to them in the rankings system, as long as those two people have not played each other previously in the tournament. This tournament will not include sportsmanship or painting scores, it will be based on Battle Points alone to determine a winner.


The Tournament time schedule will work as follows:


Everyone playing in the tournament must be signed in no later than 9am. No one will be allowed to register after that time.


At 9:15 table assignments will be announced. Players will then have 15 minutes to find their table, read through the mission, and deploy their forces. At 9:30 the first game will start. Players will have 2 hours to complete the game. Players will be notified when there are 30 minutes left and again when there are 10 minutes left. No new turns should be started after the 10 minute warning.

At 11:30, time will be called and all players must stop their games. They will then have 15 minutes to get scores tallied and turned in and to clean up their playing area.

At 11:45, we will take a one hour break for lunch.

At 12:45, table assignment for round 2 will be announced and players will have 15 minutes to find their tables, read through the missions, and deploy their forces.

At 1:00 the second game will start. Players will have 2 hours minutes to complete the game. Players will be notified when there are 30 minutes left and again when there are 10 minutes left. No new turns should be started after the 10 minute warning.

At 3:00, time will be called and all players must stop their games. They will then have 15 minutes to get scores tallied and turned in and to clean up their playing area. At 3:15, there will be a 15 minute break for the judges to get scores entered and new table assignments calculated.

At 3:30, table assignments for round 3 will be announced. Players will have 15 minutes to find their tables, read through the mission, and deploy their forces.

At 3:45 the final game will start. Players will have 2 hours to complete the game. Players will be notified when there are 30 minutes left and again when there are 10 minutes left. No new turns should be started after the 10 minute warning.

At 5:45, time will be called and all players must stop their games. They will then have 15 minutes to get scores tallied and turned in and to clean up their playing area.

Winners will be announced as soon as the final scores are tallied.


The prizes will be as follows:

1st Place: First Place Trophy and over $150 worth of Games Workshop products and accessories

2nd Place: Second Place Trophy and over $100 worth of Games Workshop products and accessories

3rd Place: Third Place Trophy and over $50 worth of Games Workshop products and accessories.


You can find out more about the KC Game Fair and sign up for the convention by visiting their website: www.kcgamefair.com


For those who prefer cash entries, we'll be accepting them at the door the day of the tournament, at our table at Recruits, or at any of the Warhammer 40K events at Game Cafe between now and then. As you all know, space is limited to the first 32 people who sign up. We will also take 5 alternates to fill in for anyone who doesn't show up. Any unfilled spots will be filled by alternates in the order they registered. Any alternate who does not get to play will have their entry fee refunded. All other entry fees are non-refundable so if you sign up, make sure you can be there!


Missions for the tournament will be given to each player as part of their tournament packet at the registration desk when you sign in, along with scores sheets to turn in for each game and any other information you may need.

That's it for now, more as it becomes available.

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