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I feel really bad about tonight


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At our LGS we have a thing called a challenge board where the person at the top of the board for 5 weeks in a row gets 1000 points of free merchandise from the store. Today after lots of playtesting I started my trek up the mountain. My opponent khorne space marines.


He wanted to do a spearhead deployment so we ended up doing the 2 spearpoints that face towards the center. Never played it before so don't know what it's called.


my list




5 5 man RAS meltagun, meltabombs, powerweapon, razorback with assault cannons


3 SPs with powerweapons


2 baal preds with bolters


dev squad 2 plasma cannons, LC, ML razorback with TLLC


2 riflemen dreads



his list


2 20 man berserker squads 3 plasma pistols in each squad


2 winged slannesh demon princes


land raider


2 defilers


6 termies with a bunch of stuff


Turn 1


I went first. 2 of the three objectives were in my deployment area. I set my dreads on them lined all my razorbacks in a gun line. we were playing with the table the opposite of normal so I was at about the 24 inch mark and had 4 feet downrange to shoot at. My devs started in trees outside their razoback at about he same range. I shook his LR and took his 2 DPs down to about 2 wounds each.


His turn he flew towards me and tried to use his slannesh moving power thingy on my devs but rolled a 11 and the other DP assaulted 1 of my razorbacks. He missed with all attacks since I moved more than 6 with everything.


Turn 2


I shook his LR again and killed 1 of his DPs. Both my Pred cam in from reserves and outflanked both of his defilers and wrecked them BOTH.


He assaulted my devs and killed them all. No biggy.


Turn 3


1 of my assault squads came out to play with his last DP and killed him. I immobilized his LR but it didn't matter since he was still in range. My 2 preds sat in the corners and lit up 1 of his squadsin trees that were sitting on his objective.


His termies came in and he popped my LC razoback. Thats about it. Both of his squads were hiding in trees.


Turn 4

Preds killed his objective squad down to 1 man. I shot all 4 assaultcannon razorbacks into the LR and blew it up. My dreads and my reclusiarch squad fired everything they had into the termie squad and them my RAS/reclusiarch/SP squad assaulted and wiped him off the map.


My opponent had 1 guy in 1 suad on the objective and the other 20 man in trees a little ways away. I told him it was pointless since I had 2 objectives and he would have to walk all the way to try to cover any of the 3 and I would shoot him to pieces the entire way. He decided to play on for a morale victory and went after 1 of my baal preds. His shooting missed.


Turn 5


killed the last man on the objective. Park 2 squads onto objective. Run the razorbacks after his squad. Hilled more than half of them.


He shot charged and kill 1 of my predators. He called it right after.


I'm on the next ladder of the challenge board. :lol:

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Nice job, I like your list's ability to shoot. With a list like his, he really needs the defilers to pop something as its a bit limited, especially against a mech army like yours. How did you feel about the 3 SPs with PWs?
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Nice job, I like your list's ability to shoot. With a list like his, he really needs the defilers to pop something as its a bit limited, especially against a mech army like yours. How did you feel about the 3 SPs with PWs?


both of his defilers missed and a baal pred for each shooting all weapons into rear armor on the second turn was devastating for him. For the most part my SPs don't do anything. They're PLAN B. If my shooting doesn't get me the win they start doing their thing. If one of my razorbacks gets popped out in an open field, FNP is awesome for getting the 6 man squad to some cover. If I have to assault like I did against the DP then I have a second PW in the squad and we hi/wound easier. I usually have 1 razorback with an SP within range of my devestator squad to give my plama cannon guys FNP in case they suffer gets hot! Putting 1 in my reclusiarchs squad is just plain stupid overpowered. I love my SPs. Between them and baal preds, thats what BAs are all about right now in my opinion. All i have to do is figure out a way to kill a couple hundred orks in 3 turns without messing up my list a lot by adding a bunch of blood talon dreads.

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He feels bad about tabling his opponent maybe? :P



Don't though. Dual Lash Princes should be obliterated.


This was textbook systematic destruction. I could have prevented the deaths of my dev squad if I wanted to but I already knew I had the game and wanted a round of shooting with them. The guy I played is a good guy. It's kinda bad to wreck someone that badly. The good thing is now that I'm on the next tier I'll be playing more of the elitest type players. With the new razorback list I've been running, tabling has become much easier. gonna probly get a few games in today too.

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I have yet to use them but do you find the rifleman dreads serve there purpose well in your army?


I play a similar army with less asscans and SPs but I see either a combi-pred or a rifleman dread as musts. The rifleman dread is cheaper, more accurate, and better in hth (though it gets tied up). But its meant for popping transports and pesky light vehicles, not a foot slopping MEQ army.

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ok to answer a few questions. I have ran vindys against orks and they are usually the first priority of lootas. They never last long since I have to get them within 24 inches. I'm looking for something that I can hide well and kill a lot of bodies. Drop podded blood talon dreadnoughts are looking more and more like the only real answer along with multiple assaults.


My riflemen are awesome. They open up transports for the rest of my army. They're super long range so I can park them in trees on an objective to protect it(they're good enough in close combat to hold just about anything off) and plink light vehicles and MCs all day. The AP is awesome but 4 S7 shots that reroll to hit is dangerous. I'd probably replace them for the CC dreads against marines/orks. They're definately worth their points.

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mmmm yes... I remember this list sir. This is the same list that my combat squadded RASs came in perfectly behind all your tanks and decided to roll 5 1's because they wanted to give you another turn of shooting. I'm pretty sure you have a pact with some dark entity from the far reaches of the warp, but I'm not going to hold that against you... I'll just bring more meltas to miss with :lol:

Edit: This also happens to be the guy who's handed me all three of my losses for my blood angels. I was about to say maybe if I call them berserkers for a game I might be able to do more than get close to a draw... but it looks like those guys fare even worse.

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Yes riflemen are the excellent I field 2 in my current list.
I hadn't really ever done the math on the 2x twin-autocannon over the standard 1x assault-cannon... wow, all that for an extra 5pts


Gonna have to tap up some IG autocannons from somewhere :lol:

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