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razorback RAS

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Because razorbacks are effective anti infantry and light armor troop transports that can move (for BA) 12" and shoot...

This is most effective when you have a lot of them. They can carry DC, or Vanguard, or RAS, or even Honor Guard, get a lot of firepower and boots on the ground.

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I dont know if its better. But it is effective. I like to take (when I have the points) a couple of 5 man teams with Sanguinary priests attached in Assault Cannon razorbacks and a few 10 man assault squads in most of my BA lists, which have proven pretty useful for most games.
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Razorwire lists have been popular for a while, but Assault Troops in Fast transports, with a Heavy Weapon on top (that can fire on the move) makes for quite a mobile, hard-hitting army.

If you can keep the Razr alive, it is a scoring Fast vehicle (cf. Eldar Skimmers), or just throw them towards the foe to deliver scoring CC units.


Sure, each squad is not a full 10-man, but they are specialised, so compare to a full Tac squad, and the Razr softens up the foe on the way in.

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normally with an assault cannon...its just ive noticed a lot of lists on here seem to run RAS in razorbacks as troops...im wondering why people do this?



The assault cannon is a weapon that is really really versatile. Added to the fact its twin linked means you can target anything from infantry to tanks.


Added to this is the fact that RAS get a discounted Razor.


This means that 5 RAS with an option for a special close combat weapon and a special shooting weapon far outweighs the counter part - a 5man tactical squad with Razorback.




5man RAS with melta and power weapon in heavy Razorback = 180points


5man TAC with power weapon in heavy Razorback = 195points (and you dont even get the melta or the extra attacks!)

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normally with an assault cannon...its just ive noticed a lot of lists on here seem to run RAS in razorbacks as troops...im wondering why people do this?



The assault cannon is a weapon that is really really versatile. Added to the fact its twin linked means you can target anything from infantry to tanks.


Added to this is the fact that RAS get a discounted Razor.


This means that 5 RAS with an option for a special close combat weapon and a special shooting weapon far outweighs the counter part - a 5man tactical squad with Razorback.




5man RAS with melta and power weapon in heavy Razorback = 180points


5man TAC with power weapon in heavy Razorback = 195points (and you dont even get the melta or the extra attacks!)


I am still running a Tactical squad but it has to be something that RAS cannot do...for cheaper. I am now running a Tactical with a plasma gun, plasma, lascannon or Ml with a Power fist for safety in a Rhino. It is a longer range unit designed to secure objectives and provide fire support. The PF gives it the capacity to defend intself.


Now I tend to run full man RAS Jump pack style but that means that I need RAS in RB to cover the troops as they advance. I am still of the opinon that if BA just use RB and RAS they will run into issues with prolonged combat and big units.


On another note I seriously believe that GW opened a little can of worms when they proposed a the 35 point reduction in transports with RAS. I think that it would have been better if they had made RAS 15 points per model and made it mandatory that they purchased either JPs at 3 points per model or a transport. Just my take and one reason why we see so, so, so many RAS units.

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It is funny that an army with assault marines as troops is often fielded as a BT army in razorbacks.


Because BAs get assault squad troops doesn't mean players have to take an jump-pack assault squad army. Even the fluff says the BAs are smart enough to go to war like your typical SM army, just they have no shortage of assault specialist due to the effects of the Flaw.

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I take tac squads, they firepower of there bolters is commonaly overlooked.


6 in a RB with a TL HB is enough to hold an objective and seriously damage opposing squads.


I personally dont like small RAS squads, but i do take 1 or 2 full squds that usually drop in on DoA exactly where i need them.

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A razorback with a decent weapon mount (TLLC) is 85 pts. For little more than that you can get a Dakka Pred so I don't think it's effective as a firebase.


The main problem stems from the fact that Tactical Squads in BA armies can't take special weapons unless they are 10 strong, and Assault Squads can take up to two special weapons, which makes them a very good choice for in your face playstyles most BA players go for. So if you want small but effective squads you have to go for Assault Squads, which function well in a Fast Razorback, so it's good synergy in a way.


I always take footslogging Tactical Squads as troops, and my Razorbacks are for Sternguard and Honor Guard.. my army list is very different from normal BA, and my play syle is more Earth than Fire.

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