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Why are you a DA player?


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Why are you a Dark Angel player? For me, I choose DA because I loved their colour scheme. While I like the original colour scheme, I try to use it but change it so it is my own as well. I love the history of the DA. I like how they are the good guys, but not the good guys. (This was before I knew there is no good guys in 40K and everyone is basically evil compared to our 21st century morale believes.) I love how they have a secret and will do almost everything to keep it secret. I love the idea of the Fallen.


I don't know how to explain it, but if I play something else and it's not DA, and it's a SM, it is not as fun. I tried the UM with Battle for Macragge, but I stopped painting them blue and went back to Green. So the only SMs I like are the DA. While my army is small (going through bouts of depression, not caring to do anything) I am starting to make my force bigger now.


So why are you a DA player? What got you into playing DA?


Lets please keep this positive. If you were a DA player and not no more, say so, but no bashing or negative talk about the codex as is. We have another thread for that.


Also talk about your army. How big is it? What plans do you have for it?

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Well, I started Dark Angels mainly for the fluff. There is something mysterious about them, almost like they are hiding something. :) Anyway, once I was hooked by the fluff, the ability to field an entire army of terminators (DW of course) sealed the deal. I have played Deathwing for years and love my Deathwing army. After inspiration from others here on B&C, a few days ago I decided to start my DA 5th Company army.


As for the future, I'm building a 1500 point army (5th Company) for me to use at my local gaming club. I don't play many tournaments any more, so I can concentrate on casual gaming and having fun.



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Great fluff, fantastic looking mini's, wanted marine army but didn't want to be associated with the Ultramarines, bored of LotR fantasy and I love the idea of a dark side to a "good" army. Also, just like Fearless, I don't play in tournaments so I can just have fun painting and playing occasionally when I get the chance.
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I first decided DA because I've been playing horde-orks, and wanted a low-model-count army. Deathwing fits the bill quite nicely.

Then I started reading up on the fluff, and I like it!

Rather than the "WE ROCK!" that other chapters have as 'their thing', we actually have a story, a secret, something that sets us aside from Space Vikings, Space Vampires, Space Smurfs.

We are the First, and Best, not because our Primarch is a werewolf, or because we've got snazzy vehicles, but because our history involves more than just jumping from one heroic battle to another.

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Light Hearted huh.


I picked the Dark Angels because they were the only ones with a realistic color scheme, Green...


The idea of playing an army of Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple, etc was,,, :) :lol: :lol: your kidding right. :lol:


After the fact I got into the Fluff.

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First and foremost, I play DA (well, a DA successor) for the Terminators. Or, at least, that's why I started playing. Terminators are wonderful. All hail the Terminators.


However, Terminators lead me to "Deathwing", which is where I think the best of the Dark Angels Chapter can be seen. It's one of the best pieces of 40K fluff I've ever read. Cloud Runner et al give up everything in order to serve and protect the people of their home world - including their honor within the Dark Angels and their very lives. It struck me (and still strikes me) as courageous and honorable in the extreme.


However, if you think about the prime driving motivation of the Dark Angels, it's actually somewhat in conflict with the way the Chapter seems to run itself. The DA are about the DA, then the Imperium - which is pretty much diametrically opposed to the marines of Deathwing.


Hence, my successor Chapter (and my own views of the Dark Angels) emphasize the elements of the DA still concerned with honor, duty and service - as opposed to those elements concerned more with ensuring the survival and perpetuation of the Chapter. In some ways, the Dark Angels have the potential to be the most honorable and dedicated of the Space Marine Chapters. And that's very appealing.

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Let's see... Back in the early 90's when space hulk was a DOS run game, I was introduced to the bone white armor of the Deathwing. From then on I was hooked. Also back in 3rd/4th ed (can't remember) when our scout squads were the only squads that could have an all sniper rifle squad, that hit on a 2 and wounded on a 4, that was pinning and I believe rending. Also the fluff behind the dark angels is just amazing. What other SM chapter can say they have as detailed fluff. There coloring is awesome and they are still fun to play with.
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I started playing the Dark Angels codex to use terminators as troops. It's the most durable basic infantry model in the game, and building an army around that appeals to me.


Since then I have grown to love these aspects about the Dark Angels:


Robed Veteran Models

Background material about the Fall of Caliban

Fearless troops (Those of you who say we lost Stubborn should look at the old rules for Stubborn, not the new ones)

Mixing weapons in Deathwing Squads

Deep striking on bike-mounted teleport homers

Terminator apothecary and standard bearer


There are of course some things I don't like, but this mix of stuff can't be achieved anywhere else, and it's why I continue to use the DA Codex.

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Luck. A friend had the models from battle for Macragge, which he had painted in green, and the codex. He'd moved on to Tau, though, but when he introduced me to the game, I ended up using his convenient DA army. Since then, I've fallen in love with the fluff and the color scheme.


I love the dark green. When done right, it can make the DA look truly intimidating, some that I feel no other chapter can truly accomplish (and everytime I see the blue and gold of the Ultra's, I just want to laugh. It's not scary in the slightest). It's harder to achieve the same effect with the DW, as the bone white doesn't give the same dark feel, but with a bit of work, it can be done.


As of now, I have about 2750 points of DA, drawn from all over the chapter. 2 DW squads (a number which needs improvement), 2 tactical squads and associated rhinos (3rd Co.), 2 scout squads, 1 assault squad (3rd Co.), 1 predator, 1 whirlwind, 1 LR Godhammer, 3 dreadnoughts, 1 termie librarian, and, of course, Belial.


I play mostly with friends, so I don't really complain about the codex to much, as it's fun enough as it is, though it is my excuse when I get tabled by the Nids (Fastly becoming a rarer experience)



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For me it was the fluff that got me hooked because to me we are real good guys because we have a dark secret so we fight harder than any of our brother marines to prove this. I have a DW army and a normal battle company of DA and I am currently building a RW army. I do love my DW but I like my normal battle company because it doesn't have so few models and a larger array of weapons.
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The Deathwing expansion for the original space hulk is what got me into the glory of the Dark Angels. I had played the original space hulk using the spice boys, but once the Deathwing came along it was home for me. And come on just say the name Deathwing out loud, tell me that don't give you the shivers.
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The Deathwing expansion for the original space hulk is what got me into the glory of the Dark Angels. I had played the original space hulk using the spice boys, but once the Deathwing came along it was home for me. And come on just say the name Deathwing out loud, tell me that don't give you the shivers.
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Well, I play DA for following non gaming reasons:

- fluff, it is one of the greatest background story in the WH40k universe

- the models, robe marines looks awesome

- to have an army with different colour schemes like a mixed wing army is (with, black and green)

It was my first 40k army

and for following game reasons:

- to have the possibility for a pure terminator army

- to have the possibility for a pure bike army

- to have the possibility for a pure PA army

- to have to possibility to mix up all above possibility, with that you get a lot of flexibility

- the rules from C:DA (some are good and some not but every codex have a drawback, or?)

to see the opponents face if I beat him with DA during a tournament (the most of them can't believe that they get beaten with there super new powerful codex by a "weak" codex :devil: )


I have to say: I love my DA!!




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Origianally due to the models. I played the Dark Angels chapter for a number of years but now have made a DIY Raven Guard successor. However, as I love the DA codex so much still, and it fits my playstyle, I always use it instead of the SM codex. It fits the background of the chapter perfectly.
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First off I loved their green color scheme since it was the most realistic marine color (it was between them and templar).


Second and most important-Deathwing


Third would be our uniqueness, flavor, fluff, and dark gothic style of play (2nd/3rd edition).


I still love them, love modelling them, and they will always have a soft spot in my heart... That is the reason I can never switch armies!

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I remember awhile ago now when I was in the hobby full swing I played against a Dark Angel player with my Chaos Codex, we both heavily did not like what happened to our favourite armies as I grew up on Chaos and he on the Dark Angels, so all during the game we just griped like old men about how bad they both were in the middle of the store and what we were coming out with made quite a few people laugh.


I cannot remember who won that game but what I do remember is at the end of it, a kid is the best description I can come up with, said if you don't like your Codex's then why not change to the new Codex coming out its sure to be alot better than those two you have. The Dark Angels player said something that has stuck with us for sometime. he said "My colours don't run, you may join a band wagon but I love my army to much to do that."


I salute you guys who are carrying on with what is given to you I really do

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Also talk about your army. How big is it? What plans do you have for it?

Oh, I have over read it before.


Well, I have right now:

Belial with LC

Sami on Jetbike


2x Ven Dreads with PC, DCCW and HF

1x Dread with TLLC and ML

1x Command squad with 2 PG, standard bearer and Apoth.

5 Company Vets with 3PW, 1 PF and 2 PB

2x DW squads with the following loadout options: DW Banner, HF, AC and 2 CF, 3 LC, 1 TH/SS and 3SB/PF and 1 SB/PW

3x 10 men tacticals with 2PC, 2 PG 1 MG and 1 Flamer

1x 5 men Devas with 2 LC

2x LRC

2x Preds

1x LS Typhoon with HB

3x LS Tornado with HB/AC

2x 3 RW biker with 2MG each


3x Laserbacks

1x Hbolterback

2x Rhinos


In progress:

Belial with SB and SoS

2 Vets with bolter

2x LS Typhoon with MM

1x Vindicator


I don't no how many points in total.




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I was exposed to Dark Angels for the first time when I played the Amiga-version of Space Hulk computer game (though I knew nothing about DA and wh40k then). I just loved theme, mood and gothic graphics of the game. My own version of Belial is named Aradiel (in honour of one of the characters from computerised Space Hulk).

The real reason for choosing the Dark Angels was a picture of tactical squad (the same that is in AoD codex) in one of the Citadel leaflets. The dark green' armoured warriors were so different from other minis (it was (in)famous 'Red period' of the 'Eavy Metal - well deep in wh40k 2nd ed. era). They looked to me like death incarnation, really intimidating and threatening. In that time I was only beginning to play tabletop wargames, WFB in that, but my heart has been in 'love' with those Dark Angels (geez, what a great name!). Few years later, in the advent of 3rd ed. of wh40k, I've decided to start a sci-fi army. My first mini was aformentioned Aradiel - the terminator captain and a Dark Angels codex.


I'm sorry for bad english.

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I started playing Dark Angels because what really caught my eye when I first saw them where the robes. They give the Dark Angels that monistic feel that all space marine chapters are supposed to have, but sadly most lack. The color schemes they have are beautiful. They have amazing looking models and their fluff is the best I've ever read. Love the whole secretive fell they're supposed to have.


My army includes:



-captain with combi-plas and power sword

-captain with bolt pistol and power sword

-captain with jump pack and twin lightning claws

-metal captain with power sword (4th edition version)

-terminator librarian


-jump chaplain



-full 5th company battle company (almost finished painting)

-3 rhinos

-3rd company assault squad

-4 terminator squads

-las predator

-2 dreads



-6 RW bikes

-attack bike

-land speeder

-drop pod

-scout squad

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I play DA and DA-themed armies because I think the Fluff is awesome. It's much more subtle than many of the other chapters fluff. Once I finish my renegade gaurd and my C:SM DA success I will have 3-4 different DA themed armies.


+ I habve almost a full force org chart of DW. (40 +termies, 2 LR, 2 Dreads)

+ I have 1 full RW sqaudron + a few bikes/ttack bikes for a DW?RW force.

+ I have a space marine army that I will be modeling into a Disciiples of Caliban army. (because they were founded so late I really feel like using the SM dex fits the fluff better.

+ And my Fallen led Guard army.


With the exception of my Blood Smokers/World Eaters all of my armies are DA theme :lol:

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Well, like 15 years ago some friend of mine convinced me to play space hulk & told me about the 40K game, then I did some research & read a white dwarf where there was exposing azrael (skills, paint schemes, history, etc) i loved the miniature & bought it along with 20 2nd edition plastic marines & a predator all began there. Now 15 years later I keep playing it , have a second army (tyranids) but always been proud of play DA, no matter the odds!! have been through good & rough times (ruleswise) but still giving a shot with my DA on tourneys and friendly games.

My collection is something like this


Sammael on Land Speeder

Chaplain on bike

Chaplain on Jump Pack



Librarian in Termi armour

Chapter master (one in jump pack & the special edition one that came along with the new codex box)


2 dreadnoughts

35 termis, 40 tactical marines (including robed ones), 15 heavy wpn marines, 6 special wpns, 10 scouts, 10 jump pack marines

2 Land raiders (one crusader & one classic)

4 Land speeders

2 predators & a vindicator

& I think 6 bikes waiting to be assembled & painted

a bunch of 2nd edition plastic marines

my next project is to assemble a ravenwing army

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Because someone handed me back in 1992 The Dark Angel Commander figure painted very well and I kept him until the plains people story was released and I was hooked. All the fallen bit came later but still felt good about it, although still something missing...
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