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Why are you a DA player?


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I played tau, my brother wanted to play marines. I showed him, more of talked him into DA (fluff rules!!!), and he went with it. I painted and helped model his army. Then 4th ed relase came and we went to go in haves on the new army box. He backed out that night, i sold a lot of magic cards at that time for the chance to start a new army, and have been playing sence. I can push 4,000 points in apoc currently. Plan on collecting entire 5th co. 3 Deathwing term squads, 2 Devastor squads, 2 tatical, 1 Assult, 2 full Ravenwing bike squads, 2 preds, a vindicator, land raid crusader, converted term chaplin, azrael, benial (scrach built), 5 vets, 5 honor guard (got to have some fun), 2 dreds i think thats all.....

Original reason:

They're green.

I like green, so it was either Salamanders, Orks or Dark Angels back then.

Since Orks were to goofy for my tastes (not GRIMDARK enough ;) ), and Salamanders kind of had that insane look in their eyes whenever you mentioned the words 'hot', 'flame', 'fire' or the like, I decided for the DA.


After that, it was sheer stubbornness that I stayed with them (so I guess, it was a good choice). I still have some select few of my original models from 1996, but I was forced to sell the bulk of them for various reasons.

I started again in 2005 I think, and my army size is now quite decent.


I'm planning for a complete 5th company, but I also have RW and DW support.

Long term plans include a Battlefleet Gothic complete DA fleet (minus the Rock)

ATM the tally goes like this

1 Fortress of Redemption (mostly for display purposes :HQ: )

1 Terminator Librarian

3 Belials (all variants, in various stages of painting)


1 Master of the Ravenwing on speeder

1 Master of the Ravenwing on jetbike

Company Master Duma (with magnetized jump pack)

Chaplain Ezekiel

1 venerable dreadnought in DW colours (FW)

1 venerable dreadnought in 5th company split colour scheme (Black Reach box, w/ FW bits)

1 dreadnought

About 20 veterans with various armaments, to stand in as a veteran squad or as veteran sergeants, most are robed

3 full tactical squads with rhino chassis vehicles (magnetized to be either razorbacks, rhinos or a predator)

1 full devastator squad with weapon options

15 assault marines

6 RW bikes

1 RW attack bike

1 assault cannon land speeder

30 terminators with various weapon options (10 more are planned)

1 Land Raider w/ Lascannons

2 Land Raider Crusader


My plans are another 5 assault marines, another full devastator squad, 2 more tactical squads with transports, 1 or 2 whirlwinds and 1 or 2 vindicators.

Also, an interrogator chaplain in TDSA to have all HQ options to chose from.

After that I'll consider my army finished ;)

Well.. I think the initial reason for me picking the Dark Angels was the Deathwing and the Ravenwing. The most elite of the Imperium as an army, along with their dedication and their stubbornness. Later on, books like Fallen Angels, Descent of Angels and Angels of Darkness have added far more incentive. DA is undoubtedly the chapter/legion with the best fluff, along with the fluff that appeals to my personality.


I still have dreams of a better codex, but the current codex is nice. It's nice being the only player of a certain army, and being first gives that "special feeling". Also, being one of the worst (overcosted) codices allows for proof that our army (fluff wise) is better than theirs - a point I never fail to make to the local Ultramarines players. And we're first.


So... yeah, I guess. Hang on, brothers, though we may be in the darkness now, dawn will come. Keep on gaming with the DA.

Original reason:

They're green.

I like green, so it was either Salamanders, Orks or Dark Angels back then.

Since Orks were to goofy for my tastes (not GRIMDARK enough ;) ), and Salamanders kind of had that insane look in their eyes whenever you mentioned the words 'hot', 'flame', 'fire' or the like, I decided for the DA.


I actually dislike them being green!

I started with Orks, (The comic relief of the GrimDark Future!), and then wanted an Elite, small-model-count army, so DeathWing caught my eye.

But I wanted a different paint scheme! Luckily DeathWing is Bone White, so I use as little green as possible.

I've decided I will never field Green Power Armour: my DIY DA Chapter has been 'to Hell and Back', and only the TDA, Dreads, Land Raiders and maybe Battle Tanks survived.

NO GREEN! Reminds me of the greenskins!


I might start up a RavenWing. They can be low-model-count, and not green! ;)


Also, I do like the fluff. And the way no-one is sure what happened, and how much is Canon, and what has/hasn't been retconned, and how much is secrets within enigmas within wheels within wheels ;)

The Inner Circle know more than they are telling.



Belial (Converted Chaos Termie)

5 Assault DeathWing (The Graveyard Shift - modelled as if walking through graveyard)

5 Tactical DeathWing (The Black Reach - AoBR, standard bone-white)

5 DeadWing (Black Armour, with bones and skeletal accoutrements).

2 Dreadnoughts (Both named Cold Death)

1 Land Raider (Magnetised Sponsons.)


I brought a awesome painted Cypher model on the cheap and from that moment on i wanted a army made to kick his ass, that and the picture "The Last Rites of Brother Rhamiel" (next to azrael's profile in the new codex, pg 47) which cemented it.




Cpyher (If he counts)



5 Company Masters

Termie librarian

JP chaplain

Bike Chaplain


8 tactical squads

15 scouts

9 bikers

21 termies

2 dev squads

15 assault marines

15 vets

1 command squad

3 attack bikes

3 dreads

3 preds

1 land raider

3 land speeders

2 rhinos

3 razorbacks

1 whirlwind


adds up to something like 7000 points

Easy - the Dark Angels chaptor is the oldest, coolest, most emo.


They have the best fluff, the best artwork (first White Dwarf I bought was 163 - the deathwing terminator on the cover striding through the space hulk), and on and off, had the best rules. Ok, not so much from the competative side, but dammit, having an 18 model terminator army at 1500 back in 3rd was AWESOME.


Dear god, I haven't got time to work it out, but I've been collecting for 10 years, painted maybe 4000pts, waiting patiently to be painted, maybe another 2-3k?


Oh, and British Racing Green is proabably my favourite colour.

Why are you a Dark Angel player?


• The fluff

• The 'look'

• The unique game play

• The wider DA gaming community (that is those mad enough, or hard enough, to still be usining them)

• You lot. Seriously – a great bunch!

well for me ive been playing as Dark Angels since Rogue Trader days. the whole background, and inspiring characters that we have, as well as back then the black colour scheme was the big draw. in later years the exclusive squad formations such as the Deathwing and Ravenwing but also the standard Greenwing that i field a la my 3rd Battle Company led by Company Master Ariel Nathanielle.


also the Dark Angels were the First Founding Legion and also have the purest and least mutated gene seed. in addition to the whole zealous and stubborn nature of a DA force in a battle. for me the Dark Angels will always be my first love of all the W40K armies. but my aim is one day to have 100 TDA Deathwing Marines painted in glorious bone white in honour of the Deathwing squad who died to save their recruiting world from an insidious Genestealer invasion. the whole secret of the Fallen and the various sub plots including that of Cypher and his quest to reunite the lost and scattered Fallen make for a very satisfying army to collect and play.


i say this to all Dark Angel players, we may have a broken Codex, it may not match up so well to the new vanilla, Blood Angel or Space Wolf versions, but it is however ours and i will continue to play my army with the Codex DA in all its infamy.


we are the Dark Angels! we were the first! all hail the Lion!




This one goes out to everyone who started painting/playing DA back in the RT days:


The black armor, red helmet stripe, and yellow eye lenses.


The intensity of the red and yellow against the deep black made DA beakies look downright sinister.


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