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How do you denote blood rage?


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I have been writing it down on my army roster...potential to forget is still there. I think your red stones idea is great. I have heard that some players are modelling a specific sergeant or something to represent it but I think that it takes too much time.


If you had any spare bases you could model a "Red Rage" marker with a chainsword or something dripping with blood.

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My squads don't fall to the Red Thirst. Seriously.


In 15 games without Astorath a total of 4 units fell. In a 2500 point game against a fellow Blood Angel player, not a single unit of mine fell.


Since I switched to Astorath its gotten better (but its still far below 1/2 falling, an average of 2 units a game and my list has 6 units with the Red Thirst rule)


When they do fall, I tend to use a red stone like mentioned above. Though often it is unnecessary (several times my attack bikes have been the only units to fall, but it affected every unit of bikes making it easy to remember). I've also made my sergeants for my assault squads different, so if the stone gets moved its easy to tell which unit fell based on the sergeant.

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I use a spare 25mm base with a red x and the Flesh tearer Logo on it. sadly I never have enough to go around since most times I use my Tearers 95% of my units get it... So normally the one or 2 with the counters are the lesser rage filled members. Sure my sarges are all different BUT Im still retarded and will forget so counters of some sort are the way to go.
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I make a mark on my Army list, if I'm printing off a list for a tournament weekend I know how many games there is going to be and have check boxes for every unit that has the Red Thirst rule.
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My squads don't fall to the Red Thirst. Seriously.


Same here! :) Luckily we don't have to rely on Red Thirst to get our beloved Furious Charge.


It's fun to roll for the rule though - it makes you feel like you are actually playing Blood Angels instead of a generic SM chapter.

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You know, I run two RAS, and one usually falls while the other doesn't. Since I use one as ablative wounds for characters it's either the "character squad" or not, so it's easy for me to rememer. Kind of want to model some kind of fun marker for it though, now.
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My squads don't fall to the Red Thirst. Seriously.


Same here! :D Luckily we don't have to rely on Red Thirst to get our beloved Furious Charge.


It's fun to roll for the rule though - it makes you feel like you are actually playing Blood Angels instead of a generic SM chapter.


Perhaps I'm just having a dumb moment but what else gives us FC?!?!? Oh and on topic generally only one of my unit gets it so I can remember!



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My squads don't fall to the Red Thirst. Seriously.


Same here! :jaw: Luckily we don't have to rely on Red Thirst to get our beloved Furious Charge.


It's fun to roll for the rule though - it makes you feel like you are actually playing Blood Angels instead of a generic SM chapter.


Perhaps I'm just having a dumb moment but what else gives us FC?!?!? Oh and on topic generally only one of my unit gets it so I can remember!




They would be the most revered protectors of our sacred geneseed, the Sanguinary Priesthood. :D

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Sometimes forget to make the roll at the start of the battle, but in my last battle (I remembered !) and was using some of the new warhammer skull dice. Will look into getting something more Blood Angely to use instead.


Alternatively - since I have magnetic back packs for my Tactical Squad Sargeants (banners are a pain in the arse for the army boxes i find) I might see about replicating the current ones with my Deathly banners with the same logo...as for my scouts/assault/vanguard squads...I'm not so sure

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My main thing is I ALWAYS forget to roll in the first place for it - I have a printout of reference sheets and often referred to rules sections that I keep bound and with me - I added a big bloody first page RED THRIST? reminder to the front of it and I forget less now :teehee:


I made some 1.5 inch squares from sturdy cardboard, painted them black and put a pretty red blood drop on them and I just use these markers for squads that have succumbed.

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