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Equipping an Honor Guard


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I've learned the joys of Honor Guard and am now putting together a second, cheaper, foot squad for regular gaming. These guys will generally run with a Librarian who uses Unleash Rage and Shield of Sanguinius. But I'm not really settled on how to equip them. :)


So far I've got the Blood Champion, Sanguinary Novitiate and HG with Power Fist / BP finished. It's the other two guys that are giving me problems.


Option 1) 2x Flamers and a Melta Bomb


Option 2) Melta Gun and BP & Chainsword w/Melta Bomb


Option 3) Lightning Claw and BP & Chainsword


So what do you guys think?

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My recommendation would be the meltagun one, but rather than give one guy a meltagun give the meltagun to the powerfist guy. Since neither the fist guy or the meltagun guy get +1 attack for 2 weapons, give those weapons to the same guy.
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One of them will have a backpack banner so I could add the Company Standard in games where I've got points to burn. But ya see my problem is what do I give those other two guys? With only 15 points in my list to split between the two of them I'm rather restricted.


I love the idea of twin flamers, but I don't actually face too many opponents where they make more sense than the Melta Gun + Melta Bomb. And the Lightning Claw would be great, but a complete lack of any gun killier than a Bolt Pistol bothers me a little. Arrrgh! :lol: My plan to keep these guys at the same PV as the Furioso Librarian, just in case I want to field two FLs, is limiting me. But setting limits on specialist unit PVs is what's helps me field more troops (still only 26 at 2K) and that's been my greatest weakness.

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I like the Blood Champion, the Nvoiate Priest and the Power fist combo (I like mine with a Stom Shield). I wold then go one or perhaps two with a melta gun. One of these too could take a chapter banner for more combat potential.


Also think that the Libarian's powers suit well here.

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I equip mine like this:



2 X Infernus Pistol + PW

2 X MeltaGun



Excellent squad for killing tanks/Monstrous Creatures/enemy HQ

It's also 245 points. :)


Even without Jump Packs it's 20 points more than what I'm looking to spend. Obviously I could go nuts and field a magically overpriced squad, but that's not what I'm looking to create. I don't want to give up RAS or VAS or anything else to create a dreadfully expensive squad who only benefits are 1) doesn't require a slot and 2) comes with built in SN. For 240 points I've already got a jump VAS-6 (Thunder Hammer & 2x Lightning Claws) and I wouldn't trade them for the Melta Guard on a bet. Welll... Maybe if I knew I was facing Nob Bikers or Nidzilla. Then I might, but otherwise I doubt it.


Why don't I just open it up a bit and ask the question this way...


"What's the best Honor Guard you can build, including the Blood Champion, for 175 points?"


I'm strongly favoring the option 2 version from my first post. But if you can give me something better to work with I'll happily go with your concept. :)

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Yes 245 points, except I put mine with Dante for Hit n Run. In my last game that little death star unit killed over 3 times their points cost and still had an IP + PW, the Novitiate, and Dante at the end of the game. And because of of the jumpacks they kited a couple of units.


However I missed the part about limiting the unit to a certain points cost. My bad.

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