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Modeling help

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for my blood Angels i want to make a sythe weapon for all the special units because i am currently working on a different succsessor chapter at the moment and it has sythes as its weapon of choice (because i like them...alot) but i don't know how to make one, a good one so i have been looking around the models that GW has and the nids have some pretty good bladed limbs but i don't have anything to compare them to size wise. so which nid model would have good sized limbs that could be fashioned into a sythe? and any other ways to make a sythe are greatly apriciated.
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Tyranid warrior tallons are probably the right size for most marines but probably work better for terminators.


In WHFB the undead have a couple of sythes in their range. The Corpse cart has a nice one and the zombie set has a couple. Also the Empire wizards kit comes with a sythe and the Flagellent frame has several sythes.


Other than that i would suggest plasticard.

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For a one handed 'kama' type scythe you want hormagaunt scything talons.


For a larger scythe you want either a Tyranid Warrior's talon or the scythes from the Warhammer zombie sprue:




(this is my Scythes of the Emperor company champion, who is literally supposed to be using weapon and shield made from trophies from a Tyranid warrior - a la Aliens Versus Predator - I eventually changed the scythe to get rid of the claw at the top as it looks silly, but it gives an idea of scale)

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