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Tales of brave Urides


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Scored three massacres at an RTT today in Kissimmee, Florida. Still waiting to hear the results announced. Here is my 1850 point army list:



5x DC Marine (jump packs)/2x power sword + power fist

Lemartes + 5x DC Marine (jump packs)/2x power sword + power fist + infernus pistol


Chaplain (jump pack)/infernus pistol

5x DC Marine (jump packs)/power fist


DC dreadnaught/Blood Talons + heavy flamer

DC dreadnaught/Blood Talons + heavy flamer


Stormraven/TL lascannon + TL multi-melta, extra armor

Stormraven/TL lascannon + TL multi-melta, extra armor


Batreps to follow.


0b :)

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This seems a change from your normal style list.


Looking forward to the bat reps.


Outside the necessity to use him to make the list legal, how do you feel about Astorath?

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I don't think I'll run this army often. Its a good army but has its risks obviously. The missions helped a lot even though two were objective based. Luckily the TO ruled that tabling your opponent grants full points. So I did end up taking best overall, which was very nice.


Astorath has always been one of my favorite new HQs so he was a lot of fun to finally use in a tournament. I would rank him third in overall power behind Dante then Sanguinor. I will definitely try to find ways to use him again.


0b <_<

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Here is a list of my opponents, their armies, and their final rank:


Dustin, Tyranids - 3rd Place

Shane, Blood Angels - 2nd Place (Best General)

Boyd, Dark Angels - 4th Place (Best Army/Paint)


So I did play the top players throughout the tourney. Shane regularly wins quite a few RTTs in central Florida too.


My general deployment was always to hold everything in reserve:

Astorath + DC + DC dread mounted in Stormraven (Unit #1)

Lemartes + DC + DC dread mounted in Stormraven (Unit #2)

Chaplain + DC (Unit #3)


Units 1& 2 come in from my board edge while Unit 3 deepstrikes.


1st mission was versus Tyranids with Spearhead deployment, three objectives (one in the center of each table quarter except for the defender's... I was the defender by the way). Night Fight was in effect all game. I won the roll and opted to go second (defender) and put my entire army in reserve. Here is Dustin's list:


Alpha Warrior (dual bone swords, adrenal glands, syctal)

8x Warriors (death spitters & rending claws)

12x genestealers w. Broodlords

12x termigaunts

10x Yrmgal genestealers

3x Zoanthropes

2x Hive Guard


Trygon (regen & adrenal glands & scytal)

10x gargoyles


Dustin was my toughest opponent of the day and played very well. I like his list a lot. My strategy was to focus on first killing the big three - Tervigon, Trygon and Tyrannofex. The Tervi can poop troops so he definitely had to go first! The Trygon could butcher my units if it charged and the Trannie could pop my skimmers and also butcher my units. I would then next focus on systematically killing his troops knowing that the Alpha Warrior joined to the Warriors was going to be a hard nut to track. I was also worried about the two units of genestealers as they are no slouches either.


Dustin obviously castled in his DZ holding both units of genestealers in reserve. He remained castled up his first turn. I had nothing to bring on the first turn.


Second turn in came both units of genestealers, one outflanking into my the table quarter in front of me while the Yrmgal genestealers appeared in a cluster of terrain also in the same table quarter. Fortunately for me Dustin felt bold and started to push up his units into the same table quarter as his genestealers to support them. This meant I would be able to selectively assault the units I deemed the highest threats first. Both of my Stormravens came in from reserve as well as the Chaplain with his DC. Both my fliers came in 6"  onto my board edge so I could fire all their guns. The Chaplain deepstruck back deep in Dustin's table quarter behind his termigaunts. One dread disembarked to charge the genestealers while the other dread disembarked to charge the Tervi. Astrorath and his DC disembarked to charge the Trygon. All shooting was focused on the Trannie and it was destroyed. 1st DC dread mulched the genestealers. Astorath and his DC killed the Trygon on the charge. The second DC dread took down the Tervigon. So I had dropped the big three right off the bat and killed one unit of genestealers... Didn't have to worry about the Tervigon pooping gaunts anymore ! The Chaplain and his squad ran back deeper into the far corner of the opposite table quarter to hopefully draw the gaunts and gargoyles away from synapse range. It was a great turn but I still had a lot of bugs left to kill, needing to focus on the Warriors and gaunts next.


3rd turn saw the gaunts and gargoyles head over to intercept my Chaplain and his squad as I was hoping would happen. Hive Guard shot down one DC dread while the Zoies were unable to take out the second dread. Yrmgal genestealers then assaulted the second dreadnaught and tore off both of his arms, remaining locked up in close combat. Gaunts shot at my Chaplain and his squad then charged them, killing them all except for the Chaplain (Urides) and the DC Marine with the power fist. I was able to score more wounds in close combat, the gaunts were outside of synapse range and broke, fleeing off the table.


My turn both Stormravens focused fire on the Warriors and killed four due to ID. Lemartes and his squad bravely charged the Yrmgal genestealers and slew them all while Lemartes took a wound (yipee !!) and I lost a couple of DC from that squad in return. Astorath and his DC charged the Alpha Warrior and the Warriors... Asorath killed the Alpha Warrior while the power weapon attacks and power fist finished off the Warriors. Urides and his lone DC Marine went after the gargoyles, broke them in close combat and they fled off the table. Now all that was left were the Zoies and Hive Guard. The next turn the Hive Guard destroyed one of my Stormravens and the Zoies destroyed the armless dread. It was a mop up operation at this point and I was able to quickly eradicate the remainder of the Tyranid forces.


Result - Massacre with full points.


0b :P

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Fascinating read, it good to see the "tiny super elite army with Stormravens and Drop Pod Dreadnoughts" list work. I heard of a similar list somewhere else (at BoW I think), and felt it was pretty risky.
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It is a very risky army and greatly benefited from the element of surprise. I'm sure if I were to play the same three guys again they would do things differently. Of course that is part of what an RTT is all about.


Thanks ! :)


0b :)

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My next round was versus my very good friend Shane Brayla who hails from Daytona. We spent a lot of the day together talking and having fun hanging out. He is also a huge fan of Blood Angels and brought a more conventional jump infantry list:



The Sanguinor


2x Sanguinary Priest (jump packs)/power sword x2

Chaplain (jump pack)


Sanguinary Guard/Chapter Banner, infernus pistol & power fist

10x assault Marine (jump packs)/2x meltagun, power fist

10x assault Marine (jump packs)/2x meltagun, power fist


8x Devastator/4x lascannon


So basically another small elite jump army that hits hard in close combat. The mission used Pitched Battle for deployment and the objective was victory points. Shane had to use the bathroom just before the game started, so I teased him that he was calling WhiteDevil on his cell phone for tactical advice. He knew I was kidding around so we had a laugh then got started. Again I won the roll for deployment, opting to go second and started with my entire army in reserve. Shane deployed his entire army right up at the edge of his deployment zone and used his first two turns to move the full distance towards my board edge and also ran his army forward as well. Shane did keep his Devastators back in his DZ clumping them in a small piece of terrain so he could shoot them at my two Stormravens.


On my 2nd turn my entire army arrived with the two Stormravens moving on 6" firing everything into his Devastators but he only lost a couple of Marines due to good cover saves. Chaplain Urides and his Death Company deepstruck beside Shane's heavy weapons team and peppered them with more shots killing a couple more Marines; the Devastators passed their leadership test and held still. My two dreads, Astorath and his squad of Death Company plus Lemartes and his Death Company all disembarked and multi charged Shane's long line of jumpers since they had all moved up inside my charge arc. It was a very bloody melee and obviously having the charge bonuses saw my Blood Saints quickly mow through the opposition. Only Dante, the Sanguinor and one of the Sanguinary Priests managed to survive the brutal onslaught. The Sanguinor was locked up with one of my dreadnaughts as was Dante and the Priest with my other dreadnaught. Dante then used Hit & Run to wisely break away with his Priest in tow.


Top of the third turn Dante came back in and destroyed the free dreadnaught with his melta pistol while my other dreadnaught finished off the Sanguinor. The Devastators targeted one of my Stormravens but could only manage to shake it. My turn was very quick and the game was over. I had my second massacre for the day.


Shane and I did a post game analysis both concluding that it would have been much wiser if he had held back and made me come towards him. It would have then depended on if his Devastators could have picked off either of my skimmers and he could have better protected them with one of his assault squads.


As I noted in the initial post Shane ended up winning the Best General award so it was all good.


0b :HQ:

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The last game was versus a somewhat interesting Dark Angels army:


Belial, Master of the Deathwing

5x Deathwing terminator:

* pair of lightning claws

* assault cannon & power fist

* stormbolter, power fist & standard

* 2x (stormbolter & chainfist)

5x Deathwing terminator:

(same as above minus standard)

5x Deathwing terminator:

(same as above)

5x Deathwing terminator:

(same as above)

5x tactical Marine/flamer

5x tactical Marine/flamer


Landraider/extra armor

landraider Crusader/extra armor




Deployment was Dawn of War (no Night Fight this round) and you could deploy all your HQ and troop choices if you wished. Again I won the roll for deployment and chose to go second, holding my entire army in reserve. My opponent also decided to start with his whole army in reserve, deepstriking all the terminator squads. There were five objectives. At the top of the 3rd turn each player deepstrikes one objective each with 2d6" scatter, two more at the top of the 4th turn, then one more at the center of the table at the top of the 5th turn. The first four objectives could be placed anywhere and could not scatter off the table. As the game progressed I knew my opponent would be playing for a draw so I did not worry about having to contest any of the objectives.


1st turn both landraiders move onto the table, each with a tactical squad inside, and pop smoke.


2nd turn in comes one squad of terminators and they deepstrike close to my long table edge.


My turn in comes Astorath and his crew along with Chaplain Urides and his Death Company. The Stormraven moves on 6" and the DC dread disembarks. Chaplain Urides fires his melta pistol into the landraider and pen 6s it, three of the tactical Marines die in the ensuing explosion. The good Chaplain and his crew would die over the course of the game to gunfire from the vindictive Crusader and Deathwing terminators. Quickly taking out the landraider with one shot was very helpful. My Stormraven then fired everything except the multi-melta into the Crusader and managed to break off the assault cannon. The DC dread charged and eats the squad of Deathwing terminators.


3rd turn in comes one more squad of Deathwing terminators and this time they deepstrike over on their side of the table. Hee! He placed his objective close to his Crusader.


My turn in comes Lemartes along with his crew. I embark the first DC dread back onto the first Stormraven then move in such manner that I can take maximum shots on the Crusader, ripping off the multi-melta and one sponson. My birds were pretty much safe now and I knew the coming 4th turn would be very brutal indeed. Note that I placed my first objective on my long table edge so that my opponent would have to worry about mishapping if he tried to land a squad of terminators close by.


4th turn in came the other two squads of Deathwing including Belial and his standard bearer. One squad landed behind the Crusader while the other landed in a position to support the second squad.The assault cannons fired on the closest Stormraven but did no damage.


My turn the two Stormravens moved in with everyone disembarking. I was able to move all my units into charge range of all enemy units... those fleeting dreadnaughts are pure gold ! Astorath gave the command to charge... epic blood bath... all that was left was the tactical squad that bailed out of the wrecked Crusader. My opponent then conceded the game.


0b :lol:

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There was around 18-20 players. I just ended up playing all the other top players since the TOs used Swiss style pairings. The Nidz player I faced in the first round ended up winning his second two games. Shane (BA as well) also won his other two games as did the Dark Angels player I faced in the final round.


0b ^_^

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