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A shot in the dark


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Ok, another fan fiction (goodee!) by me. It is a new Space Marine Chapter called the Grey Hearts. They are descended from the 3rd Great Company Space Wolves. The company gets really annoyed about the idea of organization in the Space Wolves and decides to break off. They kill a couple of people in the company and make a run for it. They make a break to head a bit more nearer to the Eye of Terror to try and escape the Space Wolves coming after them. They get a couple of cruiser and transfer most of 3rd Company to a new planet Istalicus. They dumb down the Wuffen (sp?) in the gene-seed and try to start over. In Imperial eyes, they are renegades, but they are loyal to the Emperor and just hate the Space Wolves.

Ok, rip me to shreds, what do you think?

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Erm. In order: Name, fine. Descended from SW's 3rd Co, not going to work. Annoyed about the organisation of the SW's, not going to work. Killing a couple of people in the company, doubtful. Making a run for it doubtful. Escaping the SW's coming after them, doubtful. "Get a cruiser" - why? they must have had a ship to get away from Fenris. dumn down the Wulfen gene? No can do, no way no how, they dont have the capability or the knowledge to do that, let alone a wolf priest to do it for them. They are rebels.


I assume you've read the SW codex? If not I think you should, as it does actually say what happens when SW great companies have disagreements with the Great Wolf...

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That sort of depends on how similar you want it, and which particular bits you want it to be similar to. When the SW's elect a new great wolf, every company has to swear alliegance to him. However, sometimes they refuse to do so, and simply leave the Fang. They are still SW's, and they may return (but they would then have to swear alliegance). They dont form a new chapter, nor can they recruit (for some reason it appears that SW geneseed only works on Fenrisians - you'd have to go ask in the SW forum for exact reasons for that though). It may be for as simple a reason as that your Wolf Lord couldnt stand the new Great Wolf when he was a Wolf Lord (there's a lot of that about amongst Wolf Lords apparently) so takes his company off on what amounts to an independant crusade. There's nothing to stop them from coming back though, should the original Wolf Lord (or the New Great Wolf for that matter) die, as then the reason for them not swearing fealty would be gone. Whether the Imperium would even know that this independant SW great Company has split from the SW's is debateable, but if it did become known then there is the potential for some sections to attempt to settle a few scores (for example, the Ecclesiarchy might think it can take out a lone company of Wolves who are out of their support network, or maybe an Inquisitor declares them renegade to give him the excuse to requisition IG forces that he can then use for something else afterwards)...


Is any of this useful? Again, I'd suggest taking a stroll through the SW forum as they'll be able to help better.

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