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Ravenwing Biker with Assault Cannon?


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As breng77 said, bikers cannot take assault cannons. So you cannot have a bike using the weapon rules for an assault cannon.


For modeling and "counts-as" things are a bit different. As long as you have permission from your opponent/tournament director you can play with whatever models you want.


For example, you could model your sergeant with one and just count it as the TL bolters on the bike (leave off the bolters if you choose to do that). Or another option would be to give a regular biker the assault cannon and play it "counts-as" an attack bike with heavy bolter.

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Yup, you can not use an assault cannon on the biker, but what you could do is make a nice conversion of an attack bike, or even, make a real big conversion based of 2 bikes making a quad, then model a twin linked assault cannon and a twin linked bolter, with a robed marine standing on the top with a ravensword and use it as a counts as Sammael on his speeder.


For tournament and fair play reasons you should try to make it about the same hight as a landspeeder though, but if you only play with your friends that will be less of an issue.

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