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Why are Red Swords not Red?

Drudge Dreadnought

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Not all of them ;


To be honest though, I partially chose the colour to remind me of the in-game effects whilst playing; similarly Dante and the Sanguinor will also get red weapons.


I guess in answer to your question though, it's much easier to get 'lightning effects' against blue than red; with the red you may end up with a 'lava' blade instead.

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I guess thats just their standard way to paint a powerweapon - using those cold blue flashes.


I am unshure on what paints you could use to not just make the bald red, but give it a glowing red effect. I but have seen some nicely done "red type" powerweapons here on the board. One in the tutorial for "firey weapons" (or so) and another one with glowing red flashes on an Eldar Avatar.


Both however do not reflect how the blade encarmine sould look IMO. It should be some red steel - which means it should be some pretty dark red - maybe scab red - and then there could be some blood red or oven more orange powerflashes on it. OR you could make back and most of the balde dark red and then do a transition towards the edge where it is nealry some firey orange….


I wih I could paint all of that stuff whats in my mind...

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I guess in answer to your question though, it's much easier to get 'lightning effects' against blue than red; with the red you may end up with a 'lava' blade instead.


Lava blades is exactly what I'm doing on mine. But even if people didn't want that, it's possible to do red. You just go through pinks up to white instead of orange and yellow.

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To be honest I don't think there is any underlying factor here; our good old codex writer must have remembered Bloodquest and the Blade Encarmine and thought it was a cool name, but then realized that the "Blade Encarmine" refers to a single sword so important Leonatos got kicked out of the chapter for losing it, and not the mass-produced crap the Sanguinary Guard get. Hence, he decided to change it to "Glaive" Encarmine.
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mineare blue to contrast withthe red everywhere else in the army, infact all my power weapons are blue of a from. But if i wasdoing it red i would have gone, boltgun, drybrushed mitherial silver, red ink. maby another drybrush or hihlight with blood red or somesuch. but i thrive on my back supply of inks...
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