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Modeling questions....suggestions really


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I am building a all jump pack army and I had a few questions about modeling Blood angels


1. I am needing lots of jump packs, I like the ones in the DC box, any suggestions on how to work around the DC "X" that is all over the parts?



2. VV I bought the pewter box set , GW never could get metal castings right, the quality stinks, any other decent options for make a couple of VV squads?



3. I am feeling a bit of a mental block in regards to my Honor Guard, can't figure out what color to paint them, mt RAS are traditional red/yellow helmet my VV are red/gold helmets with black jp's...I am going to make my priests white in red and gold trim, I just can't think of what to do....black??


Any ways thanks for the feedback guys!!



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1. Some green stuff could easily be made to fill in the X's on the DC jump packs.


2. I heard of a lot of people using Sanguinary Guard bits to make themselves VV from. I'm leaning towards doing this myself, but will likely only use certain bits from the SG box to make my VV.


3. Honor Guard color scheme can be whatever you like really. I haven't painted mine yet but when I do it will likely be in nearly the same scheme I have planed for my vets, gold help with gold shoulder trim and the rest of the armor the normal red.


You can really do whatever you like though. Being able to take the army and make it your own is one of my favorite parts of the hobby that is WH40k. Sure I steal some ideas from the internet from time to time, but I always end up with something that is uniquely "me".

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Hi Ashton,


As I am building up an all-jump-pack army of Blood Angles I too had this issues to think about.


1. The DC box will give you a lot of good bits for you to convert things with. I decided to buy five of them and base all my Veterans and Honour guards on them. That meant that since I did not want to waste the jump packs I decided to use even the X:s. As you may know, there are only two without markings and that would be an awful waste. I will personally paint the jump packs red and the X:s will probably be painted black. I don't mind the X:s as they are (?) a general symbol honoring the memory of Sanguinius' sacrifice. In my book, not only the DC use the ornament. That's how I solved it. If it looks crap, I'll just fill it with fine milliput mixed with some drops of water.


2. I decided to build my VV's from the DC kits. As they will be painted differently they will stand out. Further, I have decided to model my Honour guards with bare heads so as to make them a bit more special (they are after all heroes and fierce warriors). Sell the metal junk on Ebay or return to the store. That way, you get to work with plastic and that is a lot easier when making the VVs wear jump packs. You get to set the poses as well. A winner in my book.

The RAS that I have are rather plain looking (regular assault squads), so all my veterans and honour guards are bound to stand out.


3. You could go all gold. Personally, I think that is a bit to much and being old school I will reserve gold armor for artificer armor. You could go with gold helmets and gold trims, or just gold trims and bare heads as I will.






* My jump pack modelling blog (magnetizing 2000 pts of BA JP) *

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the death co crosses can be filled in as said, or ignored and just painted over, or painted vibrantly to make them like personal hearaldy. i would say use thesse only on vets though and use normal assault marine one(aka plain ones) on regular assaultmarines


Vanguard, a combo of death co bits and sanguary guard, and whatever metal bits work.(masters of the chapter for instance)makeing everything ornate.


hounour guard... whata re they with? and company? therees 2 colours you can pic from. black id advoid due to death co and chaplins. id go even more bling if you can. mostly sanguard bits, maby grey knights or space wolvesey even dark angle depending on the character. mix and match. rember its not just a unit but a choice from around the chapter with the best. they can be as different as they can be similar... personal heraldy etc. mostly company stuff though

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Here's how I'm doing my HG and VV.


For the HG, I bought the Dark Angels Veterans (the guys in robes). I'll be painting the armour red (like my generic Tactical and Assault marines) and the robes will be golden (my preferred combo is Burnished Gold and Gryphon Sepia wash). Personally I am equipping them each with a Meltagun and a Stormshield; haven't decided how I want to do the shield yet, probably the same gold.


(a note on the rest of my army: I use Burnished Gold + Gryphon Sepia a LOT - my SG are covered in it, and most of my HQs have it as well. Instead of their gothy appearance, my Mephiston and Astorath look like golden statues, matching Dante and Sanguinor. Death Company folks are still black in my books)


For the VV, I'm going less ornate and more battle-worn. I haven't built them yet, but the plan is a basic ASM body (running legs, torso with straps), Death Company CCW (except for the Sergeant who has 2x LC and one dude has a Thunderhammer), the bird heads from ASM box, a Death Company Jump Pack, and maybe some of the ornate wing designs from the DC box (or is it SG?). I wanted the bird heads because you need to be aerodynamic when you assault out of deep strike :(


Colour-wise, they will be red like my regular ASMs, but with Gold helmets and (probably) gold shoulder pads (maybe special ones from DC or SG) and gold highlights on their DC jump packs. I'm also thinking of trying out some battle damage effects on their armour and jump packs, and will probably hit them with a Devlin Mud wash to dirty them up.


Like I said, I haven't tried this out, so it may look terrible.

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Here's how I'm doing my HG and VV.


For the HG, I bought the Dark Angels Veterans (the guys in robes). I'll be painting the armour red (like my generic Tactical and Assault marines) and the robes will be golden (my preferred combo is Burnished Gold and Gryphon Sepia wash). Personally I am equipping them each with a Meltagun and a Stormshield; haven't decided how I want to do the shield yet, probably the same gold.


(a note on the rest of my army: I use Burnished Gold + Gryphon Sepia a LOT - my SG are covered in it, and most of my HQs have it as well. Instead of their gothy appearance, my Mephiston and Astorath look like golden statues, matching Dante and Sanguinor. Death Company folks are still black in my books)


For the VV, I'm going less ornate and more battle-worn. I haven't built them yet, but the plan is a basic ASM body (running legs, torso with straps), Death Company CCW (except for the Sergeant who has 2x LC and one dude has a Thunderhammer), the bird heads from ASM box, a Death Company Jump Pack, and maybe some of the ornate wing designs from the DC box (or is it SG?). I wanted the bird heads because you need to be aerodynamic when you assault out of deep strike :woot:


Colour-wise, they will be red like my regular ASMs, but with Gold helmets and (probably) gold shoulder pads (maybe special ones from DC or SG) and gold highlights on their DC jump packs. I'm also thinking of trying out some battle damage effects on their armour and jump packs, and will probably hit them with a Devlin Mud wash to dirty them up.


Like I said, I haven't tried this out, so it may look terrible.


As a long time BA player and therefore gold painter I'd like to jsut throw some advice out. Instead of burnished gold use shining or shining mixed with mithril if you want something lighter then use gryphone sypia over the gold it will give ou a much better finish then using burnished which is a horrible color to work with.


Luckily my successor chapter symbol is a gold cross with a blood drop in the middle so when the dc came out it was perfect, I've used combinations of sang guard and deathcompany to make all my tac marines and assault marines the only problem is the amount of converting i have to do just to make one veteran. lol soo much.





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In the 3rd Edition of the Codex both Honour Guard and Veterans had skull emblems on their right shoulder. Black for HG and White for Veterans. In this edition where both have Gold Helmets this skull emblem motiv still works and adds some difference. Alternatively you could have the company badge on the HG (they are afterall attached to the company) and the Skull emblem only on the VV. Personally I like a silver skull emblem as opposed to white as it looks more tougher and steel like.


As others have said you could also pimp the HG as little more. More BA emblems and stylised weapons.

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I too am doing an all jump list. I finally decided that my HG's, both librarians and my priests are going to be made from SG kits with some kit-bashing and converting. Personally I hate the gold look so all my army will be red. My VV are to be made from a combination of RAS and DC bits but i will paint the helms gold to differintiate, and all of my RAS's are to be made from a combo of DC and RAS bit as well.
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