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Celestial Lions

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Well I am going to use this topic as an example because in this link below they talked about the Celestial Lions. And we can talk about this




I am writing some fluff up that another Chapter has come to aid and rebuild the Celestial Lions. The Iron Champions, The fought together with them in the Third War at Hive Volcanus.


Here is the link to learn about Celestial Lions



This is the link of what happened at Hive Volcanus



Can some of you people throw some ideas in of how Chapters help other Chapters. Like later somehow the last 96 marines managed to survive and the Iron Champions came to help rebuild the Celestial Lions. Like something that the Emperor gave the Celestial Lions the will to fight and survive. something like that. If you can right up your own stories and see what we can cook up. But what I want is basically a happy ending for the Celestial Lions Chapter. and that the Iron Champions Chapter help them with rebuilding their chapter to a good strength. I need ideas to write this up. Can people help me out?? say your ideas of how this should happen.




Also I cooked up that the Celestial Lions geneseed is made up of these features



Phase 2: A small, tubular and complex organ, the ossmodula secretes hormones that both affect the ossification of the skeleton and encourage the forming bone growths to absorb ceramic-based chemicals that are laced into the Marine's diet.1 This heavily alters the way the Space Marine's bones grow and develop. Two years after this implant is first put in the subject's long bones will have increased in size (along with most other bones) and the rib cage will have been fused into a solid mass of bulletproof, interlocking plates.



Phase 3: This small, circular organ is inserted into the chest cavity and releases hormones that vastly increase muscle growth throughout the marine's body. It also serves to form the hormonal basis for many of the later implants.



Phase 4: Implanted into the main circulatory system, this tiny implant not only increases the haemoglobin content of the subjects blood, making it more efficient at carrying oxygen around the body and making the subject's blood a bright red, it also serves to monitor and control the actions of the phase 2 and phase 3 implants.



Phase 18: There are two of these glands, one situated in the neck and the other within the chest cavity. These glands are vitally important and represent the future of the Chapter, as the only way new gene-seed can be produced is by reproducing it within the bodies of the Marines themselves. This is the implant's only purpose. The glands absorb genetic material from the other implanted organs. When they have matured each gland will have developed a single gene-seed corresponding to each of the zygotes which have been implanted into the Marine.

These take time (5 years in the first case, 10 in the latter)1 to mature into gene-seed. The gene-seed can then be extracted and used to create more Space Marines


But yeah. I want ideas to write this.


It must be:



Celestial Lions have survived all ork attacks because they wanted revenge over the orks for their fallen brothers at Mannaheim Gap


Celestial Lions lost no casualties of out the 96 surviving because something to do with the Emperor watching over them


Iron Champions helped Celestial Lions rebuild their Chapter.


2 chapters can help the Celestial Lions if you want to.


Happy Ending for Celestial Lions.




So if you want to write up your quick fast little stories of how the Celestial Lions got a happy ending


Forgive me if my Grammar may be bad.


also how can someone submit our own fluff to the Lexicanum site??


I don't know if this is the right zone to talk about this. Help me

Edited by Brother-Perfernicus
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The Iron Champions and the Celestial Lions are probably both Ultramarines successors (seeing that most marines are Ultramarines successors) so there's a possibility that the Champion Apothecaries have shared some of their geneseed reserves with the Lions (it's unconventional but I can see one Space Marine Chapter helping another against regulations if the cause seems just).


It may well be that the Champions take the surviving Lions back to their Fortress Monastery and help with recruitment until they have about 300 neophytes for the rebuild. It takes 5 to 10 years for their progenoids to mature, but after they do they can create another 600 neophytes from those 300. They can be back at near full numbers within 20 years.


The assistance of the Champions meant that the Lions weren't on the front line against the Orks for very long. Much as it frustrated them they accepted the necessity of the Chapter's survival above their personal quest for revenge.


Their relationship with the other forces of the Imperium, especially the Inquisition, is especially strained. Although they accept, in principle, that there are Inquisitors that weren't involved with the attempted destruction of their Chapter, they don't trust any of them.

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The Iron Champions and the Celestial Lions are probably both Ultramarines successors (seeing that most marines are Ultramarines successors) so there's a possibility that the Champion Apothecaries have shared some of their geneseed reserves with the Lions (it's unconventional but I can see one Space Marine Chapter helping another against regulations if the cause seems just).


It may well be that the Champions take the surviving Lions back to their Fortress Monastery and help with recruitment until they have about 300 neophytes for the rebuild. It takes 5 to 10 years for their progenoids to mature, but after they do they can create another 600 neophytes from those 300. They can be back at near full numbers within 20 years.


The assistance of the Champions meant that the Lions weren't on the front line against the Orks for very long. Much as it frustrated them they accepted the necessity of the Chapter's survival above their personal quest for revenge.


Their relationship with the other forces of the Imperium, especially the Inquisition, is especially strained. Although they accept, in principle, that there are Inquisitors that weren't involved with the attempted destruction of their Chapter, they don't trust any of them.


Wow thanks. Thats an awesome story!!! thanks again.

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I think it would be interesting to have the Iron Champions checking on the Celestial Lions after their hideous losses. Assuming they're brother chapters and fighting together, they would at least take an interest in their affairs. The Inquisition mistakenly assumes that the Iron Champions are now sheltering the Celestial Lions and helping them rebuild (read: paranoid, as the IC would probably respect their wishes to die alongside their fellows). So they move against the Iron Champions, who soon realise what is happening. Outraged, they bring the full might of the Astartes to bear and the Inquisition backs down to avoid a major uprising (assuming IC have good relations with the Ultramarines and other chapters, to openly attack them would be disastrous). Having made enemies with the Inquisition and finding themselves on the same side as the Celestial Lions, they decide they will help them rebuild after all to spite the Inquisition.
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Well, since all chapters are required to send the Mechanicus 5% of their geneseed for testing and stockpiling to create future new chapters, the Celestial Lions could request a resupply of their own chapter's geneseed for the creation of new initiates. There is some precedence for this, as the Chapters with flawed geneseed such as the Raven Guard have their own geneseed "recycled" back to the chapter after testing to help keep their numbers up.


The biggest thing the Celestial Lions are missing are Apothecaries, to actually oversee the augmentation surguries to create new marines. A different chapter (such as the Iron Champions) could host some Celestial Lions to train them in the Apothecarion to fix this problem. There are numerous examples in the fluff of chapters sending marines to other chapters for training with specialists, so there is precedence for this as well.


Once the Celestial Lions have rebuilt a cadre of Apothecaries and recieved shipment of geneseed from Mars, they just need to start recruiting aspirants to become initiates. The Lexicanum article states they are planet based, so they should have a fairly stable supply.


There are a few problems with this plan, of course. If the Inquisition, or an Inquisitor, had decided to destory the chapter he could still cause a lot of problems with rebuilding the chapter. The Mechanicus could refuse to supply the geneseed, or the supplies could be lost/destroyed in transit. The ship with the Apothecary-trainees could be attacked on the way to/from the Iron Champion's crusade fleet before/after their training. Since the chapter will probably still be somewhat active despite their reduce numbers even during the years (and it will probably be decades for meaningful rebuilding to take place), any further casualties have the possibility to completely wipe them out before the plan can bear fruit.


Still, it would be possible to rebuild the chapter. In fact, I would not look at it as rebuilding an existing chapter. Imagine the founding of a new chapter, with 96 veterans to act as the senior officers, and the task seems much more hopeful. Except for the possibility of the vengeful Inquisitor.

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Also remember regarding Marines siding together against the Inquisition. Even Marines who aren't always on good terms (like Wolves and Dark Angels) will die for each other on a moments notice.

It was that loyalty that led two other Chapters to side with the Astral Claws.

Would the Iron Champions side with the Lions? You'd better believe it.

Would a vengeful Inquisitor find himself taking a space walk without a suit if he annoyed them?

I wouldn't bet against it.

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