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Hail Fraters


Well - a running log of my WIP progress will be added here over time - and a briefly introduction of me, myself and I will follow shortly.


First up - my Fallen Angel Chaos Space Marine Terminators. Much maligned, the figures none the less look cool. A humble mix of MicroArts resin legs, MaxMini "large shoulder pads" and GW Terminator torsoes.




Full squad:



Sergeant / Aspiring Champion / Soul-damned benighted fool



Heavy Flamer Specialist





Comments and critique is always welcome.


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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Many thanks - I am glad that you like them.


This morning, prior to going to work, I managed to undercoat them black - and with no small amount of luck, I ought to have the bases done in no time. Expect an update of this soon.



Master Ciaphas

Thank you!


I hope to be able to upload more pictures of their progress tomorrow evening, when my camera has recharged its battery.


As for your question, Agni, yes, the legs are totally sculpted, and they fit rather nicely with the GW torsos.



Master Ciaphas



Ye Gods and Jebus wept. Less than a day, and already pushed to the bottom of the second page?! I guess I will have to either make regular updates, or to come up with something incredibly interesting to keep people commenting ;-)


Anyways, as promised, my camera recharged, there is a fresh update of the Terminators, and the progress made.




Full squad



Aspiring Champion (and yes, suitable Dark Angel names are welcome) ;-)



Terminator w. Combi-melta and power weapon



As can be seen from the pictures, the bases are done, and I have base coated the chainblades as well as the tusks and horns decorating their helmets.


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

Hail fraters


Well - another weekend done - and things have been under way in "The Forge". The Terminators really didn't catch my fancy these past two days, so not a lot work got done on them.


What work I did manage to do, you can see here:








I am in a bit of a conundrum as to what colour the power weapons are to be, but am so fat thinking of green. Suggestions?


Now, what DID catch my interest was this old thing. It has been standing in my closet for ages, and now I sensed its time was here. First picture is from yesterday morning, and the following are from today, Monday morning.
















Now, it is almost done, and it is the Grand Plan to have it finished by tomorrow night. I still need to put on the fine details and such, but it is definitely ready for the table top, as it is now.





Master Ciaphas

Many thanks for the positive comments, Mick!


Also, last few nights ambitious work on the ruin has finally completed it - and without further ado, I present: Habitat C!















And the architect who had the brilliant idea of adding all the skulls to the building - well - he ought to be shot at dawn...Still, it is an amazing design Games Workshop has put together.


Over the weekend, I might return to my Terminators, but it is far more likely, that I will be drawn to my Tyranids, as an up-and-coming campaign will see me playing those, rather than any of my other armies (Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels).


I will upload more as it become available for review ;-)



Master Ciaphas


Reason for edit: picture foul-up

Edited by Master Ciaphas



Haha - many thanks Captain Mick - I am sure that your Death Guard would do the terrain justice, and that magnificent battles would be fought over it ;-)


Anyways. A small progress report: I have only painted a bit more on the Terminators. It seems that I always get stuck on the robes (why do I never learn?) and the painting steps on these are:


1) Bestial Brown base coat

2) Graveyard Earth highlight on the raised folds

3) Bubonic Brown on the raised folds, leaving some of the Graveyard Earth just showing

4) Another hightlight with Bleached Bone leaving some of the previous layers showing, and finally

5) A fine highlight with Skull White on the most raised folds


I have reached step 2 on one model - the one with the heavy flamer. Sigh. Only a total of 19 steps to go yet, for all the 5 models to be done with the robes.


On the bright side, I have progressed on my Mamon model, who I will be showing off later on...



Master Ciaphas

Cheers - I am glad that you do.


The base for the ruined building is a type of wood called masonite. It is solid, durable, stable, doesn't really warp (to my experience) and just allround cheap and easy to get and cut into suitable pieces.


As for the "Crusader Legs" from MicroArts, I think that they will be perfect for true-scaling projects. The legs are bout the height of a normal Terminator - or at least reach his shoulders. So, in sum, the answer is yes. I will try to get you a picture for reference, before I head off to weekend frolics...



Master Ciaphas



And as promised - though not before I commence my weekend of decadence and drinking of Amarone de Valpolicella red wine, I have here pictures that document the size difference between the new Terminators on MicroArts Crusader legs, and the miniatures from Games Workshop (more pictures can be procured, if you ask nicely ;-)




And, this weekend has not been spent entirely lazing away in my summer house, but also on hobby-related stuff. Sadly, as this a power armour only forum, I cannot show off the progress I have made on my Tyranid terrain, but I can show this:




The progress made on Mamon - Daemon Prince of Nurgle to date. Yes, I am aware that he looks sort of like he is a compressed turd (which incidentally is very Nurgle-ish), but that will improve with time and further coats of paint. The effect I am aiming for will see him most human-flesh coloured, but with oozing sores, scabs and wounds covering his bloated body.


Enjoy in which ever way you care to ;-)



Master Ciaphas

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, dear me - page 4 already, after only a few days hiatus? Well, well. Only one thing to do: UPDATE THE BLOG!!!


So, now that my practical attorney-at-law exam is done, I have had a spot of free time to paint - and you all shall not be cheated for the results are quite nice, if I may say so myself.


Mamon has been the focus of my work, and though I forgot to take pictures of step two, I am sure that you will appreciate him here, in all his glory of step 3 and 5!







And this is step 5







Next up, will be the bone parts painted...and then I will have to look into painting sores and all the squishy bits...


Enjoy - and C&C is most welcome!



Master Ciaphas

Ah, well. Another industrious weekend come and gone. Certainly, the hobby front has seen work being done, work which I will share with you all.


First up - the progress on Mamon, Daemon Prince of Nurgle, is now almost done, leaving only the vat on his back, and the flame thrower in his arm.








I am thinking of merely painting it a corroded/dull metal with some greenish sludge inside, but, please, if you have suggestions (incl. recipes), then do share with me.


Furthermore, there is a Death Guard Squad that I am working on, which will be next on the list - the Icon Bearer has been painted, and as has a single Legionnaire, who was the "test subject" of the colour scheme.






Their Rhino APC has been painted and is finished - naturally :-)


Last, and certainly not least, there is the progress started on my Sanctum Imperialis, as part of my Cities of Death Terrain. Along with a few friends of mine, I have started a map based/Planetary Empires Campaign (where I play the Tyranids...), and included are two Hive Cities - these will naturally require urban terrain for the battles - hence the production of buildings to complement the armies. (For those interested, the campaign "What Price Victory" can be found here: http://www.powerfist.dk/forum/index.php?board=410.0 Most is in English - the rules for example, but some is in Danish - enjoy)


As for the Sanctum - here you are, with the progress to date:









C&C is most welcome - otherwise, as they say: "Have a nice day" :-)



Master Ciaphas



Many thanks Captain Mick - I am pleased that you like the work to date.


Anyhow - work has progressed on the Sanctus Imperialis, and some "alien/Nurgle-terrain" too ;-)


Here you are:






And the Alien/Nurgle thing... ;-)




C&C is most welcome!



Master Ciaphas

Edited by Master Ciaphas
  • 4 months later...

Hail fraters


Oh, my. Hasn't this been a while...



Well - since last, it has mostly been Tyranids who have grabbed my attention, and not being power armour, they have not figured here on this hallowed site. Anyhow, the Terminators above are still not further along, and nor is the building or Mamon. What IS further along (and power armour related), is this magnificient kit: THE FORTRESS OF REDEMPTION!! It is a natural center piece for my Dark Angels, and thus it is getting some love now.


Work done during the weekend and Monday 28 February 2011:










And here work done Wednesday 2 March 2011 during the evening:










And - oh yes - it is heavily inspired by the ODM technique, though for the tower Angel, I will be doing something different...something whiter-and-more-marble-ish.


C&C is welcome.


Enjoy :-)



Master Ciaphas

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