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Many thanks, many thanks!!


I have finished the asteroids, and here they are, along with "The Loathsome" for scale...









Master Ciaphas

  • 2 weeks later...



Ah, the productivity never ceases.


I have managed to finish the last five Bloodletters with their command, and here they are:




I have also tried to make a "photo box", with silver foil and white A4 paper - here is the same squad, pictured in that contraption:




Not sure which is better...


Anyhow, here is a picture of the full 10 strong Bloodletter squad:




Next project it trying to finish my Helltalon fighter...sigh...what an amazing model...



Master Ciaphas



Thank you for your comment Dark Apostle Thirst! It is very, very nice to hear remarks about my work!


With regard to the E Tenebrae Lux, then I have already entered into it---though I will be supporting the Dark Angels, rather than my Chaos Daemons or my Chaos Space Marines... :-) (Till the Sword is reforged!!)


Until I start working on the vow itself, I will be trying to finish this bad boy...as it looked half a year ago:




As it looks today:




Here is a close up of the fighter fuselage:






And the base:




I am naturally trying to make the base so that it fits with the urban theme all my Chaos boyz have got going for them, and so far it is turning out OK. I am still debating with myself, whether I ought to place a solitary Chaos Space Marine in cover behind the wall, firing over the small wall...what say you?





Master Ciaphas



Thank you very much - I am pleased that you like it...and I will see what I can do with the Marine on the base...


In the meanwhile, I have also finished up the Space Hulk Blood Angel Librarian:






I hope that he is to your liking :-)



Master Ciaphas



The Forge never sleeps, and nor does the space docks above it!


I have thrown myself into a new project (or rather a continuation of an already existing project), which is a further expansion of my Battlefleet Gothic Renegade fleet.


Here is was yesterday morning:




And here we are a few hours later, when flash has been removed and things put together:




There is a total of 1 Acheron-class heavy cruiser, 2 Slaughter-class cruisers, 6 Infidel raiders and 3 Iconoclast escorts.


I am thoroughly looking forward to having them all finished!



Master Ciaphas

Master Ciaphas'

E Tenebrae Lux vow


Brothers! Hear me!


I, Master Ciaphas, Captain of the 3rd Company, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Master Sammael of the 2nd Company on his jetbike, a drop pod transport, a Ravenwing Typhoon-pattern Land Speeder and a rhino armoured transport from Codex: Dark Angels of total value of 365 points, on or before August 15th, 2012. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Sign of Damnation until the year-end!.


So do I pledge!


And here are my initial entries, in their unpainted form:


Master Sammael



Drop Pod



Ravenwing Land Speeder Typhoon-pattern



Rhino APC



Till the Sword is Reforged!


Master Ciaphas

Hail frateris!!


So, the month of June has begun, and here is the results of my labours:




A squadron of 6 Infidels!





Master Ciaphas



Yep - sorry for all the double, triple, quadruple postings...


Here is what I am now working on - gawd dammit I need to learn to manage this attention deficit of mine...


My second Death Guard squad - naturally 7 brave, albeit diseased, marines. The plan is for them to be equipped with plasma guns, so that I have a happy camper unit on my backfield objective. I might add an icon bearer...time will tell.


Here is the full squad:




Aspiring champ with power weapon (as I don't plan on them getting into combat with walkers, I am trying to keep the unit cheap)



And some Death Guard marines






Their bases will in part be MicroArts resin bases and plain old bases with sprue bits to represent rubble.


I will naturally greatly appreciate any and all comments.

I'm a big fan of the FW chaos stuff. I've got some FW berzerkers at home and would love to get some Plague marines sometime. I really like the way you have combined the metal, plastic and resin pieces.


You should definitely enter them in the E Tenebrae Lux challenge before time runs out to enter (15/6/12). Once you have entered all you need to do is get them painted by 15th of August.


Looking forward to seeing them painted :)

  • 1 month later...



Well - summer hols have come, and I have been busy working on various projects. Some are finished, others...not so much.


Regardless, I have now finally managed to finish my Hellblade fighter, and a great pleasure it is to present it here:








And here a detail of the base:




As you can see from one of the previous posts, I have another yet to be started. I might do a different scheme for that one, though, and then paint a small badge next to this one's cockpit stating "Manfred" or "MVR" - the plane IS red, after all...


Secondly, I have also managed to do a second Bloodcrusher:






Just one left to go now, and all three of them will be done...


C&C is most welcome!



Master Ciaphas

  • 2 weeks later...



And continuing on from my E Tenebrae Lux vow, I here submit a finished Land Speeder and a Drop Pod.












C&C is always welcome!



Master Ciaphas



Thank you :-) Yes, July has been a very productive month; it sure does help to have summer holidays!


Anyhow, I yesterday managed to finish my rhino for the E Tenebrae Lux, leaving only Master Sammael on his jetbike to be completed!


Here is the rhino, in all it's glory:











Master Ciaphas

Really nice looking Dark Angels! I really also like your Renegade fleet, reminds me (once again) that I'd really like to get a fleet of my own.


Also your plague Marines are just cool. Your Aspiring champion though has a metal sword/power weapon. Where is that from? Looks really cool and decrepit.

Thank you, Brother Syth!


I am indeed well pleased by my Dark Angels; they were my first W40k army, and I have kept by them since 1997 :-) (Sadly GW has managed to bumple every single Codex they had EVER had, since 2nd edition "Angels of Death"...)


I am quite happy with my Renegade fleet. I think the only thing missing now, is a few more escorts and perhaps the Terminus Est. The the fleet will be done, and I will take a look at either making a Tyranid fleet, or buying an Imperial Navy fleet...or an Astartes fleet... one of the three in any case.


As for the power sword on the Death Guard Aspiring Champion, I got the sword from the current Plague Marine boxed set. The bit was left over in a friend's box, and I got dips on it :-) I will probably be painting these Death Guards in August...or perhaps the Fallen Angel Raptors posted earlier in this very blog. Suggestions?


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas



Well - after an extended weekend playing golf and going to a jazz festival, I have managed to entice the Forge's space docks to complete another squadron of Swiftdeath fighters and Doomfire bombers. With further ado:




Now I only need to do some Dreadclaw attack craft and all the Battlefleet Gothic I own will be completed! Though, I must say, that the Dreadclaws are terribly fiddly blighters...



Master Ciaphas

  • 2 weeks later...

Hail frateris


So - now that the E Tenebrae Lux is over and done with, I will also here submit the picture of the last entry to the contest - Master Sammael of the Ravenwing on his jetbike:






In retrospect, I perhaps also ought to have made a contribution with Supreme Grand Master Azrael, Keeper of the Truth, Chapter Master of the Dark Angels, but time did not permit me to do so. I guess I will be paiting him up, when the Angels get their new codex...whenever that is...


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you, MagicMan. I am very pleased, that you like him. I am also quite, quite pleased with the final result.


Today I have spent the better part of the day with a good friend, having a "hobby day" from 11:30 - 18:00, where I managed to do these:




They have been on my shelf for years and years, and now they are finally done! And a pleasure it is.


So: flyers beware!!!



Master Ciaphas

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