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Hail frateris!


So - my latest works:


5 Fallen Angels Raptors; finished at long last!




And....yet another Blood Angel Terminator for Space Hulk:







Master Ciaphas

  • 1 month later...



Well - this has been quiet...I have, however, not been quite as quiet painting and have loads to show off - firstly, there is another Space Hulk Blood Angel Terminator:




And then an Activated Blackstone Fortress from Battlefleet Gothic:






Coming up next is a Deathwing Terminator with twin-lightning claws and Grand Master Azrael of the Dark Angels!





Master Ciaphas

  • 2 months later...



Well - I have certainly be quiet lately. With a complete refurbishment of my apartment, new job etc., there has been pitifully few hours dedicated to this business of hoobying. However, a wee bit of progress has been made. I have done these:


Battlefleet Gothic System Monitor ship:



and this kind fella - Brother-Sergeant Gideon of the Blood Angels:



Also, I have completed the Dark Vengeance Helbrute "Mortis Metalikus", though I have yet to take a decent of this engine of wanton destruction. Further more, I am well underway with the Warmaster of Chaos, Him-Who-Shall-Be-Named-The-Despoiler: Abaddon!


Pics of these will follow later...



Master Ciaphas

  • 5 months later...

Hail frateris!


Well - this has certainly been quiet for too long now! So, to awaken it and do a bit of thread'omancy, I here present my latest:


2 Space Hulk Blood Angel Terminators:






I hope that you like them!



Master Ciaphas

  • 4 weeks later...



Well - that is odd; for some reason my last post has..vanished? Oh, well. Here goes:


I have recently finished my last five Raptors, bring the squad of Fallen Angels to a grand total of ten. First are the "new" five, and then the entire squad in all it's dark majesty...






Also, this weekend, I have painted a bit of Battlefleet Gothic - a single Lunar-class cruiser it is!





Master Ciaphas



Well - never one to rest on my laurels, I am busily working on my Cultists. This here is the test model:




Which will sort of form the basis of the rest of the lot. I plan to do them more akin to a rabble with only the hood as the unifying mark. Here are the next five, led by the heretic Commissar...




Lastly, I am also working on my third to last Space Hulk Blood Angel Terminator - what to do, when they are all done?! Perhaps I ought to actually play the game...





Master Ciaphas

  • 3 weeks later...



Well - August draws to a close, and I have been slightly productive. First off, I have painted a batch of old ESCI 1/72 Napoleonic Austrian fusiliers...but that is largely irrelevant here! What is far more interesting, is that I have painted two Space Hulk Blood Angel Terminators as well as 5 Chaos Cultists from the Dark Vengeance box set.


Here are the Terminators:










They are truly fantastic miniatures - and I am almost sad, that I have only one left to do - that being the noble Blood Angel with the Assault Cannon. Kinda looking forward to that! Also, the bottom Terminator carries the result of my first test with Vallajo Liquid Gold paint...and it is fantastic!


Lastly, but by no means least, I have painted up the first batch of 5 Chaos Cultists...only another 15 to go...sigh!




Let me know what you think, as C&C is more than welcome!


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

  • 2 weeks later...



Well - progress is going ever so slowly! However, I have begun painting the last four cultists of squad Tetchvar - which are currently looking like this:




And I stille have another 10 to go from squad Anarkus - by Jebus! these are dull miniatures to paint...


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

  • 3 weeks later...



Well - I have managed to finish the four cultists above - and here they are:



I hope that you like them!



Master Ciaphas



Well  -  I am sure that you can all survive a wee bit of double-posting...


Anyhow, I took a picture of the complete Chaos Cultist squad Tetchvar, which I present here in all it's dark and rabble-like glory:






Perhaps squad Anarkus (the cc-armed brethern will also be painted in 2013...)


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

Hail frateris!


Well - this Saturday I had a painting session with a friend of mine, and I managed to FINALLY finish the Games Workshop Wood, that I was given years ago as a birthday present.


I do here present it, for your viewing pleasure:






Furthermore, I have also started painting the 3 Ravenwing bikers from the Dark Vengeance start box. These I do present here:


Sunday morning:



Sunday evening:



I hope that you will like them.


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

  • 5 months later...



Last year I bought a batch of Death Korps of Krieg, which until this weekend have been suffering unpainted in my closet. However, I managed to complete the first two test models Saturday & Sunday, and would dearly like your opinion on the work:




Currently, I am trying to finish building the Command Squad as well as a Chimera APC and an armoured Sentinel with Lascannon and Hunter-Killer missile.



Master Ciaphas

  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you - I have been hard at work, glueing my fingers together and slicing my hand with the hobby knife...all part and parcel of being a true hobbyist ;-)


These jolly chaps are next in line for a refreshing encounter with the paint brush:



I am thinking of continuing the same colour scheme on them, as on the "ordinary" infantry. These will be used as my veterans (and I will be hoping that the new Codex Imperial Guard will still allow three special weapons per veteran squad...otherwise I might have a problem...


Perhaps I ought to paint them entirely with black great coats with silver rank designations, instead of the camo, still having the trousers in the same german grey and the metal in the olive-green? What do you think?



Master Ciaphas

Thank you!


I have meanwhile completed assembly of the first batch of my Death Korps of Krieg - and I present them here:




It is my hope and pledge, to have them all done by end of April, so that they will be ready to take part in the first Apocalypse battle with the new rules on May 3rd 2014.


Wish me luck, eh!



Master Ciaphas

Thank you all, for you your kind comments!


For some reason, I keep getting distracted by other projects...not that my Death Korps of Krieg are put aside...no no, nothing like that. However, I have finished this monster:




It will be the center piece of a mini campaign I am playing - the old "Storm of Vengeance" from the 90's from Games Workshop. We have come to the second battle, and now the battle ground is centered around "The Dark Cathedral", as the mission is called. Oh, it will be good to see it finished!



Master Ciaphas

Hail frateris!


Yet more progress has been made this weekend. It is my cunning plan to have finished:


1 DKoK Chimera APC

1 DKoK command squad

1 DKoK autocannon heavy weapon team

1 Death Korps of Krieg grenadier (veteran) squad


by the end of April 2014. Hopefully, it is do-able, and I am already well on my way with the first three items. Here is a progress shot: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/Master_Ciaphas/Death%20Korps%20of%20Krieg/DeathKorpsofKrieg-WIP_zps60b9a098.jpg

What do you think?



Master Ciaphas

Edited by Master Ciaphas
  • 3 weeks later...



Thank you! I am ever so slowly working my way forward on these, and have almost -ALMOST- finished my Death Korps of Krieg veteran Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers...they will be wicked, once they are seated up in a Chimera with autocannon turret...






I am, however, unsure as to which colour I should paint the power cabling from the backpack to their lasguns - any suggestions?



Master Ciaphas

Hail frateris!

Well, I have been busy this weekend – with painting, marathon training, dinner parties – and on the loving, receiving end of my painting efforts were the Death Korps of Krieg. The first batch is nearing completion, leaving me but an armoured sentinel, a Leman Russ MBT, 10 veterans, a veteran heavy flamer team and three Commissars to do. Excellent stuff.

Still, I will not deny you the pleasure of seeing the state of the current batch, which I expect to have finished no later than Wednesday.




Kind regards,


Master Ciaphas


  • 5 weeks later...


Well - I have not been entirely idle; just a wee bit distracted in my projects, skipping from one to the other. I initially intended to finish a basilica, but got side tracked with upping the amount of armour in my Chaos Space Marine army...and playing with magnets. Good stuff.


The brute is almost finished - I just need the details with the glass, some rust on the hooks, a few chains and spikes and water-marks from the World Eaters Legion...and perhaps also a single Black Legion decal, to show their allegiance to the Warmaster of the Black Legion. It is after all, the 13th Black Crusade, that I am trying to collect...


Let me know if you have suggestions to make it more chaos-y.




Cheers! And I am sorry for the crappy picture; I have very shaky hands these days... :sad.:



Master Ciaphas

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