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Light and Shadow


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Light and Shadow

A collection of stories by 11th Company Dark Master



Wings of Fire

The battle raged outside as it had for three days straight, the forces of the Angels of Light never ceasing in their siege. The Imperial Guard commanders who controlled the fortress all huddled around the holo-table , watching with growing terror as the forces of Chaos slowly made their way towards the citadel. Even now Captain Lee could hear the explosions of artillery in the distance, the guns of the Iron Warriors who fought in the Warband.

The dull murmuring in the command centre was interrupted by a heavy banging on the reinforced iron door, heralding the arrival of yet another messenger from the defences or news of how much of the supplies were left. Captain Lee ordered a Stormtrooper to go answer the door while he started at the display showing the second wall had been breached which left only the inner wall and the citadel itself.

'Trooper?' called Lee, 'Who is it? What do they want?' The Captain's patience had been bled dry over the last week, every second wasted was a dagger to his resolve.

'I am Sulln Avitus of the Angels of Shadow. I have come to assist the war with my brethren,' came a deep voice from the stairs leading to the door. The very mention of a Space Marine Chapter, especially the Angels of Shadow who had visited the Fortress months before on their search for a Chaos Warband which was the very force assaulting the walls at that very second, gave new hope to the men in the dark room. Lee turned to face the newcomer and with one look felt his heart break.

Standing seven feet tall in dirty white armour with golden trim, mighty wings extending from the back and a dead Stormtrooper held in a armoured hand stood a Space Marine of the Angels of Light. His long hair seemed to flow in a breeze that none felt, red lightning crackling from a huge axe with a spine for the handle.

'B...but...you said you were an Angel of Shadow,' stuttered Lee, slowly reaching for his autopistol in his thigh holster.

'I was,' replied Sulln with a sly smirk, black light growing from behind his eyes and inside his maw. 'I am Sulln Avitus, Master of Darkness and commander of the Angels of Light.'

The twisted Space Marine hurled the corpse of the Stormtrooper into the ranks of officers, leaping onto the table and crushing it with his bulk. One of Lee's bodyguards raised his Hellgun but was cleaved in two by the daemonic axe in Sulln's hands, another slain by a bright red disk of energy that launched from the axe when Sulln swung it. Lieutenant Jakobs tried to kill the attacker with his chainsword but stopped in his tracks when Sulln locked his gaze with the vision of a pale face with black fire for eyes, then dispatched the young officer by crushing Jakobs' skull with his armoured hand. By that time the rest of the Stormtroopers had arrived and raised their Hellguns, the Sergeant raising his Plasma Pistol and bringing his power sword down to emphasise his order to open fire at the assailant. A wave of bright red las-fire lanced towards Sulln, as well as a bolt of super heated gas fired from the Sergeant's pistol. In that spit second between firing and the projectiles hitting their target, Sulln had activated his personal shield and dropped into a crouch. The shield flickered as the las-rounds impacted, then flared brightly before collapsing under the force of the plasma round. Sulln knew a direct hit from the Plasma Pistol would end him and so launched at the Sergeant, axe raised. To his surprise the Sergeant blocked the blow with his sword, which cracked under the impact. In response, Sulln jumped into the air and through the stone roof, showering the troopers in splinters of stone. The Sergeant ordered one of his troops to look through the hole to see if the Marine was hiding up there or if he had broken out. Reluctantly the trooper obeyed, rifle muzzle aimed at the hole as he approached. The sound of shattering glass followed by a scream of terror made the trooper stop and swivel on the spot, rifle aiming at a destroyed window where a junior officer had been standing. Another window shattered and before anyone could react, the Stormtrooper Sergeant had disappeared in a spray of blood. Captain Lee watched on in horror as Lieutenant Neil, whom he held strong feeling for, being torn out another window by the clawed feet of a giant with wings of fire. Her death pushed Lee over the edge, the man leaping at the last window ready for the next assault, power sword held at the ready.

Behind him, something large flew into the room, archaic lightning claws slashing in every direction. Men died with every blur, screaming and torn to shreds. Lee turned to face the thing, his pistol firing uselessly at the Raptor's armour. The last Stormtrooper fell as the Raptor Champion tore out his throat with a bladed finger, leaving Lee alone in the bloodstained room. Another Raptor landed on the ledge of one of the broken windows, one hovered just outside, two dropped through the hole in the roof with Sulln himself. Lee backed into a corner, his sword tiny compared to the roaring chainswords of the Raptors.

Dust fell from the roof as cracks ran across like a network of spider webs as the Iron Warrior's artillery began to target the citadel.

'Damn that Honsou, doesn't he know we are up here?' complained one of the Raptors.

'He knows we will be long gone. He may be a half-breed, but he is no fool,' retorted a second Raptor.

'SILENCE!' roared the Champion. 'Lord Sulln, may I end this little one?'

'No' Sulln replied casually. 'I want him taken alive. I think Eliphas will enjoy this one immensely.'

'You will never take me alive!' Lee croaked defiantly. In a last ditch attempt he ran at Sulln, knowing he would fail but continuing all the same. 'The Emperor protects!' he screamed as he slashed with his power sword. The blade crashed into Sulln's chest, shattering into a million fragments while Sulln's armour remained unscathed.

'No. He doesn't,' growled Sulln and easily knocked Lee out cold with a crack to the skull. The Chaos Lord pointed to the Raptor Champion and beckoned him closer. 'Inform Honsou that he may raze this place to the ground. Then have one of your Raptors take this thing to Eliphas alive. I will report to Ganrithor personally.'

The Raptor bowed deeply then barked the orders to his warriors. As one they ignited their ornate jump packs and, one of their number carrying the conscience form of Captain Lee, flew out of the room. Sulln stood for a moment, the fire in his eyes dying away to be replaced with his own steely gaze. He let out a sigh, clamped his axe to the magnetic strip on his thigh then with a mighty wing beat, launched out of the hole in the roof.

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+EDIT: Wasn't happy with the way story 2 was written. Will post it again when it's been redone+


With this series I hope to capture the character of my two DiY Factions, the Loyalist Angels of Shadow and the heretical Angels of Light.

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  • 5 months later...

This is the story of the Angels of Shadow sending a brother to the Legio...



Brother-Sergeant Vandar, Ultramarine by origin and seconded to the Legio, walked through the candle-lit corridors of the Fortress-Monastery. The castle-like structure was the home of the Angels of Shadow Chapter, a Chapter that traced it's lineage to Lion El'Jonson and the Dark Angels.

Behind Vandar marched two other black-clad Astartes, Brother Sergei of the Imperial Fists and Brother Kanton of the Howling Griffons, carrying between them the remains of the Angels of Shadow's Blade-Master Uziel. Uziel fell against the forces of the Despoiler and as is Legio custom he was being returned to his brethren so that his gene-seed could continue to assist the Chapter.

Vandar felt uneasy as he neared the meeting hall of the castle, unable to shake the feeling that he was being monitored. His companions had not said a word since arriving at the remote planet of Invalice, they too were also sharing the feeling of unease.

Without warning, another black armoured Astartes appeared from behind a statue, the silver areas of his armour shining in the candle-light.

'Greetings brothers,' said the Angel of Shadow. 'I am Knight-Kaleb. What brings the Legio to Invalice?'

'Greeting Kaleb,' replied Vandar, hiding his surprise at Kaleb's sudden appearance. 'Unfortunatly we are not here on pleasant terms. We are returning the body of your Battle-Brother, Uziel.' Whether the news affected Kaleb, Vandar wasn't sure as his long hair cast a shadow over his eyes.

'Indeed? If that is the case I will lead you to Dark Master Nightshade.' Without another word Kaleb turned about and marched off into the semi-gloom, the Legio representatives quickly following suit.


After what seemed like hours, the party arrived at the meeting chamber deep in the fortress. Within stood three more Astartes; one with blood red robes around his armour and twin blades hanging from his waist, one wearing the skull-mask of a Chaplain and another in the white of an apothecary.

Kaleb approached the trio before dropping to one knee, his head bowed.

'Dark Master Nightshade, I present you Sergeant Vandar of the Legio,' Kaleb announced. The centre Astartes with the twin blades turned to face the new arrivals.

He appeared quite young for an Astartes, his face unmarked save for a single scar over his right eye. Dark hair was draped around his face, obscuring his eyes like that of Kaleb. This was a man who showed nothing of his personality, Vandar realised. He must tread lightly to avoid confrontation with these warriors.

'I am Kronos Nightshade of the Angels of Shadow 3rd Company. To what do I owe the honour of three Legio brethren within out Chapter's home?'

Vandar stepped forward and explained the situation, every so often casting glances at the Chaplain and Apothecary from beneath his crimson helmet. When he finished his recount of Uziel's demise he was shocked to see that this Dark Master Nightshade showed no emotion whatsoever. He simply motioned for the Apothecary to collect Uziel, who was followed by the Chaplain out of the hall.

'I assume this means you require a fresh Angel then?' inquired Nightshade. Again Vandar was taken aback by the man's bluntness.

'I...We will require another, yes. You will have the customary three months Terran Standard to mourn your loss and prepare another for our ranks.' Nightshade nodded his approval.

'Then in three months I expect you here, in this hall ready for Uziel's replacement. Until then Brothers of the Legio, I must bid you farewell.' And with that the Dark Master turned and left the hallway, leaving the three Legio brethren rather shocked.


Three months later...

Vandar stood in the hall of the obsidian-forged fortress, surrounded by a full squad of Legio brethren as well as a Chaplain, Andurin of the Iron Snakes. In front of the gathered Legio squad stood a squad of crimson-robed Astartes, each in Mark V armour. Standing with his back the Angels was Dark Master Nightshade, his Mark III armour polished to a reflective shine beneath his robe.

'Knight Telios!' Nightshade called into the silence. Behind him, the warrior on the left of the squad leader stepped forwards, his hood drawn up over his helmet. 'You have been chosen by a council of your brethren to serve in the Legio Bolter and Chainsword. What say you?'

In response Telios pulled his hood down and removed his helmet, revealing a stern-faced man with close-cropped brown hair. 'I accept this honour placed before me, and swear by my blade that I will bring honour to the Chapter, to the Emperor, the Dragon and the Lion.'

Vandar watched as Nightshade turned to face the replacement for Uziel. Each warrior drew a small blade from their belt and held it high into the air, before speaking in the native tongue of Invalice. After this was completed Telios walked by each of his former brothers and shook their hand, wrist-to-wrist in a warrior's farewell. The squad leader then took the ceremonial blade from Telios and added it his own belt, handing Telios a purity seal from his own armour. Telios then turned and marched towards the Legio members, his brethren chanting in the language of Invalice.

'I am Knight Telios, Angel of Shadow serving in the Legio Bolter and Chainsword as replacement for Blade-Master Uziel who fell in defence of the Emperor's realm,' recited Telios as he marched towards both Vandar and Chaplain Andurin. He drew his combat sword from its sheath and clenched it to his chest. 'By the sword in my hand I swear to uphold the honour of my Chapter, the Legio and the Emperor.'

'Welcome Knight-Telios of the Angels of Shadow,' replied Andurin. 'You are now part of the Legio, and henceforth you will serve as a Legio Battle-Brother. Come, your Chapter awaits.' Telios nodded and followed the Chaplain and his new Chapter brothers.

As the Legio members left the great hall, Kronos allowed himself to relax. He had sent another brother to serve and die in the Legio, when that honour should be fulfiled within his own Chapter. The terrible pang of guilt when Blade-Master Uziel was returned had not quite abated within his soul. Such was the burden of being a Dark Master, and a member of a brotherhood such as the Angels of Shadow.

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