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Exonec's Blood Angels


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Hi there!


I've been lurking around and occasionaly writing in threads, while lurking around I've come across alot of beautiful Blood Angels here on the boards and some interesting work in progress threads. Therefore I shall contribute some myself, will just get some pictures of my finished Blood Angels. However, before I come around to take the photos I was planning on going to my local Games-Workshop and pick up a box of Death Company and a Battleforce and this is were you come in.


I need some input on what weapons to use where; I will have access to 3 powerfists, 3 powerweapons, 1 thunderhammer and some other special weapons. I need some input on how they work in game with different outfits. This is what I was planning from the two boxes:


5 Assault Marines with jump packs:

1 powerfist, 2 meltaguns


5 Assault Marines with normal backpacks (from the combat squad in the battleforce):

1 power weapon, 1 flamer


10 Tactical Marines

1 power fist, 1 Missile Launcher, 1 plasma rifle


5 scouts

bolters and heavy bolter


From bits and the DC box I will make:


5 Vanguards

1 powerfist, 2 power weapons


8 Death Company

1 thunderhammer, rest bolters or close combat weapons.


These guys will basicaly be my troops for my army so input is very welcome :lol:


Photos hopefully coming soon

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Mudpuppet: Yes, I know, was unclear there... I have 5 assault marines painted from before so the total would be 10 and then I would put 2 meltaguns in there :P


The above list was mainly what I was to do with the individual groups of models and I would ofcourse make the squads legal. :)

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  • 3 months later...

Took me a while to get something up here but this is a project I'm working on. I had some old Death Company bodies and spare bits from the new DC-box and assault squad box so I mixed them all together to a vanguard squad. The right shoulder pad has a skull on each marine, nice way to distinguish them in my opinion


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