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Astral Claws/Red Corsairs


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I will say formost I abandoned my loyalist Marines long ago to pursue my love of the Waaaaagh! Now that it is almost complete (4k fully painted) I want to start a truly origonal project. I love Chaos Marines! They are just so dispicable. I was considering some Thousand Sons but discovered the new models over at Forge World. Now the models used in the GW products for renegades just dont fit my vision of what a renegade looks like. I dont really forsee that one day a Marine wakes up and says "self lets have this deamon suck my soul out and rock on"! So in line with what the Heresy books have divulged I thought of using these products






Now I realise the last one is Heres armor, I just like the look of it. I would also use some of the origonal Chaos Marine bitz to add some spike flavor and a feel of slow and purposful twisting of loyalty. Lastly I would like to add in




I like this dipiction more than the GW model. What do you all think? I know this will be a very expensive project but I feel if done correctly and I plan accordingly I could have a very unique Chaos Marine Army. Vehicles may be problematic though as I think the Chaos Marine models look to gaudy. May be convert some loyalist vehicles with some minor dipictions of chaos loayaltys? Any CC is welcome as I have yet to pull the trigger on anything yet.


Thanks for moving sorry about that!

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