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Wait... can they hold Terminators? The Rhino entry specifically states it can't transport Terminators... so the Stormraven technically can?

Too bad we don't have 10-man Terminator Squads, but these Stormravens could be, then, a plausible replacement for the Land Raider Crusader in Deathwing armies, as well as being able to teleport down with Ravenwing teleport homers, and then allow the Deathwing to be a far more assault-oriented army. However, AV12 is a bit of a problem.

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Wait... can they hold Terminators? The Rhino entry specifically states it can't transport Terminators... so the Stormraven technically can?

Too bad we don't have 10-man Terminator Squads, but these Stormravens could be, then, a plausible replacement for the Land Raider Crusader in Deathwing armies, as well as being able to teleport down with Ravenwing teleport homers, and then allow the Deathwing to be a far more assault-oriented army. However, AV12 is a bit of a problem.

If the BA codex is anything to go, then no. But it could transport jump-pack units.

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Wait... can they hold Terminators? The Rhino entry specifically states it can't transport Terminators... so the Stormraven technically can?

If the BA codex is anything to go, then no. But it could transport jump-pack units.


Arvendragon is correct. Termies can go in a Stormraven.

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So, going by the hypothetical Blood Angels entry:


Belial with Banner - 155



Deathwing Terminator Squad (3x LCs, 1x TH&SS, 1x HF & CF) - 225

Deathwing Terminator Squad (3x LCs, 1x TH&SS, 1x HF & CF) - 225

Deathwing Terminator Squad (3x LCs, 1x TH&SS, 1x CF, Banner) - 220


Heavy Support:

Stormraven Gunship, twinlinked Multimelta and Plasma Cannon, Extra Armor - 215

Stormraven Gunship, twinlinked Multimelta and Plasma Cannon, Extra Armor - 215

Stormraven Gunship, twinlinked Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter, Hurricane Bolters, Extra Armor - 245


1500 Exactly


For 2000, I would:

Ravenwing Attack Squadron with Power Sword, Meltabombs, two Meltaguns - 160

Ravenwing Attack Squadron with Power Sword, Meltabombs, two Meltaguns - 160

Ravenwing Support Squadron with Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launcher - 175




And for 2500:

Sammael on Land Speeder, Apothecary, Banner - 245

Ravenwing Attack Squadron with Power Sword, two Plasma Guns, three additional members, Apothecary, Banner - 265

Take off 1 Meltabombs


Kind of like the Eldar Jetbike grab, only on land. The entire army can move 24", gaining a cover save. With Plasma Cannons taking care of opposing TEQ and heavy CC units, and the suicide Ravenwing squads popping their LRs and such, or using mass AP4 against Generstealers and such, the Deathwing assault squads should able to be able to pick their targets.


The Ravenwing can be used as an objective grabber, taking a 3+/3++ save, esp., the unit with an Apothecary. It can also help with taking down heavy targets.


I can see the Stormraven being used to deliver heavy assault units, but, really, we have no real use for it. It has no focus, being outclassed by most other transports/heavy support vehicles independently, but the skimmer effect and a 4+/glancing only on the 1st/2nd turn change will be extremely effective. A 44" charge distance means that your Deathwing can take down anything on the board the second turn.


Unfortunately, Deathwing aren't the best close combat unit... the Stormraven, similar to the Falcon, has much more utility within the Eldar and Blood Angel codices, and likely the Grey Knights as well.

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Easy decision.


At 1750:




3 DW squads (one with apoth & banner)


2 Storm Ravens

2 Dreadnoughts


Terminatiors being deployed by Fast, Skimmer, Assault Vehicle Tanks. With Dreadnought close support. Can't go wrong.


I'm surprised I don't see more BA lists with this.

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1 - Get out of this forum ;) :lol:

2 - Death Company, Assault Squads, Vanguard Squads, Honor Guard, etc..., even Tactical Squads. Though best would probably be for Death Company with Lemartes since all your transports are Fast already, and this is the only thing that can hold a Jump Pack. Of course, Mephiston + a Dread might be useful too.

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i dunno, it seems like it would fit more for blood angels armies cus of the whole flying concept of it all, hmm lets see, a gunship that can carry two squads of termies(i think), or a metal box on treads with armour 14 all around and two twin linked lascannons, or two hurricane bolters idk they seem a bit equal
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well what will we (BA) players take for troops since we can not run an all Terminator list.


I'm thinking of just the single squad of termies for Blood Angels. The other one can have Death Company (with or without Jump Packs) and Lemartes and a Death Company Dread, or whatever floats your boat.


Obviously BA furioso dreads are better than ours, and your troops are better in assault than Dark Angels, but the principle is the same.


1-3 tough nuts (storm raven + cargo) in a low model, fast to deploy elite army.


I'm drooling over the idea, no matter how glass cannony...

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