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Throne of Skulls Winter UK Grand Tournament


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Obviously i am one of them, but it may be nice to organise a pre-meeting pointing on the day so we can meet each other? or we could organise a pre-friendly forum tourney or games before the GT so we can do last minute teaks etc.


All drinks are on the first person who comments!




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i was talking about the january one. i won't be able able to make it. make sure you take the n ew errata with you to prevent players from cheating or mis-understanding the rules. especially these ones.


Q: If a transport vehicle is destroyed in the same turn as it

moved flat out what happens to any embarked models? (p70)

A: They are removed as casualties.

DE officially can't ram their raiders and destroy the vehicles and then have their wyches pop out and multi-charge everything now. you can thank me for clearing that up with gws ^_^.


Q: Does a skimmer that is moving flat out whilst

performing a tank shock get the 4+ obscured save against

the Death or Glory! Attack? (p71)

A: No.

strange, i would have though they would say, only the close combat attacks will ignore the obscure save.


Q: Can a unit with the Fleet special rule assault after

disembarking from a transport? (p75)

A: No, it cannot. The Fleet rule simply removes the

prohibition of assaulting after running.

But being open topped etc allows you to assault and if the vehicle hasn't already moved then you can assault. this fix is rubbish, it doesn't even make sense and doesn't work.


Q: During the first turn of the game does a scout move

count as the preceding Movement phase when working

out any saves from shooting, for example the 3+ cover

save from turbo-boosting, and the to hit rolls in combat

against vehicles? (p76)

A: Yes.

guard players will be pleased now with their valkyries and vendettas


Q: Can the same unit control several objectives, providing

it is large enough to be within 3" of each one of them ?


A: Yes, absolutely, but we find this does not happen that

often when enemies are around...

clears up a lot.




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