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Khorne/Nurgle with others


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Well, here's the lowdown. Most of this army I bought off of someone else, for $200 which wasn't bad at all for what I got.


I've always wanted to run Daemons, I have a nid army/chaos marine army.


The daemons I have mainly focus on Khorne/Nurgle, with the exception of a few units, army consist's of:


1 Blood thirster

1 Great Unclean One

2 DP's

2 Soul Grinders

30 Blood Letters

20 Plague Bearers

20 Daemonettes

6 Seekers

3 Flamers

5 BloodCrushers

5 Bloodhounds

1 Kranak

10 Pink Horrors

1 Changling



Majority of the time I just run Khorne. 2 units of 15 bloodletters and try to beat something down. Unfortunetly I sometimes catch myself using my Nid tactics for this. Hormagaunts, run forward, hit something, and make daddy proud. I find Bloodletters to get shot...ALOT, before they touch anything. Bloodthirster is fine, but I usually find him getting shot by lascannons before I touch anything. When I run plague bearers they move slow as hell. I'm use to my plague marines, 3+ save FNP. So in comparison with 5+ invul FNP slow and purpos it feels blah.


Daemonettes I rarely run, they're to fragile. I also only like the old models, I think the new plastic ones are ugly as a red headed step child that got hit by a frigate. Bloodhounds I rarely find doing any jobs.


Flamers I use for a flamebomb unit, then they die afterwards. Pink horrors do a decent job for a short time I've been playing with them, seeing as they're my only true shooting in this other than the SG's, which I love but, thats a love hate relationship. I love them, and they love to land into things.


Blood crushers are awesome, but slow.


I like my army but I dont think I'm running them right. In a 1500p list I usually run blood letters, blood crushers, at least 1 SG, blood thirster, plague bearers, pink horrors, and so on.


Any tips/ways to use these units cleverly/effectively would be helpful.

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I like my army but I dont think I'm running them right. In a 1500p list I usually run blood letters, blood crushers, at least 1 SG, blood thirster, plague bearers, pink horrors, and so on.


Daemons are one of a few armies out there that synergy is key. There are lot of really great on paper units in the Daemons dex, but on thier own they have blaring weaknesses that a smart opponent will capitalize on. So the "run forward hit something tactic" can still hold but you need to do so with the notion of "Hey you two. Go do _____ "


Judging by the way you wrote what you have done you sound to be a aggresive in your face style player. Your running nice large units of bloodletters which are good cause yes they do get shot at alot (that's mostly cause people don't like being in combat with letters). You say you have plaguebearers have you tried to use them in your letter waves and deploy them as a screen for your letters for that first turn drop (an any following turn for that matter). Once in combat they can also be a counter to counter charging units that want to help free their friends from the horrible blood letters. Better for your opponent to pick apart a 5 man PB squad then your letters. And if they shot the letters anyways atleast there getting a 4+ save instead of thier normal 5+.


You also mentioned you run a SG. In my experience SGs are best served in packs. Drop them in a first wave paired up (back to that whole synergy thing) and abuse whatever target you want to. They counter attack anything that assaulst the other and even there shooting attacks are more potent when you can double up on attacks (just incase the first SG misses).


HQs I tend to like Thirsters fast high S hits with Unholy Str + FC. Great for popping armor which something our list lacks alot. If you don't take him and take maybe 2 Khorne Heralds on Juggernaughts (good for hiding in your Letter squads to give them some mini-dp might).


I would say defintely take 2 squads of 5 Horrors with bolt, if you don't take a Thirster. You need some form of anti tank at 1500pts. those are just thoughts at a glance. When writing Daemon lists and playing them on the table just keep synergy in mind. No unit is an island on to it's own they all need some form of back-up one way or another.

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You make a good point. I was thinking of fixing up my KoS and using him, no I haven't really tried using PB's for much of anything except objectives. I see your point of having a unit to tie up.


Food for Thought:


KoS - Musk and Pavane


15 letters


15 letters


5 PB's - Icon


5 PB's - Icon


5 Horror


5 Horror


2 SG's phlem.


95p left over


Lacking serious Anti Tank, and I fear the PB's will get shot before I even get to use the Icon's. Another fear is the KoS with H&R, with 4 wounds I don't know he/she/it will be able to survive combat to get out of dodge. Even if shim does, it'll get riddled like swiss cheese. I don't know how to use synergy all that well when working with daemons, one of my major downfalls I'm afraid. If I ran this list in Anihilation, then thats so many points for the enemy it isn't even funny.


If I need to buy any units say so, I can always get some more.

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I would throw Musk on the KoS before I put Pavane on her. I would also run bolt on my horrors, and actually the math on Tongue for a SG is pretty good. Look at it this way, compared to a tzeetch prince...


AV - 11

SG-Tongue: Hits on 4+, Pens on 2+

Prince-Hits on 2+, Pens on 4+


Both are AP 1, so the math is actually the same for AV 11. For 12...


AV - 12

SG - 4+, 3+ (1/3 chance to Pen)

Prince - 2+, 5+ (5/18 chance to Pen -bit less than the SG)


You get the idea, and this helps your letters, and KoS by cracking open transports for the delicious marines inside!

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I won't run Pavane on Keeper. You want her shooting phase to be fleeting not using Pavane. She belongs in combat where she does dmg.


If you want Pavane in your army take it off Keeper + your 95pts left over (giving you 120pts) and take Masque. (use the last 20pts to give Keeper Unholy Might and Instrument). She can be tricky as you need to use screens or terrain to keep her safe. She is however not as effective in combat as Keeper so having her Pavane during the shooting phase instead of fleeting doesn't hurt you as much. She also provides you with 3 Pav's not 1 off the Keeper. The trick is learning how to expose her to what you want Pav'd but not to what can kill her.


Also I will warn you Pav is not nearly as effective now with the massive amount of mech armies out there. If you have an environment that you play at that is not as mechie then you should be ok.

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Well I tried out a list, dunno if my opponent was ready for it, seeing as he was running a full Drop Pod black templar list.


I ran:


KoS : Musk


15 Letter 15 Letter


3 Flamers


5 horror/5 horror changling


5 PB 5 PB


2 SG's phlem


I won by taking all 3 objectives. The letters scattered nicely, the SG's thankfully didn't flop on anything on the way down. The KoS landed 1" away from a chaplain 10man squad of marines, which was a bit worrisome, but he ended up not shooting at my KoS (don't know why) and charging it instead. I won combat and hit and ran, sense my turn was next, rolled 11", moved another 6" on my turn, fleet 5", and charged 6" :)


Horrors did a nice job holding down an objective, but my SG's where the most intimidating I would say. When I sensed him going for an objective, I had a SG run to it so I could charge him before he got to the horrors. Had a unit of PB's and letters making a pillow around the 3rd objective. and horrors, SG, and PB's in an objective in some terrain.


Still don't know how it'll run against other armies, this was just funny because it was a one up game. I would drop SG's, he would drop meltas on them, then I would drop letters on them, and he would drop shooty marines, and so on.

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  • 3 months later...
I run a Khorne/nurgle combo what I tend to do is deepstrike my plague bearers first with icons they have a better survivability rate than the bloodletters then I deepstrike the hard hitting stuff behind them and assault with the remnants of the plague bearers hoping that the can tie up what is shooting at your troops and giving the fragile troops a better survival rate.
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I wouldn't bother with musk and use the points elsewhere. Hit and Run just isn't that necessary when, whether I charge or not, the Keeper kills everything anyway due to I10 and 6 Attacks.


My usual 1500 daemons list includes the following:


KoS - Strength


15-20 Bloodletters - banner, musician

10 Plaguebearers - banner, musician

10 Horrors - changling (always, always, ALWAYS take this 5 point upgrade)


and then I fill the rest of the points with Flamers and Fiends. This has worked well in almost every game. I don't like units of 5 daemons; they die way too quick and do too little in return. I also don't like Flamer units of less than 6 for the same reason. 9 Flamers is my usual these days...


I actually used the following last week against Grey Knights:


KoS - Strength, instrument

Bloodthirster - Strength, instrument


9 Flamers


20 Bloodletters - banner, musician

10 Plaguebearers - banner, musician


9 Screamers of Tzeentch


As it turned out, he was slaughtered by turn 4. The screamers didn't even show up but I had already cracked both his land raiders anyway with the biggies. Also, having a mere 6 KP in a 1500 game does have distinct advantages...

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