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Anyway enough stupid puns,

Ok so here is my list guys? I would like to know if this list has potentional to take down, things like logan wing, space wolves rhino spam, Mech Dar, Chaos, other Blood Angels.... Yeah that is a lot to cover but I think guard can do that effectively. Here it is:


Astorath the Grim [i know at first he doesn't look as good but when you combo him with might of heros (d3 extra attacks, is just sweet)

Librarian Shield of Sanguinus, Might of Heros Jump Pack


Assault Squad x10 x2 Meltagun Powerfist

Assault Squad x10 x2 Meltagun Powerfist

Assault Squad x10 x2 Meltagun Powerfist Melta bombs


Sanguinary Priests x3 with x3 Jump packs

Sanguinary Guard Power Fist

Sanguinary Guard Power Fist Chapter Banner




Now besides whats up at the top, my main concerns are do I have enough anti tank, also is this a reasonable amount of Assault marines, or do I need more!

For Sanguinus and the Emperor!

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I'm not the brightest tool in the shed but i'll try and help.


I'm assuming that your 3 assault squads are running with a priest, so Astorath is only going to really help the sang guard on the red thirst rolls. A lot of people prefer to use vanguard vets instead of sang guard for a larger unit size, heroic intervention, access to wargear, so there's something to consider.


If you're absolutely certain that you want to field sang guard then perhaps you should think about swapping Astorath with Dante, as to make the sang guard scoring and take advantage of Dante's precision in deep striking. If you did this and you're worried about tank hunting you could load up Dante's sang guard with inferno pistols and use it to nuke some rear armour. I've seen people mention this squad before but I've never used it personally, as I think it makes sending a 400+ point squad into a B) storm to tempting.


Hope i helped somehwat.

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Sounds like a pretty rough deathstar unit. Be careful of overkill, other people might back me up on this but in my experience a 10 man assault squad with libby and priest can pretty much eat most units. You could be putting Astorath and the libby's player turn power to waste in many situations. The squad could do just as well without Astorath if the libby had the S10 power (can't remember the name).

It's up to you, if you really like Astorath then maybe you could build an army around him, rather than an army with him in it. Like lots of units that could take advantage of his 1-3 red thirst roll and a big old DC or two.

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I like your list, but I want to play around with the MoH on CC monsters... and avoid giving red thirst to enemy blood angels.


You're spending 580 (655?) on


Jumppack Librarian,

Assault Squad x10 x2 Meltagun Powerfist,

(jp priest)


You're getting MoH on an I5/6 S6/6 model with inv re-rolls. Nice. 2 ICs & scoring. 1 hidden fist & 2 melta shots... and you're giving red thrist 1-3 rolls on enemy blood angel heretics. Eww. rerolls to hit on the charge.


And, you need a priest for FC & FnP. (+75?)



Jumppack Libby x1, epistolary x1 shield MoH, sword MoH



-hand flamer


-pf & bolter

-chainsword & pistola


Lemartes with 2 MoH libbies can get up to 10/13 I7 str 5/6 PW attacks on the charge with re-rolls to hit AND to wound. Or, if it's vehicles, you've got 2 MoHs on the sword libby or the PF DC or one on each (if sword fails, cast MoH twice on PF). They're fearless, relentless (no biggie), come with FnP & FC (Except the libbies) that can't be lost like an IC priest can... and Lemmie cannot be singled out in CC as he's not an IC. and... you get 4 pw models instead of two.


There sure as hell aint many units that can hit first vs lemmie


So what if it can't score and suffers rage. It's an awesome unit!


And, if you drop it to 3DC... the whole thing could fit in a stormraven. Oh my! Which might be nice later when the bloody thing is released.


edit: removed some point costs

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Hehe, you're right on both counts... can't have everything. =) But I kinda mentioned that, didn't I?




Well, I recommend it, because once you go to 2k and get a SR for them, it's insane. But never mind, If the DC die, move the libbies to another unit(s)... Or, start the libbies on another unit(s) and attach them to the DC later, should the DC survive. It wont be so scary looking without them... Point is, you can move them around squads all game. Or even just the 2 of them alone.




There are ways to ameliorate a single rage unit in an infantry list. Seriously. When it's formation is closed and you have squads around it, it's quite easy to funnel them one way. Especially with 2 ICs attached. The ICs can't stop within 1" of friendly infantry units they're not attached to. Nor can a DC unit with no spacing between models stop after moving full 12, gain spacing and get through another squad to rest within it's formation. It just can't as not all the models moved 12 towards the enemy... which means you have to choose another path that allows full 12" movement.

Takes practice in planning moves though... and that, imo makes the game a lot more interesting. It also tends to give the unit cover saves.


It's your list although I'll quote myself.

I like your list, but I want to play around with the MoH on CC monsters
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my concern would be anti tank. personally id drop a few priets from this list(you have astro anyway and keep a priest for a the unit that really needs it. for proper anti tank, probably attack bikes would suit this list? And personally id prefer the libby to have unlease rage and in a seperate unit to astro, advoiding the whole too many eggs in one basket thing...
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