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what can i expect from a dark angels army?


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Hi all!

over the last month, i have been tossing around

the idea of starting a new army. I currently have

my Crimson Fists. While i will always love them,

it seems to me that they just dont have enough of

an interesting back story to keep me going.


I have tried orks,blood angels.and even necrons.

but for some reason i just cant seem to get behind them

100%. Over the weekend,the owner of the store i play

At let me try several of his personal armies.


Needless to say, after trying a small bike army of Dark angels,



So my question(s):

how well does the codex link up to 5th edition?


is their any confusing rules that would make me run screaming?


do bikes get to turbo boost and have that extra toughness like in

the rule book?


do you still have to take 2 tac squads + HQ like the vanilla codex does?


basically,I could care less about super powered net listed armies.


i care more about playing,painting and having a good time with an

army that i can believe in.

Dark Angels seems to me like that kind of force.

God the fluff for you guys is amazing, you should all be proud of that

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So my question(s):

how well does the codex link up to 5th edition?


It links up So so, the units tend to be over priced compared to the 5E codices. But we can do most things other marine armies can do. We can also do a bike army which only Codex marines and Dark Angels can do (well SW can too but it is terrible).


is their any confusing rules that would make me run screaming?


There are no real confusing rules, just some differences between our codex and the newer marine dexes that can be confusing. We have old rules and wargear (our storm shield is a 4++ in CC only, Our Cyclone ML is only 1 shot, Our Apothecaries don't give Feel no pain, our smoke launchers don't confer a 4+ cover save, Power of the machine spirit works differently, the list goes on)


do bikes get to turbo boost and have that extra toughness like in

the rule book?


Yes the do, although you cannot turbo boost during your scout move as the Ravenwing entry explicitly says that you cannot.


do you still have to take 2 tac squads + HQ like the vanilla codex does?


no, if you take Sammiel as your HQ choice Ravenwing Attack squads become troops, If you take Belial terminators become troops. Though vanilla marines don't have to take 2 tac squads + HQ either. You could take scouts, or if you take a SM captain on a Bike, bike squads of 5 models or more count as troops.

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So my question(s):

how well does the codex link up to 5th edition?


is their any confusing rules that would make me run screaming?


do bikes get to turbo boost and have that extra toughness like in

the rule book?


do you still have to take 2 tac squads + HQ like the vanilla codex does?

a) Codex can handle himself but don't expect easy wins with it, specially against the "uber"lists.


:) No.. but there are some discrepancies between DA rules and Rulebook rules.


c) DA bikes are like any other bike.. except for RW bike special rules.


d) Depends on the build you want, there are some builds unlocked by special characters that you don't need tactical squads.


If you read DA Codex :o,c) and d) questions will become clear.

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DA are a great army for fun games. The ravenwing deathwing is the best way IMO to play them. There bikes can be troops if you take sammy and there termies can be troops if you take beliel. The ravenwing all have locater becons and have a scout move wich is sweet. A few differences are the storm shields are only a +4, apothecarys dont give FNP, the termies are only 5man strong but can mix up assault and tactical weapons. If you do decide to play them get the DEX make your list(s) and buy stuff from that. I hope this helps.
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So tell us what units do you have that you want to start with? As mentioned the basic Tac Sqds do cost more for no benefit. The current Codex aliows Bikes & TDA o be Troops with the right Character to unlock it, and for a novice player they are very unforgiving armies to play. Mostly because of the low model count.


As an almost Codex Chapter our uniqueness and strength as opposed to C:SM is in the Deathraven build (Deathwing & Ravenwing combined).


If you are interested in learning what the DA Forum wants to do about our lackluster Codex, the check out this thread. Lots of reading and it will probably confuse you more that it should :tu: but it's worth looking into.


Have fun and let us know what your design plan is. I am sure that there are several veteran DA players that would enjoy giving you some battle hardened advice.

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