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Space Marines? .. Iron Hands!

Brother Argos

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I prefer the larger symbol, the smaller one looks a bit lost on the greave. Maybe it needs anchoring to the bottom in the same way as the larger one?


Great looking Iron Hands though.


Do you know what scale the tread plate you are using is?

Looking good Argos, I told you black was the new black! :P


The weathering = highlighting technique is pure genius and it looks like you've got the technique down pretty pat already. I also have to agree that the FW decals are a boon to the hobby. I'm interested to hear you say you need to soak them in MicroSol to get them to conform as the FW Raven Guard decals I've been using shape to the pad almost straight away.


As for the Tac symbol, I actually prefer the larger one, or perhaps it's simply the placement of it as amalric says.


Now the big question - the Greif (or is it MV?) lens - any particular tricks to be aware of? I suck at painting gems and the lenses look boss, I also happen to have found a local model train store that stocks them so I grabbed some to try out but thought I'd ask for some advice first. Starting with the basics - is CA glue OK or will it craze them? Or is plastic cement the way to go?


Ditto varnish - do you brush varnish then spray or do you add the lens post varnish altogether? I'm also noticing the lenses have a curve to both sides, do you drill/hollow out the place they'll go a little or use the glue to 'fit' them as such?

@ amalric99 : Its the 1/100th scale tread plate.

@ SCC : I decided in the end the Large tac symbol looked better ... so I will be going with that I think. For the lenses you must have different ones from me, Mine are flat one side and curved the other. I glue them with minute amounts of thin superglue and cover them with blu-tac when it comes to varnish time !

It was my birthday this weekend, so I got some modelling done :angry:

First off I finished the 2nd of my rusty floor bases. I am pleased with the result, especially the oil leak and the "eagle" strip.


I got some work done on an Iron Hands chest plate as well ... I used plasticard strip to add a cog pattern around the top and used photoetch circles and washers to create a "valve" on the left. I am hoping when painted black and white it will "pop" quite nicely.


In addition two more marines have been prepared for painting ... first off is a simple head and bolter swap. The head is from the IH boxed set and I need to think a bit about painting it before I get started. The bolter is from Forgeworlds new Bolter variants, it looked quite a nice piece so I decided he would have a valuable older model bolter. In addition you can see the shoulder pad I made earlier.


This model is a good bit more ambitious, the idea behind him is the "wounded marine" fights on. With his left hand and forarm blown off he can be seen favouring right hand as he tries to fire the bolter with one hand. The shot up from the base (on the right) shows the inside of the blown forearm and you can see the Ulna and Radius bones projecting down, I plan to green stuff up into the socket to show flesh around the bones. This gives me an opportunity to have some blood effects on the base and down the armoured leg, and I am hoping it should look good. His other leg is from the Maxmini.eu bionic set and needs some more work, namely the "shoe" needs extending forward another 1.5mm and I think I am going to use plasticard to make a greave plate which matches the other leg and will go in front of the bionics.


As it was my birthday I was lucky to get some Forgeworld Iron hand loot ... so I am looking forward to fiddling around, seeing what I can made using it!

These are absolutely fantastic, and I'm really looking forward to seeing more of these models. The cog-patterned chestplate look really good, and I think some custom backpacks could go a long way with the force (even something as simple as putting an Iron Hands brass-etch symbol in place of a skull on the pack or whatever). One thing, the bases look great, but I'd like to see some more variation soon, with maybe things like vents in the ground, or loose panels etc.

This confused me as I thought I'd replied to this topic and then couldn't find my post! Turns out I replied to the Index Astartes thread!


Well here's a repeat:


"Superb work! Love all the minor details and etchings - where do you get the small circle and washers? What do you use for the rivets on your bases? Will be following this topic with much anticipation!"



@ Silber : Thank you ;)

@ Dark Link : I have been putting some thought towards the backpacks ... I am still of the opinion I need to do a detailed small sculpt of the IH emblem to make it work. As for bases and new things ... I am waiting for a delivery from Australia ... more to be revealed when it arrives :)

@ Brother Caedrius : The small photoetch parts are made by MiG productions .. and useful for so many modelling things!

The more I looked at the bionic leg I wasn't happy with it ... it took me a while to figure it out, but in the end I decided it was the lack of "armour/40k-ishness". With the help of some plasticard and photoetch I set out to remedy the situation.


The final result was more pleasing to the eye .. and as an unexpected bonus it hid the stubiness of the foot nicely too. To join the "greave" together at the back I glued into place some plastic rod and used two of my photoetch hex bolts to "tie" it all together and keep the IH theme.

I finally got round to finishing my first marine, I had needed to do the purity seal and here it is: -


You can also see some of the "Rust" pigment used on the boots to blend the model into the base. It was nice to note with a detail shot that the decal arrow and the "chipping" hold up well even at this level of detail.

Next up we have a modified bolter where I added a rangefinder attachment to the side using plastic rod, ribbed cabling and some green stuff. The "lens" will go onto the end of the attachment when its been painted. Sharing the photo is the next marine due for painting, made using the bionic legs from the iron hands tactical box set.


Finally we have the next finished Iron Hands marine: -


Considering the speed of painting they are coming out better than I had hoped :)

"the damned artificer" over on Warseer suggested something I had missed ... while working on the plasticard greave on the bionic leg I had neglected to add the all important COG edging ... all I can say is that it was late at night!

Here is the new greave with the appropriate edging!


In addition there was a request for a picture of the IH brass etch I got at the weekend with a scale reference. I took this quickly as I am about to head off for work!


There is a higher resolution version here->

Hmm. That seems deceptively easy, I may have to try it for one of my Raven Guard. I have a multiple sets of the IH bionic leg and it would be a nice way to use them for more than one model without the oddity of two guys having the exact same bionic leg...ditto on the arms the IH set came with. Hmm :tu:

Minor update for tonight as I got in late ...

All the currently constructed marines and their weapons were undercoated black (who would have guessed) ... I just need to do the weathering work on them tomorrow night!

In addition while sitting here I started work on the next base ... I wanted to do some deck plating that wasn't tread plate .. I used squared plasticard and drilled lots of tiny holes to look like corner rivets on steel tiles. I then cut out a hole for a wiring duct and put a photoetch grill over the top. To give the feeling of depth I then cut out the same size hole on a 25mm Gw plastic base and put plastic rod under it .. to look like cables and ducting running along the bottom.

Here is a picture of the WIP ... the final version will have smaller cables coming up and resting on the decking, as though someone was working on it.


Another long day tomorrow so won't get a huge amount done sadly ... Although I just scored a huge FW order at Bitsandkits.co.uk of old heresy armour ... Very excited about that!

Looking nice, just one thing that's bothering me slightly about the wounded marine-don't Iron Hands replace their left forearms with bionics? Doesn't matter now either way I suppose, and I could be wrong, but it could be an interesting take on the concept, maybe some funky-looking hydraulic fluid instead of blood and shiny metal other than bone.

@ Bigger-than-Jesus : The weakest point on the arm would be the interface between Bionic and flesh ... thats why I chose that position on the arm to show the break.


@ Dark Link : I would recommend them highly ... I use them whenever I need anything "bitz"-like and they deliver quickly and efficiently. the only delay I ever had was down to the Royal Mail.

Brother Argos: Legendary stuff sir!!!!! Absolutely love the base with the square plasticard & grill cover! The SM are coming along very nicely indeed, how many layers of paint do you add ofter base coating? Very clever stuff with the conversions, can't wait for the next update!!!!

Here are some pictures of tonight's work ... I only used a single light to take the pictures, should have used the 2-3 I normally used but its 1am and I am too tired to get them out.

Here is the current work on the new base ... still need to work on the rust and blood (from the wounded marine) ...


Once again I am pleased with the look of the Forgeworld Decals .. and with the shadows the bionic leg looks a little dark (needed more lights), but you can see further down its is quite bright.


The bionic leg is now not shaded and you can see the "pistons" etc that make up the Maxmini.eu bionic leg, it was too dark with just boltgun, so I added some brass and mithril silver.


In this picture if you look carefully you can see the bones protruding from the remains of the arm ... Once the figure is glued to the base, I will deal with the blood pattern on the floor.


Lastly the view from behind ... the Tactical decal felt so start I ran a dark "filter" over it and added some scratches running it down it ..


I like all the results, but this figure is pushing 5hrs now and beyond the limits of what I wanted to spend on a rank and file figure, so I need to finish it off quickly and move on.

The good news is that I have a handle on painting bionics now and should be able to do them quickly next time.


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