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Legends of the Liber


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Fair enough on the call for everyone to write about someone else's creation. Unfortunately, I haven't fully developed my Vengeance Hawks, so I'll be unable to participate. I'll be watching with interest, though, and wish everyone luck. :D
Just because they are not fully done doesn't mean you can't join in. All you need to do is provide a little more feedback to whoever choses your Chapter.

Yes, but I don't even have the concept finalized yet and am a little too busy with other projects to devote the effort to this that I'd need to in order to have confidence in the product if I rushed something. I'll sit this one out.

Well people who have additional chapters (or two) could always fill in the gaps. For example, if Brother-T wants to join in but doesn't have a completed chapter of his own, whoever would write about his chapter could write about one of mine instead.

Mkay I made a Chaos themed banner for our heretic brethren, and here is the code for all 3 banners:

Banner 1:



Banner 1 Chaos Edition:



Banner 2:



Banner 2 Chaos Edition:



Banner 3:



I believe they all work.

(I also made a banner for folks who fail the challenge but won't reveal it until the end of the challenge :lol: )

Sorry Ecritter. I know the changes have been many and rather annoying, but thats what I get for not having a planning stage. I hope you will reconsider.


Only a happy note, I'm still doing my story and its coming along nicely. Which brings up a question, just how long a post can you put in a single post in the short story section?

Sorry Ecritter. I know the changes have been many and rather annoying, but thats what I get for not having a planning stage. I hope you will reconsider.


Only a happy note, I'm still doing my story and its coming along nicely. Which brings up a question, just how long a post can you put in a single post in the short story section?

I think SCC's IA Brazen Claws was something along 9k words and fit in a single post... I could be wrong though.

Ferrus: due to my busy life you are the lucky last.


Everyone, there will be 3 day period to call dibs on stories otherise I will assign you one by a secret and arcane method involving a hat.


I myself wish to write about Thirst's Wraiths of Darkness.


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