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Legends of the Liber


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  Dark Apostle Thirst said:
  Ace Debonair said:
Yeah, it was a compliment, as well as a slight expression of disbelief that anyone would find one of my chapters worth writing more than three words about. :lol:

'raises eyebrow' Really? ;)

Yup. It's not like I've actually finished any of them, after all. :P

EDIT: Actually, maybe the Red Lords are pretty close to 'completion'. I'm not sure about that now. :D


I also found it quite funny that you only wrote three words about that quote, too. :lol:

  Ace Debonair said:
  Dark Apostle Thirst said:
  Ace Debonair said:
Yeah, it was a compliment, as well as a slight expression of disbelief that anyone would find one of my chapters worth writing more than three words about. :lol:

'raises eyebrow' Really? ;)

Yup. It's not like I've actually finished any of them, after all. :D

EDIT: Actually, maybe the Red Lords are pretty close to 'completion'. I'm not sure about that now. ^_^


I also found it quite funny that you only wrote three words about that quote, too. :lol:

Ha! I didn't catch that when I wrote it, but I am amused at my coincidental comedy :D


I was refering to the fact I'm painting a few DIYs around here... B)

  Ecritter said:
  Dark Apostle Thirst said:
I was refering to the fact I'm painting a few DIYs around here... B)


And I just looked at your gallery pics, I'm looking forward to seeing some of the Chapters now. ;)

Uh... Uh... :D


I'm actually working on repairing an assault marine torso for your White Hands, but so far most of the effort has gone to a certain chapter's theme of shields...


I'm sadly unable to take pictures this very second, as other people use the camera, but when I cna I'll send them to you (and the others).

  Brule the Spear-Slayer said:
Has 11th Company Dark Master made a decision on the Madwolf issue yet? I've been holding off on writing my story in case he decides to switch the Chapter I'm assigned. :wub:


Check the first post, you're writing UltimateJake's Sons of Redemption Chapter.

Yes, I know. But Madwolf was assigned his own Chapter so there were two volunteers, myself included, to switch Chapters so that Madwolf could write about someone else's Chapter. The first post still has Madwolf assigned to himself and neither of the volunteers' assigned Chapter has changed, so I'm checking to see if there was a plan to make a switch or if we should just go with the Chapters that we've all been assigned.
I'd have loved to do this. Maybe next time, neh? I'll look forward to reading them!


What's stopping you from doing one anyway? ;) I understand where you're coming from though. I'm sure there will be more though!


Unfortunately I may have a bit of bad news. It seems my beloved USMC has called me in a full 5 months early so I'll be shipping out pretty damn soon. I'll try to get this story up before I head out, but can't make any promises.


Well you have my respect Nine, though I do hope you get your story finished before you go so I can read it. Selfish, I know. :P


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