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So does any battle brother find deepstriking anyassault units other than one a waste of time?

I say this because I took a JP list on a 4x6 table and four of my six units either decided to go for a nap rather than show up, or lost their sat nav and ended up ontop of or no where near the board! Granted this was a small board but still...... our primarch WAS winged! Any one else find their JP units fail them due to deepstrike misfortune, do you guys who usually take JP lists DS alot?

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I haven't lost a JP unit to the warp yet. Have had one put back into reserve due to mishap. Bad things happen occasionally. It's like perils of the warp on libbys, but doesn't mean the risk is not acceptable when you consider the benefits


DOA is pretty reliable. But I will start everyone on the board and do an oldfashioned rush if it works out better.

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It depends what I'm playing against but most often I will NOT use DS. I wouldn't waste any points on a beacon because we already have DoA; the real issue is that we cannot assault (except VV of course).


If I am playing IG for example and I know I won't likely get counter-charged or if I do it won't really hurt, I'll DS Dante and a squad of RAS with 2 meltas... that puts 3 melta weapons (no scatter) exactly where I want them behind the big tanks. I'll also drop my 2 flamer RAS near his heavy weapons teams. I'd do this also against most Dark Eldar or Eldar stuff except Banshees, Incubi and Grotesques or Harlequins. Be careful of DE stuff in raiders though, they can move far and still get you.


Otherwise my Dante joins the SG and they start on the board with the rest of my stuff.

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There was a topic dedicated to DoA tactics recently. There was a good hint on how to DS units, and I should say I liked it a lot. You DS two units - VV and HG w/MGs (and Libby with Shield). VV can assault, while HG doesn't need to - they shoot their MGs, and attract attention (as they have a priest they could last long enough). I tried this combination a few times and it worked fine. However it was just simulation and not "real combat" ;)

I wouldn't DS other other units, RAS in particular, as they wouldn't help much after being DSed.

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I rarely DoA unless its maybe the melta HG squad or VV's (if I am using either) - normal RAS's (30 odd of them all with FNP) will just walk/jump up the table behind cover/out of los if possible - avoids me having to clump them up for a turn infront of what I want them to assault.
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I have had some very good results and some laughably poor results from DoA. My first 2 or 3 games I had RAS, Dante and Librarian with Priests and VV, with some ground based units. I DS the jump units and they came in 2nd turn without fail, and were very accurate. however in a later game my jump units never made it to the game-as it ended before the turn where they come in automatically, and so I had to play a whole game with just two dreadnoughts (it was a 2v2 game, so needless to say my tau ally did get quite a bit of punishment lol. And in another game I DS my DC unit with JP Librarian behind the enemy only for them to be wiped out to 1 man and the libby by a plasma cannon i didnt notice until it was too late (oops)


I am still a fan of the jump Pack units, big reason why I play BA, and I find that DoA can either be very useful for getting units - ie dante with meltas - into position, or can end up as quite an amusing let down if they dont turn up.


Also with DC I would personally avoid DSing them as I always do everything I can to ensure they get the charge off, and if they are sitting in front of the enemy for a turn then they are more likely to be charged, though I guess you could DS them in a place that would keep them out of enemy assault range, but be close enough for their 18" total move and assault in the following turn, but that can depend alot on the size and layout of the board.



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Lost my Sanguard w/ Banner, Libby and Priest to the warp today. After this i conceded the game. I needed that unit in.


That is really quite amazing, MY squad of Sanguard, Libby and Priest also mishapped today... however they weren't lost to warp thankfully, my opponent just placed them on the far corner; well which was probably just as bad hah.

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I rarely have any problems deepstriking. Sure you are going to mishap once in awhile but with careful placement it shouldn't happen often. I have recently been holding a couple of units in normal reserve and come in along my long table edge... I find this can catch opponents off guard that wander into your DZ. There is one mission I played yesterday where you scored a point each player turn that a scoring unit was holding an objective - there were five objectives so this was hard on a deep striking army as the opponent with mech could jump on objectives early and start racking up points. It's an odd mission though, one I don't think you'll see often. I try to table the opponent in these types of situations.


G :to:

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