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Resin Casting

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I have commissioned a conversion of a pair of Lightning Claws to Lamenter/ Master of the Forge (if you do not know whom I am talking about, check this: http://masteroftheforge.com/, the guy is great). However, I need this pair reproduced in 15-20 more copies so that I can equip a whole Terminator squad with them and a couple of Vanguard Veterans. The problem is that I have no experience or equipment for resin casting.


So, I would like to ask if there is any out there who would be willing to give me a hand with this; meaning cast for me copies of the lightning claws. Of course, I will compensate him for his effort and time. I would be more than grateful to whom will assist me finish my modelling project.


If you are interested, please, contact me via pm to speak in detail.

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True :), but I would not like to start with these two particular bits. Ruining the original pieces is not a risk I would like to take.

Then try it out with various pieces first, having only just started myself I find it time consuming but certainly not overly difficult.

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As the topic interests me too - what's the GW position on resin casting their products? If you pay for it, well they consider it IP infringement, they've said so clearly enough on their website - but if you do it yourself and for your own use, or if somebody does it for you for free - that should be legit, right?
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As the topic interests me too - what's the GW position on resin casting their products? If you pay for it, well they consider it IP infringement, they've said so clearly enough on their website - but if you do it yourself and for your own use, or if somebody does it for you for free - that should be legit, right?


It depends on the laws of the country. In the US, an extensive "fair use" clause covers a number of scenarios in favor of the end user. Most of them center on the contingency that no actual profit or payment of service is involved -- EG, you cover actual materials cost with no intend for actual commercial resale.


GW tends to be a bit on the strict side when it comes to the IP -- which is amusing since the vast majority of the icons and imagery is not explicitly original to them (the Aquila is actually roman, the 8-pointed chaos wheel is from Michael Moorcock novel cover, etc). As such, they traverse as close to the copyright laws of each nation they operate in. Many of those laws interfere intentionally or contradict "fair use" clauses, depending on the Judge's interpretation.


In that light, with the most common legal interpretation, reproducing an Aquila in green stuff on any model and selling it infringes on GW's IP. Taking a photo of a Golden Daemon entry at Games Day and posting it on the web is also a technically a violation of the same IP interpretation (reproduction with intent to distribute). Publishing scans of old OOP white dwarf ads is also technically a violation in some countries. I'm not kidding.


It's really weird shaky ground, especially with how absurd the legal stuff can get.


Now, for the really absurd stuff. White Dwarf had actually published an article on green stuff casting not too long ago (a couple years back). Now, disseminating the same info is still taboo on this and many other forums.


Would *I* reproduce a single part in resin for personal use? Sure. A whole model? Not on your life.

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