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The "Never Again" Project

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In our modelling careers I'm sure we've all stumbled upon a certain project that we thought was a good idea at the time, then as we got into it we started to grow frustrated or lose interest. Maybe shelve the project before even finishing. Regardless of whether or not we finished, at the end of it the words thought or spoke were "No way in the Warp am I going through -that- mess again"


Brothers, what are your "Never Again" projects?


I have a few, myself. The two big ones I can think of off hand are my miserably failed 2-part greenstuff molds and turning a Power Fist into a Lightning Claw by way of attaching blades to the knuckles. The molds just never gave me the results I wanted/needed for the time and materials put into them. As for the claws, that was just more tiny, fiddly, finicky, fly-everywhere-but-where-you-need-them bits than I'd ever care to work with again though I am pleased with the results, which is more than I can say about the molds. Kinda makes me wonder how my friend can tolerate his new Dark Eldar models. Pics will come when it's not 5 AM and my camera has working batteries.


Mods: If this isn't the right forum, I apologize and would be grateful if it were moved to a more fitting location. Wasn't sure where to put it and this seemed more or less the right place.

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Reposed an oblit to stand up straight. Dremel to the legs which started melting the pewter. Pin vice bits weren't sharp enough making for exteremely laborious drilling through half inch thick thighs. GS'ing skills are awful. All around horrible experience but damn the end result was cool.
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For me it was scratch building a Thunderhawk Gunship from balsa wood. I got some decent templates, bought the wood, which isn't cheap and began to build.


Needles to say it was a nightmare. The main body was easy enough, just the details, like landing gear, etc were nearly impossible for me.


So I scrapped the project, and used the wood for something else.


Another project was completing my first painted squad of Marines. They were nice, but in the end, I didn't like the paint scheme I selected. Of course I decided this after buying 2 of each of the main paint colours I needed... so needless to say, I have a lot of brand new paint pots I'm never going to use.


I'm still trying to find the right colour scheme for my army.


Lastly I will leave you with this quote, a favourite of mine from what I think is one of the greatest songs ever written:


"Never Again

is what you swore

the time before "


- o

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I think every post should end with

"....never again"


Anything involving my experiments with glowing effect paintwork and NNM....too much liek hard work.


Another project, which I'm mid way though is GS'ing and coil of fire effupting from a space mariens arm....at the tip of the fire spyre is a flaming raven...in flight...

I love the idea...and if I get it right it will look sublime...but needless to say



...never again.

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Lastly I will leave you with this quote, a favourite of mine from what I think is one of the greatest songs ever written:


"Never Again

is what you swore

the time before "

Not just one of the greatest songs ever written, but a track from one of the greatest albums ever released B)


With my record I should just put 'try to paint an army' on the list, I haven't succeeded in completing a project of any kind since the early days of 3rd Ed :P


But if I had to pick something I'd actually pick my Night Lords army attempt from a few years ago. I like the Night Lords, always have, and I like the idea of modelling/painting Chaos Marines, but there's something deep inside me that just won't let me go down that dark path. I've tried several times, most recently after reading A D-B's excellent first Night Lords novel, but there's just not enough passion for them in me to motivate me to actually finish me. To that end I've wasted hundreds of dollars, dozens of hours and thousands of words and all I have to show for it is one NL Raptor and one NL Marine. Plus I keep stabbing myself with damned spiky bitz ^_^


So, Chaos Marines...never again.

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Space Marine Jetbikes.


They were a cool project at conception stage, and three of them turned out not half bad.


But they were arduous to make, very fiddly and disappointed me in the games to boot (they were count-as SM attack bikes). So I stopped at three, whereas there were supposed to be nine, and lost all interest in jetbikery.

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"... never again!"


Never again? I never have those moments. I'll put it off long enough, after I've started, so I don't remember how painful it was. Then pick it up again years later.


Case in point; Servitors. I converted up four of them more than five years ago. They have been partially painted for nearly three years. I keep going back to them once about every year. I swear, they'll be done by year's end... in 2011!


I also have a converted Inquisitor who has been 75% painted for nearly two years... He might be done in 2011... Maybe.


Oh, and the hybrid plastic/metal Land Raider Crusader I purchased when they first came out 10 years ago. It's on my slate to be done next month. It's been in the same state of partial assembly for over nine years.


I always finish a project... Eventually.

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a white army! im half way through and wish i went with a much easier colour!


I hear your pain. I don't even like doing just the shoulderpads on my Templars. Also, a brief memory of my very first squad. Those golden boys from the Battle for Macragge. Stupid me thinking any paint would work.


Using watercolor paste on Citadel figures.... Never again.

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Building a 200lbs oak table for my dining room and covering every possible surface in the workshop with sanding dust only to find out that the door of the workshop are too small for the ready thing to fit through. Never again :)


Oh, so it's not an offtopic - the workshop was my modelling workshop B)

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This guy sealed the deal for me on Greenstuff, the color white, jump packs, and for a long time, basing (originally I had tried to sculpt a spiral of flamey smoke trail thingies rising around his feet, it did not end well). Let's see, his whole right hand, the cables around his arms, the scaley forehead on his shoulderpad skull (not in view), his mouth-mask, his left thumb, and his hood (which I made too big for the JumpPack to fit properly), all greenstuff. Hated it even more considering I only had one blunt sculpting knife :P


I'm still pleased with the results, but never, ever again....


Probably. :)

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I have two, a sisters of battle army that uses both black and white as the primary colours and requires black to be the undercoat. That army is fiddly to paint.


The second is 2500 odd points of Rogue Trader/2nd Edition Eldar. How many armies do you know of that are worth (market price value, not retail value) over $1000 AUD (627 Pounds/$995 USD :yes: ) when sitting on the table as a 1750 point army?

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I have two, a sisters of battle army that uses both black and white as the primary colours and requires black to be the undercoat. That army is fiddly to paint.


The second is 2500 odd points of Rogue Trader/2nd Edition Eldar. How many armies do you know of that are worth (market price value, not retail value) over $1000 AUD (627 Pounds/$995 USD ^_^ ) when sitting on the table as a 1750 point army?


Again, Templars. And to me, sounds like you got yourself a bragging-rights army. I've got a taste for older models personally and have been toying with the idea of playing Eldar myself, so I'd love an army like that. Looking for a way to get my Rogue Trader beakie resin-cast, because 1) it's a dang cool model and 2) I need to fill up my bolter squads on a low budget somehow. Unpainted, unglued, but I would like to GS out the shoulder pad before casting it since back then they didn't always fill up the mold correctly.


But that's all off-topic.


Never again shall I attempt to cut apart large metal models with nothing more than a hobby knife. Last time I did it was with a Death Company marine's leg (I -really- wanted that skull kneepad). Swore that shattered craft blade was less than 2 inches from my eyeball.

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Magnetising an entire Deathwing army. Every. Single. Figure. (Except Belial).


Ne'er again.


I've magnitized my DW (36 terminators, 2 LR/C, 1 Predator, 2 LS) and even though it was A PAIN...it works sooooo well.


For future projects (other armies) though, I'll only magnetize special weapons :P

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Magnetising an entire Deathwing army. Every. Single. Figure. (Except Belial).


Ne'er again.


I've magnitized my DW (36 terminators, 2 LR/C, 1 Predator, 2 LS) and even though it was A PAIN...it works sooooo well.


For future projects (other armies) though, I'll only magnetize special weapons :D


I just made 4 of every special weapon.

Never gonna need another SM model ever again lol

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Starting a new army when I still have 3 or 4 still to be completed. Damn you addictive plastic crack!


I have two, a sisters of battle army that uses both black and white as the primary colours and requires black to be the undercoat. That army is fiddly to paint.


The second is 2500 odd points of Rogue Trader/2nd Edition Eldar. How many armies do you know of that are worth (market price value, not retail value) over $1000 AUD (627 Pounds/$995 USD :( ) when sitting on the table as a 1750 point army?


My 1750 Death Korps army is retail $1,184.80 CDN (that's $1,178.55 USD or 747.47 GBP). Factor in conversion and paint? Who knows what it's market price value is. Just sayin' is all. ;)


PS I am poking fun at your distinction between Market Price Value and Retail Value since the latter is concrete insofar as referencing when the models were last sold, or perhaps when you last purchased them, while the former is completely subjective and open to change dependent on any number of variables and factors.




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a white army! im half way through and wish i went with a much easier colour!
I hear your pain.
I made the mistake of picking white as one of the primary colours of my Eldar host. I naively thought, that I'd just hit 'em with a coat of white primer and a lick of white paint and away it'd go. Today I'm a wiser, more embittered, man.
Starting a new army when I still have 3 or 4 still to be completed. Damn you addictive plastic crack!
January 1st, 2008 I resolved to finish the existing projects before starting new ones. Completion is currently targetted for Fall 2011. On the plus side, I have six new armies. I might have blogged about it here on the B&C, but only one of them was powerarmoured.


Years ago I started my Marines with model car paint. The solvents slightly melt the plastic. Current count is a full battle company with substancial support. I still add occasional units to this force, but never will I again start an army with untested pigments.

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