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The "Never Again" Project

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PS I am poking fun at your distinction between Market Price Value and Retail Value since the latter is concrete insofar as referencing when the models were last sold, or perhaps when you last purchased them, while the former is completely subjective and open to change dependent on any number of variables and factors.



Whoah, Mr Spaceman.



a white army! im half way through and wish i went with a much easier colour!
I hear your pain.
I made the mistake of picking white as one of the primary colours of my Eldar host. I naively thought, that I'd just hit 'em with a coat of white primer and a lick of white paint and away it'd go. Today I'm a wiser, more embittered, man.



This is why my originally white marines, have become black with white helmet marines.

Cardboard/plasticard drop pod. I tried it twice. Never again.

Don't tell me that, I'm planning on building two very soon. ;)


PS I am poking fun at your distinction between Market Price Value and Retail Value since the latter is concrete insofar as referencing when the models were last sold, or perhaps when you last purchased them, while the former is completely subjective and open to change dependent on any number of variables and factors.

I couldn't tell you what the retail value of most of it was and inflation of 20 years also plays a big part in changing a model's value. Plus they're not getting any less rare. :D

  • 7 months later...

Cutting off a Thousand Son Aspiring sorcerers arm with a soldering iron... and then trying to attach that same sorcerer to the WHFB lord on disc disc... Its not the prettiest conversion ever.


Also never again trying to make a scarab defiler... I havent yet found a good carapace for him.

Using a blow torch to make a Land Raider look all Nugle like ... it ended in a big ball of fire and a very skared (and now parinoid) mother (who knew plastic was flamible?).



Mate, you win! :mellow:



Paint anything with a black/yellow colour scheme... mostly black with some yellow zone (yes, my bee-stile Tau army). Never Again (but still to finish! )

Lessee here, what will I never do again?


Use colored primers that don't color-match directly to a paint color.

Build a Defiler or any other Daemon Engine using the stock kit. Or paint a Defiler built from the stock kit.

Use the Possessed sprue for anything at all.

definetly trying to magnetize space marines. Had grand plans of being able to swap out backpacks and weapons and such... but after living in a sea of superglue and frustration, not to mention those tiny little magnets going flying all over the place, I gave up and bought one each of what I needed!

Thinking that tin snips were "much more quick, just as good" as a mini saw for cutting off a metal model's arm and shoulderpad for subsequent arm swap. Was a disaster that caved in the poor model's chest, left a horrid chunk of metal flange, and generally destroyed every detail within 3 mm of the cut. Just plain ruined the model.



Deciding that my models should go back onto that great Shelf I installed in my room a year ago Surely all the Big Earth Quakes have done their thing.... Out Drinking ground starts to move violently Get home Yay a storm raven to glue back togeather along with a couple of Razorbacks and a Land Raider aswell as a Crushed Libby Terminator and a heap of bits lost to the Warp.


Shelves Never Again.....

painting the majority of a model white. I started an army of Space marines based on Blood Angels called "White Rage". Black base coat. I wanted the armor to be solid white, and yes this was long before foundation paints. After 9 members of the first squad I promptly told everyone in my gaming club "If I EVER say I'm thinking about doing any army that would be a mostly white paint scheme, I want every member of Big Gunz D.C. to back hand me!"
I have a couple hundred pounds worth of sprues of Guard and Marines. And I just can't find the will to start again they have been shelved for couple years... Hope my paints havent dried up :P But using plasticard and sprue to make a turret was my never again moment.

Assembling a forge world kit.


Yes, I know resin requires different skills to plastic.

Yes, I know resin has little foibles different to plastic.

Yes, I know warpage is a 'normal' (well, NOT if you know what you are doing) part of resin casting.


I also know that fragile items should be packaged properly else they end up as resin jigsaws after travelling from the UK to Aus.

(ziploc bags allowed to roam free inside the box - NO VOIDfill - is not 'properly packaged').

Something that FW apparently do not.

Buying more models then I could ever hope to build and paint during the span of my time in this hobby. 1500 points finished (3 years so far)! 3500 to go (rough estimate +-1000)!! It's a much better idea to purchase items as the same rate of completion.


Never again..........

Attempting to hinge the top doors of a Rhino. Resulted in five sliced fingers (one required stitches), 3 weeks of work, and a top door that refuses to lay flat. I've never come so close to calmly and gently placing a finished model on the ground, then proceeding to stomp the living :D out of it.


Never again....


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