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Successor Chapter - Knights of the Spiral


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Hey all. New to 40k and the b&c forum. I've started a successor chapter that may or may not be fallen. I thought it would be cool if there were some loyal marines swallowed up into the warp when Caliban was destroyed who must evade the unforgiven but voraciously seek the fallen in order to redeem themselves to their former legion. Here are some models I'm working on for a color scheme. My chapter is called the Knights of the Spiral in reference to the origin of the Dark Angels from Caliban.


A devastator



Ravenwing WIP



And finally a belial conversion I'm working on. Marneus Calgar model with Cato sicarius head and lightning claws.



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Welcome to the Rock Acaeleus4. I like the name of your chapter and the colour scheme :lol: Not so sure about 'loyal' marines being sucked into the Warp with the Fallen – but it makes an interesting thematic background – sort of like Fallen Hunters on the wrong side so to speak – so stick with it :).




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I like the idea of fluff, bbbuuuut.. how about this, after caliban was destroyed, there was a Company of Marines from the Dark Angels or whatever, who were so mad at the fallen, they decided to go in after them. Their zeal got the better of them while in the Warp they had to battle daemon and Fallen brotherian alike, and at times their own battle brothers. They went in Dark Angels, but came out Knights of the Spiral!
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my opinion:


i think its an interesting concept, i think being swallowed up by the warp during the fall of caliban, they wouldn't so much be a successor chapter ( as i think the second founding happened afterwards) but probably more a group of fallen that may have come out the other end of the warp together (or met up down the line afterwards). i like the idea that they're evading the Unforgiven (as that would mean death) and are hunting the fallen (up to you whether they'll be as unforgiving as the ...unforgiven and execute all fallen they come across, or maybe let the fallen who are like them and not actually evil rally to their cause as well) in their own quest for redemption.


also being more of a pre-codex band of space marines, they're organization and resources won't be the same as actual space marine chapters. but i do like the name of the 'chapter'. i like the color scheme also, but it does feel a little off to me having been previously the pre-heresy Dark Angels all-black color scheme... but that doesn't matter too much since it works rather well, just come up with a story as to where their color scheme came from as well.

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Hey everyone, Great suggestions! I've been thinking about them all and have decided that I'd like the chapter to come off a little bit like the Consecrators with the exception that many Dark Angels companies have encountered them and mistaken them for Fallen. The founding of the Knights of the Spiral is a mystery to all except perhaps the highest ranking members of the Inner Circle. This mysterious origin has led to several rumors about the chapter's motives and allegiance. Some of these rumors include the possibility that the chapter is composed entirely of fallen Dark Angels, while others suggest a purpose more in line with the Disciples of Caliban, a new chapter founded in hopes of capturing Cypher. The Chapter's uncanny ability to materialize in warzones heavily afflicted by Warp could be an indication of their true origin but may also just be coincidence. Let me know what you guys think, and I'll get more photos posted in the coming days! Thanks!
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Hmm, a Chapter with origins shrouded in mystery. Where I heard similar concept again?... Oh, yesterday in the Liber. :tu:


... with the exception that many Dark Angels companies have encountered them and mistaken them for Fallen.

- Dark Angels have mistaken the fellow Chapter for their loathsome enemy? Really?


The founding of the Knights of the Spiral is a mystery to all except perhaps the highest ranking members of the Inner Circle.

- Yeah, except the founding of new Chapter must be sanctioned by HLoT and it's conducted by Admech.


This mysterious origin has led to several rumors about the chapter's motives and allegiance.

- My best friend, Inquisitor Burn-the-Infidel wants to know the details.


Some of these rumors include the possibility that the chapter is composed entirely of fallen Dark Angels

- The Fallen are top secret within the Unforgiven ranks. No chance for such rumour to appear.

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Haha, point taken nightrawenII. So being shrouded in mystery isn't what it's chalked up to be in 40k. And I was not aware of the strictnature of chapter creation. Also, maybe referring to my group of marines as a "chapter" isn't necessarily correct. Perhaps they are a group of defected renegades. Helpful comments although a little sarcastic. any rate my first chapter concept sounded better so I think I'll stick with that. More comments and suggestions (or corrections :) nightrawen) are welcome!
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Ok, so here are some more pictures of my work in progress guys.


RW Bike Sarg




Company Master WIP






And Finally Drop Pod WIP



Once again comments and suggestion welcome!

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I've settled on my marines background. Ok so in the novel fallen angels luther tries to use zahariel to bind demons. Zahariel secretly resists luther, and banishes the demon instead. A group of marines secretly supported zahariel and resisted the traitor. These marines, meeting under the hidden name of the knights of the spiral, in honor of their heritage as knights of the order and adherents of the spiral, allied with zahariel with plans of subterfuge. When johnson arrived and the traitors fired upon the dark angels fleet, the knights of the spiral fought to sabotage the planetary defense weapons to allow johnson to make planetfall. When the planet was split, the knights of the spiral were cast into the warp with the traitors. They settled on the moon Terralos after being expelled from the warp in the jericho reach. They have repainted their armor, green for the brothers of their chapter whom they long to return to, blue for the the earth of their new home, and they always paint their left arms silver to represent the purity of the blade which cleaves dishonor from their body. They now seek the fallen relentlessly, recruiting those like themselves and executing all others. They must evade their former brethren as they are hunted as the fallen are. From their network across caliban, only a few hundred have emerged from the warp. Due to the increase of imperial activity in the jericho reach the knights of the spiral have had to push their operations further towards the edge of the star system, placing them at the front lines of the encroaching tau fleet. Comments and suggestions are welcome!


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