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Alpha Legion WIP


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Well, I managed to finish the main parts of these 2 fellows (save the rim of the feet which I avoid until basing). At this rate I might finish em up tomorrow. Let me know what yall think and thanks for looking! :blush:



EDIT: Also @ Cpt. Tiberious and anyone else interested, I can post a turorial if you all would like in regards to painting/ modeling/ basing these guys. Just be sure and let me know! It really is quite easy. :)

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Look what came in the mail today! I had ordered some scout accessory bits from ebay, and here they are. I find they have some good pouches and extra things on them (I am especially fond of the coiled rope bits), so I ordered 4 little baggies like the one below. I have also used some IG bits (water cantines, grenades, etc.) and plan on using more varied IG bits like the drum mags on the grenade launchers and maybe even the vox backpacks to make a communication guy in each squad. And because I have 4 sprues of em', Kroot bits also sound ever so fun... what with all the nice pointy things.


Thanks for looking. The other 2 guys should be done by tonight, but if not certainly tomorrow.

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The blue on these is the best I've seen in a while. I love how subtle you've made these too. Too many Alpha Legion armies have that "chaotic" feel to them when they are the complete opposite or so I have come to imagine them with the fluff. Gotta ask what your recipe is for the blue....
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I like how you are keeping the 'Chaos' look to a minimum, it fits the Alpha legion very well


I think some subtle highlights will make your already very good models look excellent!


Great work so far

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Thanks Mr. Malevolent. The blue is actually incredibly simple. Get the model to the stage where it is all black. It's regal blue (RB) painted over the main armor plates, and shaded with badab black. Then I give it a nice subtle highlight of a mix I made of (this truely is an estimate here) about 3 parts enchanted blue, 2 parts RB, and 1 part black. I do not have UM blue, so I could not see if it would work as a highlight so I just mixed that up, and I am pretty pleased with it. If you guys would like, I can put up a stage-by-stage of my next model from priming to basing. Thanks for dealing with my idiocracy at explaining that mix because, to be honest, I basically just mixed it until it looked right to me.

EDIT: @ Cyrox: Thanks for input man! I normally would give them multiple highlights, but I feel it would betray the dark, muted fluff of the alpha legion. I am honestly tempted to make a Chosen Squad (even though it is not in my list) and give them 100% camo armour.

This is to level I normally highlight; considerably more noticeable IMO:


Thanks again!

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Camo --------> DO IT !!!!!!


Im thinking about starting a Alpha force since I read LEGION . But I thout to use the normal SM list youse scouts as "Agents" or something and make the alphas sternguard and paint them in a camo to. Its the only chapter camo woud certainly look appropiate. Keep up with them updates.


Maybye this coud interest you



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@AlanofAngels: Thanks and yes a little step by step would be superb. I'm actually going to steal this color combo for my Night Lords if that's ok with you :) . Its just the right type of darkness I want to them. And I do think just a slight highlight would look fine. Not too much though. I also want to mention that your Khârn model is awesome, I cant say it enough but its so subtle and perfect for Alpha Legion counts as.
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Thanks for the comments guys!

@Mr. Malevolent- Yeah, it would be great for you to use my color combo; I actually had the idea of the type of blue night lords had when I was envisioning what I wanted for my AL, but knocking off all the bad weather silliness on their armor :).

@Batu- Your idea sounds solid with only a small exception being that Alpha Legion hated the Ultramarines (I think they were jealous of our darker blue) and we all know who made the Codex Astartes. However, since many AL players don't tend to use anything particularly chaosy in their army (other than counts as units I suppose), I am sure you could easily do fine with C:SM.

I only have to paint these to fellas heads, shoulders, and bases, so they should be done tonight. We all shall see the true grit of my laziness...

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OK guys I finished these 2 guys, and I did it sooner than I had expected (sad, really, that this is "earlier"). They came out pretty well IMO and every time I paint one of those fleshy heads I want to give more of em to my guys. Anywho...




And #2



And I really can't resist a family photo...


Anywho, 4 more guys to go for my berserker squad. I should have pics of the next 2 ready for primin tomorrow. C&C welcome and thanks!

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If there was one chaos army I would collect it would be the Alpha Legion. Absolutely infatuated with the fluff and I love the mystery of what they are really after and how they both appear to be chaos, but at the same time not quite what you'd expect of traitors.


In any case I'm loving the work here.

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Always good to see more Alpha Legion emerging from deep cover :lol:


I like your minimalist/professional look to the AL, and the colours are very nice. :)


I've just been wondering about your visual denotion of different elements of your army; you're saying that you're going to have khorne berserkers purely as ccw/bp, and csm units with bolters? Then maybe denote chosen as camoflagued?


The reason why I ask is that from experience (probably mixed in with a little personal preference), 'counts as' units such as these normally have more to visually seperate them than you seem to be suggesting. Not that there's anything wrong with what you're doing; a whole army of nearly identical troops seems very true to the ideals set out in Legion, and would look very cool indeed. It's just, probably more from a gaming point of view, an opponent may not be able to tell the difference between a CSM squad champion with ccw/plasma pistol and a berserker with the same weapons if they were in the same melee.


You might think it doesn't matter, you might have a plan where all weapons are unique to their own squads, you might think that the ambiguity is just another fluffy way of playing Alpha Legion, but I was wondering where you stood on this issue.


Also, do you have a particular list your working to, or are you not at that stage yet?

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Thanks guys! Yeah I am tempted to get burnt grass maybe instead if snow because I don't really care for the GW snow effects and making my own baking powder mixture is to much work :).

@WarpWhisper- The list I am working to is pretty basic:


Khârn “counts as” = 165


- 10x CSM (2x MG, Champ w/ PF) w/ Rhino (Havoc Launchers) = 260

- 10x PM (2x PG, Champ w/ PF) w/ Rhino (Havoc Launchers) = 350

- 9x KB w/ Rhino (Daemonic Possession) = 244


-Chaos Predator (LC, LCS, EA) = 180

-Chaos Predator (LC, LCS, EA) = 180

-Chaos Predator (HBS, TLB, EA) = 120

TOTAL= 1,499


Pretty basic list IMO. I think my opponent should easily be able to tell the difference between the berserkers and the rest of my troops (easier than telling horms from terms). The main thing I am thinking about having to differenciate is the PM's from the regular CSM. I want to keep them all the same color, but I will have to figure something out. Next 2 berserkers should be posted (only assembled) later.

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