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I am trying to decide how a Chaos Chosen Squad should be armed in my chaos army.


The Unit is going to be 10-man, and painted as Fallen Dark Angels, with a rhino to match.


So, I am thinking 1 power fist, and max out on pairs of lightning claws, which I believe is 3. Or keeping the power fist, max out on power weapons. But I am not sure.


But I guess I need to fill you guys and gals(I know that there are a few lurking around) in on my army.


So here is what I have:


-Huron Blackheart


-Daemon Prince

-3 Lords(1 terminator, 1 power armour, and 1 on a bike)

-2 Sorcerors(1 power armour, and 1 terminator armour)


- 6 Terminators

- Dreadnought

- 10 Chosen (Mentioned above) with rhino


- 6 Squads of Chaos Marines (55 Chaos Marines altogether) and 3 Squads get a rhino.

- 2 Squads of Thousand Sons

- 37 Lesser Daemons


- 4 Chaos Bikers


- 1 Predator Annilator

- 2 Squads of 7 Havocs decked out for either anti-tank/infantry

- 1 Vindicator


All of which adds up to about 5000 points.

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Basically the chosen are going to be a buffer for a lord or Sorceror, or sometimes close range support. i.e. causing trouble on the table top


For me to be able to use 5000 points at a time, i would need to play apocalypse games more often, and they are more of a fun modeling challenge/wild card that i can use against the guys that i normally play against with.


Also, I just read to codex entry to clairify it for me, but I can take either a heavy weapon or special weapon on a single chosen marine in addition to four(4) more chosen Marines to taking one of the following:

-plasma pistol

-power weapon

-power fist

-single lightning claw

-pair of lightning claws


-plasma gun





As long as I have enough meltaguns left over from other power armoured armies, one chosen is going to have a meltagun, another is going to have a power fist.

Its just the other three that I am not positive about.


I think that 3 pairs of lightning claws would work the best, plus I love the ability to re-roll to wound, but I would have to make some claws out of left over terminator lightning claws, which I have done before and they turned out pretty good.


And I do have the Dark Angels Veteran Upgrade frame. So, I have a few Dark Angel power weapons laying around, and would help to reinforce the Fallen DA look.


So, I need some opinions on what you guys would or do for your chaos chosen.


Other other thing is did I put this in the right section of the board?

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