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Iron Gauntlet 2011

Brother Argent

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  Silver Phoenix said:
This to the person whom proceeded to epicly fail his own challenges last year. Realistic is for chumps and heretics.


Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?


I never had, or subscribed to, any challenges last year - unless trying to maintain a meaningful relationship with a woman counts?


I think you have the wrong chump :P

  Octavulg said:
You missed my clarification. I was disappointed you didn't finish, not that you decided to retool. :)

So you don't think I planned from the get-go to finish this year's one at the expense of failing last year's one? ;)



  Silver Phoenix said:
Note that all Signups are required to submit to me (in this thread) a link to their IA before the end of January or risk failing the challenges before they even start.


Also note that before the month ends people are required to post an update on their progress as stipulated in the Challenge OP. These monthly updates should be entilted "Such in suches January Update" or whatever month is is. These updates should be posted in this thread to help me keep track of them.


Thats all for now,

I've put a link to the 2011 Stonebound IA in my first post for ease of finding it. ^_^


Admittedly right now it's barely more than a badly cobbled together pile of rough ideas, but that's no different from last year. :lol:

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Silver Phoenix said:
This to the person whom proceeded to epicly fail his own challenges last year. Realistic is for chumps and heretics.


Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?


I never had, or subscribed to, any challenges last year - unless trying to maintain a meaningful relationship with a woman counts?


I think you have the wrong chump :lol:


I was refering to myself in regards to the failure of challenges. The second part was directed as you, however Mr Indecisive Juarez the Chump and/or Heretic. (That name is getting awfully long...)

  Silver Phoenix said:
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Silver Phoenix said:
This to the person whom proceeded to epicly fail his own challenges last year. Realistic is for chumps and heretics.


Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?


I never had, or subscribed to, any challenges last year - unless trying to maintain a meaningful relationship with a woman counts?


I think you have the wrong chump :teehee:


I was refering to myself in regards to the failure of challenges. The second part was directed as you, however Mr Indecisive Juarez the Chump and/or Heretic. (That name is getting awfully long...)


Ah, Miss Understanding.. We meet again! :D


Captain Juan "Indecisive" Juarez, Derailer of Threads, Master of the Pointy Stick, Victim of the Flail, Chump and Heretic

  Silver Phoenix said:

1 ? - Battle Brother Ludovic

2 3 Iron Dragons - Silver Phoenix

4 ? - Telveryon

5 Librarians of Madness - Wookiegunner

6 Emperor's Bastards - Neophyte of Slaanesh

7 Sons of Ixion - Yogi

8 Serpent Corsairs - Battle Brother Ludovic

9 Space Rats - Jiron

10 Host of Worms - notsoevil

You put me down twice Phoenix <_<



  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
  Silver Phoenix said:

1 ? - Battle Brother Ludovic

2 3 Iron Dragons - Silver Phoenix

4 ? - Telveryon

5 Librarians of Madness - Wookiegunner

6 Emperor's Bastards - Neophyte of Slaanesh

7 Sons of Ixion - Yogi

8 Serpent Corsairs - Battle Brother Ludovic

9 Space Rats - Jiron

10 Host of Worms - notsoevil

You put me down twice Phoenix ;)




In his defence he's been too busy punishing Heretics and Chumps with mockery ;)

I know I'm just getting started on the Fists of Vengeance, but I'd also like to throw my hat into the ring for a traitor force as well.


I've been playing 40k since 1990 and I've never played Chaos. Painted a few figures for fun, but never collected a Chaos force.

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
In his defence he's been too busy punishing Heretics and Chumps with mockery :P



I know I'm just getting started on the Fists of Vengeance, but I'd also like to throw my hat into the ring for a traitor force as well.

Good to see another join our ranks :tu:



  Heru Talon said:
  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:



:tu: Did I miss something?



I believe he is blushing in regards to your compliment.


Or this is another sighting of the Lesser-Spotted Mancrush?



Well, Silver Phoenix, here's my before the end of the month update: IA:Lion Warriors is complete and I'm ready for Liberites to set to it with shovels and rakes and various other implements of destruction.

The Lions of Radiance has been getting a few small updates here and there recently after getting a big overhaul earlier in the month. As always im ready to recieve bowling balls and bolter shots


On the model front I got the battleforce the to add to the group I got from the AoBR set

By the end of the month, I'll be fleshing out the Aurora Chapter Index Astartes article with a few quotables, as well as a bit more in the way of description of the Chapter's "modern" face.


A humble request is made for comments and criticism from my fellow Gauntleteers, as the IA's rarely gotten much in the way of feedback. I like to think this is because it's just such an awesomely-crafted piece of fiction, but I also like to think The Spirit is a great movie. :lol:

Yesterday - whilst at work I hasten to add ;) - I critiqued around 6 IA's, all the while subjecting mine to a small barrage of proof reading.


How many need it today? :wallbash:


IAs to be Power StickedTM:


The Pridelords


Aurora Chapter


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